15 Spartan Life Rules (How To Be Mentally Strong)

15 Spartan Life Rules (How To Be Mentally Strong)

In ancient Greece, the Spartans were renowned for their discipline, strength, and resilience. Their way of life, centered around the art of war, gave rise to a unique set of principles that fostered mental toughness. In today’s modern world, we can draw inspiration from these ancient warriors to develop our mental strength.

Here are 15 Spartan life rules that can help you become mentally strong:

I. The greatest shame for a Spartan was to return home alive from a lost battle. So too. Do not return from a challenge, having not given everything.

II. Only consume plain food and never eat to the point of satisfaction. This will not only bring about a leanness for battle but also foster mental fortitude.

III. Seek out intense competition. You will push yourself much harder.

IV. Every Spartan should undergo a right of passage. A physical or mental trial. Once completed, you are born again, better than ever.

V. Speed, strength, and agility are less essential than stamina, grit, endurance, and courage.

VI. Accepting death will allow you to live life courageously. It unshackles the mind from the limitations of fear, bringing forth your true potential.

VII. Do not engage in gossip, only engage in conversation that will nourish and strengthen your spirit.

VIII. Fight for a good cause, use every ounce of your being to push that cause further, and do not be afraid to defend it.

IX. Surround yourself with people who are ruthlessly devoted to becoming their greatest selves.

X. A leader does not watch on safely from the rear.

XI. Continuously introduce yourself to difficult situations where you are forced to either sink or swim. A great Spartan must have the ability to quickly adapt.

XII. Partake in structured, organized and well-respected training programs, ensuring you see them through to the finish.

XIII. Refuse to be a victim of circumstance. Learn to be self-reliant and prepared for any situation.

XIV. Find ways to implement short bursts of discomfort in your daily life. This will ensure growth and prevent you from falling into sloth.

XV. Dedicate yourself to perpetual physical training, regardless of circumstance and feelings.[1]

For a deeper dive into each principle, read on.

I. The greatest shame for a Spartan was to return home alive from a lost battle. So too, do not return from a challenge, having not given everything.

Spartans believed it was better to die in battle than return home defeated. Embrace this mindset in your own life by giving your all to every challenge you face. Whether you’re training for a marathon or working on a difficult project, commit fully to the task and never give up.

II. Only consume plain food and never eat to the point of satisfaction. This will not only bring about a leanness for battle but also foster mental fortitude.

The Spartans ate simple, healthy food and avoided overeating. Practice moderation in your diet and focus on nourishing your body with wholesome meals. This will not only improve your physical well-being but also build mental discipline.

III. Seek out intense competition. You will push yourself much harder.

Spartans thrived on competition and constantly tested their limits. Seek out challenges and competitors that force you to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Engage in activities like competitive sports, where you can learn from others and continuously improve.

IV. Every Spartan should undergo a rite of passage. A physical or mental trial. Once completed, you are born again, better than ever.

Rites of passage were crucial in Spartan society, marking the transition from one stage of life to another. Create your rite of passage by setting a demanding goal or undertaking a significant challenge. You’ll emerge more vigorous and resilient when you overcome the obstacles and achieve your goal.

V. Speed, strength, and agility are less essential than stamina, grit, endurance, and courage.

While physical attributes are essential, Spartans valued mental toughness and resilience. Cultivate these qualities within yourself by developing a solid work ethic and an unwavering determination to succeed, even in the face of adversity.

VI. Accepting death will allow you to live life courageously. It unshackles the mind from the limitations of fear, bringing forth your true potential.

Spartans accepted the inevitability of death and embraced it as a natural part of life. By confronting your mortality, you can free yourself from the paralyzing grip of fear and live a more courageous, authentic life.

VII. Do not engage in gossip, only engage in conversation that will nourish and strengthen your spirit.

Spartans placed little value on idle chatter and focused on meaningful discourse. In your own life, choose conversations that contribute positively to your growth and well-being. Surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you.

VIII. Fight for a good cause, use every ounce of your being to push that cause further, and do not be afraid to defend it.

Spartans fought fiercely for their city-state and its ideals. Find a cause you believe in and dedicate your energy to advancing it. Stand up for your principles, even when it’s difficult or unpopular.

IX. Surround yourself with people who are ruthlessly devoted to becoming their greatest selves.

The company you keep can have a profound impact on your personal development. Surround yourself with individuals who share your commitment to growth and self-improvement. These relationships will support and motivate you in your journey toward mental strength.

X. A leader does not watch on safely from the rear.

Spartan leaders led by example and fought alongside their soldiers in battle. In your own life, be a leader who actively participates and takes responsibility for your team’s success. Demonstrate your commitment to your goals and inspire others with determination and resilience.

XI. Continuously introduce yourself to difficult situations where you are forced to either sink or swim. A great Spartan must have the ability to quickly adapt.

Spartans were known for their adaptability and resourcefulness. Challenge yourself by deliberately facing tough situations that require you to think on your feet and adapt to new circumstances. This will help you develop mental flexibility and resilience in adversity.

XII. Partake in structured, organized, and well-respected training programs, ensuring you see them through to the finish.

Spartan warriors underwent rigorous training to hone their skills and prepare for battle. Commit to a structured program of self-improvement, whether it’s a fitness regimen, professional development course, or personal growth plan. Stick with it to the end, and you’ll emerge more potent and capable.

XIII. Refuse to be a victim of circumstance. Learn to be self-reliant and prepared for any situation.

Spartans were known for their independence and refusal to be victims. Cultivate self-reliance and resilience by developing the skills and mindset necessary to thrive. Take charge of your life and refuse to let external circumstances define your success.

XIV. Find ways to implement short bursts of discomfort in your daily life. This will ensure growth and prevent you from falling into sloth.

Spartans understood that regular exposure to discomfort was essential for growth. Incorporate small challenges into your daily routine to push yourself outside your comfort zone. Over time, these moments of discomfort will build mental strength and resilience.

XV. Dedicate yourself to perpetual physical training, regardless of circumstance and feelings.

Physical fitness was a central pillar of Spartan life. Commit to a consistent exercise routine, even when it’s difficult, or you’re not in the mood. Building discipline in this area will translate into mental strength in other aspects of your life.

Key Takeaways

  • Fully commit to every challenge you face
  • Practice moderation and healthy eating habits
  • Seek intense competition and push yourself
  • Create a personal rite of passage
  • Prioritize mental resilience over physical attributes
  • Accept death to live courageously
  • Engage in meaningful conversation
  • Fight for a worthy cause
  • Surround yourself with like-minded individuals
  • Lead by example
  • Embrace difficult situations and adaptability
  • Commit to structured training programs
  • Develop self-reliance and resilience
  • Implement daily discomfort for growth
  • Maintain a consistent physical training routine


The ancient Spartans offer us valuable lessons on cultivating mental strength and resilience. By embracing and incorporating their principles into our lives, we can develop the mental fortitude necessary to overcome adversity and achieve our goals. From committing fully to challenges, seeking intense competition, surrounding ourselves with supportive, growth-minded individuals, and maintaining consistent physical training, these 15 Spartan life rules provide a roadmap for developing mental strength and living a courageous, purposeful life.