6 Bad Habits That Drain Your Energy

6 Bad Habits That Drain Your Energy

Are you feeling constantly drained, tired, and unmotivated throughout your day? Your daily habits and routine likely majorly affect your energy levels. Certain common behaviors can silently sap our reserves, leaving us sluggish, unfocused, and unproductive. By identifying and eliminating energy-draining habits, you can unlock natural vitality. This article explores six lifestyle habits that frequently zap energy and tips to optimize your routines for amplified, sustainable energy. With a few mindset and behavior adjustments, you’ll be surprised how much more energized you feel to take on whatever each day brings. Learn how tuning your daily habits can help you conquer fatigue, increase productivity, and boost overall well-being.

We all want to have ample energy to get through our busy days. However, many everyday bad habits can sap our energy levels. By being aware of these energy-draining habits, we can make better lifestyle choices to keep our energy up.

1. Not Getting Enough Sleep

Not getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night is one of the fastest ways to drain your energy. When you don’t get enough sleep, it’s hard to focus, and you may constantly feel tired throughout the day. Sleep is prioritized by having a consistent bedtime routine and limiting screen time before bed. The investment in rest will pay off with improved daily energy levels.

2. Skipping Breakfast

While it may seem skipping breakfast helps save time in the morning, going without breakfast can plummet your energy by mid-morning. Breakfast replenishes your blood sugar and kick-starts your metabolism after a night of fasting. Eat a balanced breakfast with protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs to provide lasting energy. Simple choices like Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts or oatmeal with peanut butter will get your day on the right foot.

3. Staring at Screens Before Bed Screens

Staring at phones, tablets, computers, and TVs before bed can negatively impact your sleep. The blue light emitted from screens tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime, making it harder to fall asleep. This leaves you feeling groggy and listless the next day. Turn off screens an hour before bedtime and engage in relaxing activities like reading or light yoga.

4. Not Taking Breaks During the Day

Our productivity and focus suffer without regular breaks. Working for prolonged periods without giving your mind and body a chance to recharge leads to mental fatigue. Taking just 5-10 minutes periodically to walk, stretch, or eat a snack will stimulate you mentally and physically. Use breaks to disengage from work and do something fun so you return focused and energized.

5. Eating Too Much Sugar and Processed Foods

A diet high in refined sugars, salty snacks, and processed foods can make you sluggish. These foods cause your blood sugar to spike and then crash, which saps your energy. Eating more whole, unprocessed foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, and whole grains, provides longer-lasting, cleaner-burning fuel for your body. Stay hydrated with water and limit sugary drinks like soda and juices.

6. Not Exercising Regularly

Incorporating regular exercise, even just brisk walking 3-4 times per week, makes a significant difference in energy levels. Physical activity increases blood flow and releases endorphins that make you more awake and alert. Just 30 minutes of daily movement will boost your circulation and prevent that mid-afternoon energy crash. Find creative ways to add more activity to your daily routine.

Making minor tweaks to your daily habits can boost your energy naturally. Focus on getting enough high-quality sleep, eating a nutrient-dense diet, taking activity breaks, and reducing screen time. You’ll be amazed at the difference you feel by ditching the bad habits that drain you and adopting energizing behaviors.

Improving Energy Levels: Sarah’s Story

Sarah is a 32-year-old marketing manager who struggled with fatigue, brain fog, and low motivation despite getting what she thought was adequate sleep. She shared that she had little energy for her busy work days that involved long hours at a computer screen. By early afternoon, she felt drained and relied on coffee, energy drinks, and sugary snacks to stay productive. However, the temporary boost didn’t last, and she crashed by evening, unable to focus on family time or her usual workout routine.

Upon examining Sarah’s daily habits, several energy-draining behaviors became clear:

  • Irregular sleep schedule – Sarah went to bed at different times each night and woke up to an alarm clock, getting 6-7 hours of disjointed sleep. She often stared at her phone in bed.
  • Skipping breakfast – Sarah typically rushed out the door without eating in the mornings. Her first meal was lunch around noon.
  • Sedentary workdays – Sarah sat glued to her desk for 8+ hours daily with no movement breaks.
  • Junk food reliance – Sarah ate fast food, candy, soda, and iced coffees for quick hits of sugar and caffeine throughout her workday.
  • Evening screen time – Sarah watched TV or scrolled on her iPad until bedtime, making it hard to wind down.
  • Infrequent exercise – Sarah’s busy schedule meant she skipped the gym most weeks.

After identifying these energy-sucking habits, Sarah committed to lifestyle changes:

  • Set a consistent bedtime and wake time to get 7-8 hours nightly.
  • Added breakfast every morning with protein and whole grains.
  • I began taking hourly 2-minute standing or walking breaks at work.
  • Replaced junk food with fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yogurt.
  • Limited screen time after dinner to relax and prepare for sleep.
  • Scheduled 30 minutes of exercise M-W-F mornings.

Within two weeks of making these changes, Sarah reported feeling significantly more energized throughout her days. She was more focused at work, had an easier time getting out of bed, handled stress better, and had energy for robust workouts. Sarah realized the power of optimizing daily habits for sustained energy. Her whole outlook improved by ditching energy-draining behaviors.

Key Takeaways

  • Prioritizing 7-9 hours of sleep nightly is crucial for maintaining robust energy levels throughout your day.
  • A nutritious, protein-packed breakfast prepares your body and mind for the day ahead after an overnight fast.
  • Limiting screen time in the evening allows you to wind down, relax, and fall asleep more efficiently so you wake up well-rested.
  • Taking brief activities and walking breaks periodically recharges your focus and mental acuity for improved productivity.
  • A diet centered on whole, minimally processed foods sustains your energy better than refined sugars and junk food.
  • Regular exercise, even light daily activity, enhances circulation, mood, and stamina for conquering your busiest days.


Our daily habits and routines have a profound impact on our energy levels. We can cultivate sustainable energy by making simple tweaks like getting adequate sleep, eating nutritious whole foods, taking frequent breaks, minimizing evening screen time, and exercising. Eliminating habits that deplete our reserves, like skimping sleep, skipping breakfast, and consuming excessive sugars, allows us to be more focused, productive, and energetic throughout each day. With some mindset shifts and behavior changes, you’ll be amazed at the energy boost you can experience.