Here are my thoughts on the top three stocks on my watch list. But be aware I trade a very fast time frame and could change my opinion at the open Tuesday if prices move strongly through support or resistance that changes what I think the stock is saying. I do not trade my opinions, I trade price action, I try not to have opinions but try to see what is actually happening and trade accordingly. In trading I am trying to translate the chart in my time frame not write a story based on my own personal opinions.
Our beloved Apple has been in short term down trend since the gap up after the Samsung victory. We had a very nice bounce as the stock approached the 20 day sma. It appears to me we are range bound in the $660/$680 area. For me the next two logical long buy points is at the 20 day for a bounce or at a break above the 5 day ema for a shorter term momentum play to $680. A close above $680 could be a signal we go to $700. I would tread carefully here with small positions and tight trailing stops to lock in profits.

Price Line is wedged between the 200 day above and the 5 day ema below. It has actually been in an uptrend since bottoming out at $553 after the post earnings massacre. The sweet spot to short is at an intraday rejection back below the 200 day, if it can close above the 200 day then it will lead to money managers buying back in due to so many that have the close above the 200 day as a buy point in many of their systems. This is the line in the sand between many buys and sells. I am only interested in this as a short play not really as a long trade due to it having so much over head resistance from people that are waiting to get back out at higher prices that are setting on losses after the plunge after the earnings announcement. If I was going to go long I would use Apple, Google, Mellanox, or KORS, these could really run to new highs with very little overhead pressure from past holders that lost money.