7 Habits That Will Kill Your Future

7 Habits That Will Kill Your Future

Establishing positive habits and routines is crucial for achieving future success and fulfillment. However, some common detrimental behaviors can sabotage your progress and lead you down the wrong path if left unchecked. Developing intelligent money management skills, investing in self-improvement and relationships, and prioritizing your health are essential for creating a solid foundation. By avoiding destructive habits around finances, personal growth, connections, and well-being, you can set yourself up for long-term prosperity. This article will explore seven negative habits that can damage your future if you let them and tips for course-correcting by establishing more positive patterns and practices instead. Making small, consistent changes today by saving instead of overspending, furthering your education, networking, getting preventative care, and more can help safeguard your later years.

Habit 1: Not Saving Enough Money

Not regularly putting money aside into savings is one of the fastest ways to sabotage your future financial health. Savings are a safety net for unexpected expenses and give you flexibility in case of job loss or other emergencies. Please make it a habit to automatically transfer a portion of each paycheck into a savings account before you even see the money hit your checking account. Start small if needed, but work your way up to saving 10-20% of your income.

Habit 2: Living Paycheck to Paycheck

When you live paycheck to paycheck, you are trapped in a stressful cycle of barely covering your monthly expenses. This leaves you Vulnerable if an unexpected cost arises that you can’t cover with what’s left from your latest paycheck. Get proactive with budgeting and look for ways to cut discretionary spending to free up cash flow and build savings. Having a financial cushion will relieve stress and provide more options.

Habit 3: Racking Up Credit Card Debt

Carrying high credit card balances results in hefty interest payments every month. This makes it harder to get ahead financially. Create a debt payoff plan by listing your card balances from highest to lowest interest rates. Make the minimums on all but the most elevated rate card, and put any extra money towards paying that debt off more quickly. Once that’s paid off, roll that payment amount into the next highest-interest debt.

Habit 4: Not Investing in Yourself

Failing to continue learning and expanding your skills can hurt you in the long run. Look for ways to invest in yourself, whether taking courses, attending conferences, learning new tools/software, or getting certificates to expand your knowledge. Aim to improve yourself little by little each day. Being a lifelong learner makes you more valuable professionally and more resilient.

Habit 5: Not Networking and Building Relationships

Having solid connections is critical for success in most careers. Make developing your network a habit, not just when you need something. Help others when you can, and keep in touch with people even after you no longer work together. A robust network leads to more long-term opportunities, whether job prospects, projects, or beneficial partnerships.

Habit 6: Not Taking Care of Your Health

Neglecting diet, exercise, stress management, and preventative medical care can lead to future health problems that impact your quality of life and finances. Get regular checkups, screenings, and care when needed. Make self-care a priority by adopting healthy nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and mental health habits. Taking care of yourself now pays off exponentially later.

Habit 7: Having No Life Plan or Goals

Living without defined dreams, plans, or goals leaves you adrift professionally and personally. Clearly articulate your short and long-term goals, whether career, financial, family, health/fitness, hobbies, travel, or otherwise. Identify actionable steps towards those goals. Review and update your plans regularly and measure progress. Having a purpose and vision fuels motivation and helps you maximize your potential.

How Sarah Overcame Seven Harmful Habits

Sarah was unhappy with where she was in life at age 32. The credit card debt from her 20s was a heavy burden each month. She lived paycheck to paycheck without any savings as a safety net.

Sarah realized she hadn’t invested in advancing her skills and knowledge for years. Her professional network was thin, as she didn’t prioritize relationship-building.

Health-wise, Sarah wasn’t doing herself any favors either. An inactive lifestyle and fast food have led to weight gain. She avoided going to the doctor and dentist for checkups. Stress from work and life caused her frequent headaches.

Sarah understood things needed to change for her to build a solid foundation for the future. She committed to replacing several detrimental habits holding her back.

First, Sarah started tracking expenses and budgeting every month. She automated transfers from her paychecks into a savings account for the first time. Within six months, Sarah had established an emergency fund and paid off two credit cards.

Sarah also prioritized learning and career development daily. She took online classes to learn new, in-demand skills. She attended networking events and contacted former co-workers to expand her professional connections. Soon, Sarah landed a promotion at work.

Additionally, Sarah started taking better care of her health. She planned healthy meals and exercised 3-4 times per week. She scheduled annual physicals and other preventative medical appointments. Feeling less stressed and run down motivated Sarah even more.

In 18 months, Sarah transformed her finances, career, and health by exchanging seven harmful habits for positive ones. Through small but consistent daily actions, Sarah was able to create massive change in her life. She felt hopeful and excited about the future.

Sarah’s story proves that, with discipline and commitment to growth, it’s possible to overcome even decades-long detrimental patterns around money, learning, relationships, and self-care. Avoiding those harmful habits paved the way for Sarah to build the life she always wanted.

Key Takeaways

  • Consistently directing a portion of your income into savings provides financial stability and flexibility. Don’t spend everything you earn each pay period.
  • Monitoring expenses, creating a budget, and cutting unnecessary costs allow you to break the stressful paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. Live below your means.
  • Paying off high-interest credit card balances first saves money on interest payments. Create a debt elimination plan and strategy.
  • Expanding your knowledge and abilities opens up opportunities. Invest time and money regularly in courses, training, and education.
  • Cultivating connections and relationships creates a support network and possibilities. Help others and stay in touch.
  • Making self-care through nutrition, exercise, rest, and prevention saves health costs long-term. Don’t neglect your well-being.
  • Having clearly defined goals and plans provides focus and motivation. Identify your dreams and outline steps to achieve them.


Avoiding these everyday detrimental habits and developing more positive and productive practices leads to improved finances, stronger relationships, better health, and a brighter future. By making small, consistent changes in managing money, investing in yourself and others, and prioritizing your well-being, you can create a solid foundation and realize your full potential.