10 Super Easy Methods to Become Self Disciplined

10 Super Easy Methods to Become Self Disciplined

Developing self-discipline is critical for achieving goals and success in life. However, self-control is a skill that takes commitment and effort to build. When motivation runs low, it’s easy to procrastinate, get distracted, and give in to impulses that take you off course. We all face these challenges. The good news is that you can apply proven techniques to become more focused and productive, break bad habits, resist temptations, and persist through obstacles. With regular practice, self-discipline can become a positive habit that propels you forward. This post will explore ten super easy methods to help you master self-discipline and take charge of your life. These strategies offer small changes you can make to create significant shifts in your mindset, routines, and behaviors. Learn how to design your environment, manage your time, control your impulses, use accountability and positive reinforcement, and reflect on progress. With consistency, self-control becomes second nature. Use these simple but powerful steps to unleash your potential through greater self-discipline.

1. Set Clear Goals and Priorities

The first step to becoming self-disciplined is to set clear goals and define your priorities. Determine your long-term goals, break them into smaller measurable goals, and prioritize the tasks that will help you achieve them. Knowing what you want to accomplish and what’s most important focuses your efforts.

2. Break Big Tasks Down Into Smaller Ones

Don’t let big tasks overwhelm you. Break them down into smaller, more manageable subtasks that you can tackle one at a time. Completing small tasks builds momentum and motivation to keep going. Celebrate each small win.

3. Create a Routine and Stick to It

Self-discipline requires consistency. Set routines for your day or week and stick to them as much as possible. Having structure in your days makes it easier to complete tasks and stay focused without constant decision-making.

4. Eliminate Distractions When Working

Distractions are the enemy of self-discipline. When you need to focus, eliminate anything that could break your concentration – email alerts, phone notifications, background noise. Create a distraction-free environment.

5. Reward Yourself for Completing Tasks

Use rewards as positive reinforcement when you complete tasks or meet goals. The rewards don’t have to be big – a nice treat, leisure activity, or just crossing it off your to-do list. Having something to look forward to motivates you to power through.

6. Practice Self-Control and Delayed Gratification

Learn to say no to instant gratification and resist temptations in the moment. Self-discipline requires controlling impulses to gain greater rewards later. Delaying gratification takes practice but gets easier.

7. Stay Organized and Declutter Your Space

Clutter and disorganization sabotage self-discipline. Keep your physical and digital space tidy and organized. Put everything in its place so you can find what you need. An organized environment promotes focus and efficiency.

8. Maintain a Positive Attitude and Self-Talk

How you talk to yourself impacts your self-discipline. Be your cheerleader with positive self-talk and affirm who you want to become. Also, visualize yourself achieving your goals. Staying positive gives you strength.

9. Be Accountable to Others

It’s hard to stay disciplined alone. Share your goals with others and have them hold you accountable. A work partner, coach, friend, or community can motivate you to stick to your tasks when willpower weakens.

1o. Reflect on Your Progress and Learn From Mistakes

Review your progress regularly instead of dwelling on failures. Identify what worked and where you got derailed. Don’t beat yourself up over missteps. Learn from your mistakes and try a new approach. Self-discipline develops over time.

The path to self-discipline takes commitment, but these methods can help you build focus, control impulses, persist through challenges, and ultimately succeed. With regular practice, self-disciplined behaviors become habits that propel you forward. Stay positive on your journey!

Case Study: How Ron Developed Greater Self-Discipline

Ron’s Challenges

Ron was a 25-year-old office worker who struggled with self-discipline in his daily life. He had big dreams he wanted to pursue in his free time – writing a novel, learning to code, and training for a marathon. But Ron struggled to find the motivation whenever he got home after work. He would get distracted by social media, TV, video games, and going out with friends. This led to procrastination and a lack of follow-through on his goals. Ron wanted to control his time and build habits that would help him be more productive.

Implementing Self-Discipline Strategies

Ron decided to try some methods for developing more vital self-discipline. Here are some of the key strategies he implemented:

  • Set specific daily and weekly goals to hold himself accountable
  • Broke more significant projects down into smaller milestones
  • Created a routine for when he would work on his passion projects
  • Removed distractions by deleting social media apps on his phone and turning off notifications
  • Used website blocking tools to avoid wasting time surfing when working
  • Rewarded himself with treats after completing tasks
  • Found an accountability partner who would check in on his progress
  • Made to-do lists and tracked his productivity to stay on track

Seeing Results

After three months of focused effort, Ron began seeing actual results from the self-discipline strategies he was trying. He no longer wasted 2 hours mindlessly browsing his phone every night. Ron stuck to his designated work blocks for writing and coding, making steady progress. His accountability partner helped him get back on track whenever he was tempted to procrastinate. For the first time, Ron was showing self-control and persistence.

Within six months, Ron finished writing the first draft of his novel. He also launched a simple web app after learning to code. Additionally, Ron signed up for a marathon and started training each week consistently and applying small but powerful self-discipline techniques paid off in achieving Ron’s dreams.

Key Takeaways

  • Define objectives and make them a priority to stay focused
  • Separate big goals into smaller, manageable tasks
  • Build routines and stick to them daily
  • Remove anything causing distractions when working
  • Give yourself rewards for hitting milestones
  • Learn to delay gratification and control urges
  • Organize your environment and eliminate clutter
  • Use positive self-talk and visualization
  • Find an accountability partner
  • Evaluate progress regularly and learn from mistakes


In summary, developing self-discipline requires establishing clear objectives, organizing your tasks and environment, managing your time wisely, controlling your impulses through delayed gratification, using positive reinforcement and accountability, and reflecting on your progress. With commitment and consistency in applying these principles, self-control becomes a habit that drives you towards success. The journey requires persistence through setbacks, but each small win builds momentum. Stay determined in your self-improvement efforts.