When You Feel Like Quitting (Remember Why You Started)

When You Feel Like Quitting (Remember Why You Started)

Starting a new project or journey can be exciting, but it isn’t always easy. There will be times when you want to throw in the towel and quit. I remember feeling overwhelmed and unsure if I could continue trading when I started. Remember why you began your journey during these times of doubt and frustration. In this blog post, we’ll look at the significance of having a clear purpose or goal, the benefits of sticking with it, and strategies for staying motivated when you want to give up. So, the next time you want to give up, remember why you started.

What to Focus on When You Feel Like Quitting

  • The importance of having a clear purpose or goal
  • The benefits of staying the course
  • Staying Motivated

The importance of having a clear purpose or goal

A clear purpose or goal is essential for staying on track because it provides a specific target to aim for. Staying focused and avoiding distractions is easier when you know exactly what you want to achieve. For example, if you’re trying to lose weight, setting a specific goal like “lose 10 pounds in 3 months” gives you a clear target to work toward. This specific goal can help you stay motivated because it is easier to visualize and measure your progress as you approach it. A vague goal, such as “lose weight,” on the other hand, does not provide you with a specific target to aim for, which can make it challenging to stay motivated and focused.

Setting specific and attainable goals can help you stay focused while also giving you a sense of accomplishment as you get closer to achieving them. It can be a huge motivator to keep going when you see that you’re progressing toward your goal. This is especially true if you recognize and celebrate your small victories. Setting a specific goal, such as “save $10,000 in 12 months,” and celebrating each time you reach a milestone, such as saving $2,500, can give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you motivated to keep going if you’re trying to save money.

The benefits of staying the course

A sense of accomplishment is one of the advantages of sticking with it. When you complete a project or task, even if it’s difficult or challenging, you can feel a sense of pride in what you’ve accomplished. This can be a strong motivator to keep going and face new challenges.

Personal development is another advantage of sticking with it. You develop resilience and confidence in your abilities when overcoming obstacles and persevering. This will help you face future challenges with grit and determination. For example, if you’re learning a new skill and finding it difficult at first, it may be tempting to give up. However, if you persevere and keep practicing, you will likely see progress and eventually become proficient in that skill. This process of improvement and growth can be advantageous and will prepare you to face future challenges confidently.

Quitting can be viewed as a missed opportunity to learn and grow. When you abandon a project, task, or goal you lose the chance to learn and grow from the experience. This is especially true if you are learning a new skill or attempting something for the first time. By persevering and sticking with it, you will have the opportunity to learn and improve, which can be extremely rewarding.

One of the most important advantages of sticking to your guns is that it leads to consistency. You are more likely to see long-term results when you stick with something. This is because you can build on your previous successes while learning from your mistakes. Furthermore, consistency allows you to understand better whatever you are pursuing, which can lead to even greater success in the long run.

Staying on track also contributes to character development. Pursuing something despite setbacks or difficulties necessitates perseverance and determination. These characteristics will benefit you in all aspects of your life. Overcoming obstacles can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost self-confidence.

Finally, staying on track positions you for future success. If you can persevere and see something through to completion, it will be much easier to do so again. Once you’ve established a track record of success, you’ll find it easier to persuade others (such as potential employers or investors) to trust in your abilities.

Staying Motivated

One strategy for staying motivated when you want to quit is to seek encouragement from a support system. This could include friends, family, coworkers, or a mentor. Having someone to talk to about your problems and concerns can be extremely beneficial. They can provide encouragement and support and help you see things differently. Having someone hold you accountable can also be a great motivator to keep going. For example, if you’re attempting to quit smoking and your spouse is also attempting to quit, you can encourage and support each other throughout the process.

Another way to stay motivated is to take breaks and recharge when necessary. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or burned out, it’s important to remember that it’s okay to take a break and rest. Allowing yourself time to unwind and recharge can help you return to your tasks with renewed vigor and focus. When working on a long-term project or goal, this is especially important.

Reminding yourself of your accomplishments and progress can also help you stay motivated. When you’re feeling down or unproductive, it can be beneficial to reflect on your progress. This can help you see how far you’ve come and motivate you to keep going.

Finally, changing your goals or strategy may be beneficial if you feel stuck, unproductive, or you are seeing no progress at all for a long period of time. Breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks can help you feel more accomplished and motivated to keep going. You can focus on executing your process over progress at the early stages. Moving toward your goals could simply mean following your system with discipline. Look for and celebrate any sign of incremental growth. This can assist you in remaining motivated and making progress toward your larger goal.


When things get tough, it’s natural to want to give up. But it’s critical to remember why you started and the advantages of sticking with it. Staying motivated can be aided by having a clear purpose or goal, finding a support system, and taking breaks. Remember to persevere and stay focused on your goals when you feel like quitting. Reflect on your goals and purpose daily to remember why you started in the first place.

When You Feel Like Quitting (Remember Why You Started)