How To Build Discipline

How To Build Discipline

Establishing routines and habits that align with your goals is key to leading a fulfilled life. However, cultivating the motivation and self-control necessary for disciplined behavior can be challenging. This is especially true in today’s distracting world of constant notifications and nontraditional work environments. Though developing discipline takes commitment and effort, the payoff makes it worthwhile. By incrementally establishing small, manageable habits and celebrating progress, you can train yourself to stay focused.

With the right mindset and tools, building discipline can become relatively automatic over time. This guide will explore practical strategies for defining meaningful goals, tracking improvement, learning from setbacks, and turning new behaviors into lifelong positive habits through consistency. Follow these tips to constructively develop the self-motivation required to accomplish your aims and create lasting positive change.

 How To Build Discipline

Discipline is the ability to motivate yourself to take consistent action despite fluctuating moods and emotions. Building discipline requires commitment, self-awareness, and a growth mindset. With practice over time, you can develop lifelong habits that will help you achieve your goals.

Define Your Goals

The first step is to clearly define your goals. What exactly do you want to accomplish? Get specific on the outcomes you want to achieve. Write your goals down so you have clarity. Understand why these goals matter to you on a deeper level. Connect them to your core values. Goals that are tied to meaning are much more motivating.

Start Small

Don’t try to change everything at once. That’s a recipe for failure. Pick one small habit that supports your goal and focus on that. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, start by cutting out sugary drinks. Once that habit is firmly established, you can add another small change, like going for a 15 minute walk 3 times per week. Small steps add up over time.

Build Habits

Consistency is key when building discipline. The only way to develop new habits is through repetition. Make your habit specific and attach it to an existing daily ritual. Such as meditating for 10 minutes as soon as you wake up. Habits become automatic over time. Be patient with yourself as new habits take time to stick.

Track Your Progress

Monitoring your progress provides valuable feedback. Are you moving closer to your goal or off track? Tracking keeps you accountable. Review your progress on a weekly basis. Celebrate small wins and course correct if needed. Tracking tools like apps or journals help ingrain new habits.

Reward Yourself

Positive reinforcement goes a long way. When you achieve a milestone, celebrate your win. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, like a massage or nice dinner out. Just don’t use food as a reward if your goal is weight loss. Give yourself credit for sticking to your plan. Pat yourself on the back.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Change isn’t always linear. You’ll inevitably face setbacks on your journey. Don’t harshly criticize yourself or give up when this happens. We all stumble. Reflect on what caused the setback and then get back on track. Beating yourself up leads to negative emotions that undermine motivation and discipline.

Ask For Accountability

Sharing your goals and asking someone to hold you accountable is powerful. Accountability partners help us stick to the plan. They offer support, check in on progress, and provide constructive feedback. Enlist a trusted friend or family member. Or join an accountability group focused on your goal.

Make It A Lifestyle

The ultimate aim is for new habits to become second nature. Discipline becomes easier over time as you practice self-control repeatedly. You internalize the commitment to your goals. Healthy habits end up improving all areas of your life. Approach building discipline as a lifestyle, not a short term fix.

The bottom line is that discipline is like a muscle. With consistent training over time, you can develop the strength to follow through on your goals and build lasting positive habits. Start small, focus on progress, and don’t forget to celebrate your wins. You have the power to cultivate incredible discipline if you take it step-by-step.

Developing Discipline: Jane’s Journey

Background: Jane is a 32-year-old marketing manager who has struggled with consistency and follow-through when trying to make positive changes in her life. Though she often sets goals for health, finances, and personal growth, she has difficulty sticking with new habits over time. Jane wants to develop the discipline required to accomplish her aims and stop falling into old patterns.

Pain Points:

  • Lacks motivation to follow through when goals lose their initial excitement
  • Gets distracted by notifications and finds it hard to focus with her busy, irregular work schedule
  • Tends to be too ambitious and fails when trying to change everything at once
  • Criticizes herself harshly and feels like a failure when she slips up, leading to giving up
  • Approach: Jane took an incremental approach focused on building small, manageable habits over time. She followed these strategies:
  • Wrote down her goals related to losing 15 lbs and paying off her credit card debt and connected them to values of health and financial stability
  • Started with one habit: no sugary drinks and a 10-minute morning walk before work
  • Used a tracking app to monitor consistency with the new habits and made notes about her progress
  • Joined an online accountability group of people working towards similar health goals
  • Rewarded milestones like one week of no sugary drinks with a massage
  • Accepted occasional setbacks without self-judgment and quickly resumed her new habits

Results: Jane successfully reached her early goals over five months by focusing on small, incremental habit changes. She lost 15 lbs through improved diet and exercise habits and paid off her credit card balance by cutting unnecessary spending. She is now more motivated to pursue new goals, knowing she can rely on her new discipline muscle. Jane feels proud of developing commitment and self-control.

Key Takeaways

  • Clearly identify the outcomes you want to accomplish and connect them to your values
  • Start with small, manageable habit changes before tackling bigger goals
  • Repeat new behaviors consistently to turn them into automatic habits
  • Monitor your improvement to stay on track and celebrate progress
  • Use rewards, accountability partners, and progress tracking to boost motivation
  • Don’t self-criticize when you slip up – get back on track
  • Make discipline a lifestyle by practicing self-control in all areas


In summary, cultivating discipline requires an incremental approach focused on turning small actions into habitual behaviors. Defining meaningful goals, tracking incremental progress, and learning from setbacks without self-judgment will help develop the self-control and commitment needed to accomplish your aims. With consistency and positive self-talk, new habits can become automatic over time. Discipline is like a muscle – with regular practice, you can train yourself to follow through on goals that align with your values and create lasting positive change.