Investing Habits 101

Investing Habits 101
Investing Habits book

I have been active in the stock market in some form for over 20 years. I have made money in several different ways, looking for a good fit for my personality that allowed me to accomplish my life goals. I started as a mutual fund investor and evolved into a trader of stocks and options. My trading books are an attempt to give new traders the book I wish I had when I started trading, with the lessons I have learned the hard way. My newest book Investing Habits  explains the principles I have used for more than 25 years to grow my capital, avoid most of bear markets, put off paying taxes until I retire, beat mutual fund returns, and beat buy and hold investing.

This new book is a quick and easy read that gives you ten simple steps that you can put into practice immediately, wherever you are in your investing or trading journey. You don’t have to be a trader to get the full benefits of this book. This book is written in a style to help our friends and families outside the trading world build capital slowly, steadily, and in relative safety. I incorporated some principles of trend following with entries and exits to control losses and maximize gains inside a retirement account, and help navigate bear markets and bull markets more carefully.

Good investing habits are as much psychological as they are mathematical. This is not the normal beginners investing book, where I bore you with the details of the stock market for hundreds of pages. This book is about the ten highly effective habits of long term, successful traders. These are the 10 key investing steps that you need to embrace until they become habits.

The book is available on Amazon Kindle for $2.99. –> Investing Habits


Investing Habits 101