3 Powerful Techniques to Increase Your IQ

3 Powerful Techniques to Increase Your IQ

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) measures cognitive abilities that play a significant role in various aspects of life, such as problem-solving, learning, and critical thinking. Contrary to popular belief, your IQ is not a fixed number. Research has shown that you can improve your cognitive skills and intelligence. This article introduces three powerful techniques to increase your IQ: brain training and cognitive exercises, mindfulness meditation, and lifelong learning and intellectual stimulation.

Technique 1: Brain Training and Cognitive Exercises

Brain training and cognitive exercises are targeted activities designed to improve mental faculties and cognitive performance. These exercises are grounded in neuroscience and aim to stimulate the brain’s growth and strengthen neural connections.

Examples of cognitive exercises include memory games, puzzles and riddles, mental math, and logic problems. Engaging in these activities regularly can lead to improved memory and concentration, enhanced problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and increased mental agility and flexibility.

To incorporate brain training into your daily routine, ensure consistency and variety in the exercises. Dedicate time to these activities and consider using apps and online resources for various challenges. Here are a few ways to incorporate this into your daily life:

  1. Sudoku puzzles: Start your day with a puzzle to enhance logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Challenge yourself with varying difficulty levels to keep your brain engaged.
  2. Crossword puzzles: Dedicate time during your lunch break or evening to solve crossword puzzles that improve your vocabulary and general knowledge while engaging your brain.
  3. Chess: Play online or against a computer to strengthen strategic thinking, pattern recognition, and decision-making abilities.
  4. Language learning: Dedicate time to learning a new language using apps like Duolingo or Rosetta Stone, which can enhance cognitive abilities, memory, and problem-solving skills.
  5. Brain Age: Play Brain Age on Nintendo devices or other platforms that offer similar games. These activities are designed to stimulate different brain areas and keep them sharp.
  6. Mental math: Incorporate mental math exercises into your daily life, such as calculating tips or converting currency in your head to enhance arithmetic skills and numerical reasoning.
  7. YouTube: Watch videos and solve the accompanying riddles or questions, which challenge your critical thinking and comprehension skills while broadening your knowledge of various subjects.
  8. Lumosity: Use the Lumosity app, which offers a variety of brain training games that target memory, attention, flexibility, speed, and problem-solving skills.
  9. Dual N-Back: Incorporate the Dual N-Back training exercise into your routine, which has been shown to improve working memory and fluid intelligence.
  10. Elevate: Utilize the Elevate app, which offers personalized brain training with games and activities focusing on communication, analytical, and mathematical skills.

Technique 2: Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a mental practice that involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. The science behind mindfulness meditation suggests it can increase cognitive performance, including IQ, by promoting neural plasticity and improving cognitive functions.

Regular mindfulness offers enhanced focus and attention, better emotional regulation, stress reduction, and improved cognitive flexibility and creativity. To practice mindfulness meditation, start with essential steps like finding a quiet space, focusing on your breath, and maintaining awareness of your thoughts and bodily sensations.

To establish a regular meditation practice, set a specific time and place for your sessions, start with short durations and gradually increase them, and combine meditation with other activities like walking or yoga. Here are some powerful ways to incorporate these skills into your daily life:

  1. Morning meditation: Begin your day with a 10-minute meditation session, focusing on your breath and setting intentions for the day ahead. Gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable.
  2. Guided meditation: Use apps like Headspace or Calm to follow guided meditation sessions, which can help you establish a routine and explore various meditation techniques.
  3. Walking meditation: Combine mindfulness with walking by focusing on each step, the sensation of your feet touching the ground, and the rhythm of your breath, providing both mental and physical benefits.
  4. Lunchtime meditation: Set aside 5-10 minutes during your lunch break for a brief meditation session, helping relieve stress and refocus your mind for the rest of the day.
  5. Yoga and meditation: Incorporate meditation into your yoga practice by dedicating 5-10 minutes of each session to mindful breathing and relaxation, integrating well-being’s physical and mental aspects.
  6. Body scan meditation: Before going to bed, practice a body scan meditation, systematically bringing attention to each part of your body, releasing the tension, and promoting relaxation for better sleep.
  7. Meditation groups: Join a local meditation group or attend online sessions to connect with like-minded individuals, helping you stay committed to your practice and benefit from group energy.
  8. Mindful commuting: Use your daily commute to meditate by focusing on your breath or practicing loving-kindness meditation, transforming an otherwise mundane activity into a conscious experience.
  9. Timer-based meditation: Use a timer to set short meditation sessions throughout the day, gradually increasing the duration as your practice deepens and ensuring consistency in your daily routine.
  10. Nature meditation: Meditate outdoors, connecting with nature by focusing on the sounds, scents, and sensations around you, combining mindfulness with the therapeutic effects of being in a natural environment.

Technique 3: Lifelong Learning and Intellectual Stimulation

Continuous learning and intellectual stimulation are essential for maintaining and improving cognitive health. Research suggests that engaging in new and challenging mental activities helps boost intelligence by stimulating the growth of new neurons and neural connections.

Promote intellectual stimulation by reading widely on diverse topics, taking online courses or attending workshops, and participating in intellectual discussions and debates. To foster a lifelong learning mindset, set personal learning goals, embrace curiosity and questioning, and dedicate time for learning and reflection. Here are ways to promote intellectual stimulation in your daily life:

  1. Book clubs: Join a local or online book club that focuses on various genres and topics, fostering discussions and debates while expanding your reading horizons.
  2. Online courses: Enroll in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on platforms like Coursera or edX, which offer a wide range of subjects taught by experts from top universities.
  3. Podcasts: Listen to educational and thought-provoking podcasts on various topics, such as science, history, philosophy, or technology, during your daily commute or workout.
  4. TED Talks: Watch TED Talks on diverse subjects to broaden your knowledge, spark curiosity, and inspire new ideas.
  5. Journaling: Dedicate time for reflective journaling, recording your thoughts, ideas, and questions on topics you’re learning about to deepen your understanding and facilitate critical thinking.
  6. Workshops and seminars: Attend local workshops, seminars, or conferences in your area of interest to learn from experts, network with like-minded individuals, and participate in discussions and debates.
  7. Documentary films: Watch films on different subjects to gain new perspectives and insights, fostering intellectual growth.
  8. Local meetups: Participate in local meetups and discussion groups focused on subjects you’re passionate about, such as philosophy, politics, or science, to engage in intellectual conversations and debates.
  9. Goal setting: Set specific learning goals for yourself, such as learning a new language, mastering a skill, or reading a certain number of books per year, and track your progress.
  10. Cultural experiences: Visit museums, art galleries, and historical sites to immerse yourself in diverse cultural experiences, expanding your knowledge and understanding of the world.


Brain training and cognitive exercises, mindfulness meditation, lifelong learning, and intellectual stimulation are powerful techniques to increase your IQ. While improving your IQ requires dedication and effort, the benefits of increased cognitive performance can profoundly impact your personal and professional success. Start implementing these techniques today and unlock your full intellectual potential.