6 Easy Steps that Almost Guarantee You’ll Get Rich

6 Easy Steps that Almost Guarantee You’ll Get Rich

If I gave you six easy steps that almost guarantee you would get rich, would you do them? Or would you doubt it was possible, make excuses, and continue on your current financial path? Well, in this blog post, I will give you the same principles that I used and most prosperous people used knowingly or naturally that can be a revelation to people stuck being broke and unable to get ahead.

I’m going to share some simple but powerful steps that have the potential to change your financial life for the better. With the right mindset and dedication, these steps can help you get rich. I’m not saying it will be easy or quick. I am saying that when executed correctly with your complete dedication and effort, it will be worth the effort, and you will achieve your financial goals eventually if you don’t quit.

Let’s dive into these six steps.

Write Goals to Quantify What You Want

Specify Your Desires

The first step in your journey is to determine your financial aspirations. This means putting them into numbers, whether you want a particular net worth, monthly cash flow, income level, or savings. Be as specific as possible to help you better visualize and focus on your objectives.

For example, if you aim to have a million dollars in net worth by the time you’re 30, write it down. This will make developing a plan easier and taking the necessary actions to achieve your goal.

Here are some specific paths with numbers to help you reach a million-dollar net worth at different ages:

  1. Start a successful business: Suppose you launch a business generating a net profit of $200,000 annually. By reinvesting the profits and maintaining this growth, you would accumulate a net worth of over a million dollars in just five years.
  2. Pursue a high-paying career: Suppose you land a job with a starting salary of $100,000 per year, with annual increases of 5%. By saving 50% of your salary and investing it with an average annual return of 7%, you could reach a net worth of over a million dollars within nine years.
  3. Invest in real estate: Assume you purchase a rental property for $250,000 with a down payment of $50,000. If the property appreciates at an average annual rate of 5% and generates a net rental income of $12,000 annually, you could achieve a million-dollar net worth in approximately 12 years. Accelerate this timeline by acquiring more properties or using creative financing strategies.
  4. Invest in the stock market: If you invest $1,000 per month in a diversified stock portfolio with an average annual return of 8%, you will accumulate a net worth of over a million dollars within 16 years. You can shorten this timeline by increasing your monthly investments or achieving higher returns.
  5. Save and invest aggressively: Assume you save 42% of your $100,000 annual salary, which amounts to $42,000 annually. By investing these savings in a portfolio that yields an average annual return of 7%, you could reach a net worth of over a million dollars in about 15 years.
  6. Develop multiple income streams: Let’s say you have a full-time job earning $60,000 per year, a side hustle generating an additional $20,000 per year, and $10,000 per year in passive income from investments. If you save and invest 50% of your total income, you could achieve a million-dollar net worth within approximately 12 years, assuming a 7% average annual return on your investments.

These specific paths demonstrate that by combining consistent saving, investing, and income generation, you can achieve a million-dollar net worth by 30. However, these examples assume steady growth and returns, which may not always happen as the models suggest due to factors like market crashes and inflation affecting living expenses. They are just guidelines to get you thinking about your specific path. Be prepared to adapt your strategy as needed and remain persistent in pursuing your financial goals.

You Must Prioritize Your Goals

The Hierarchy of Your Financial Dreams

Prioritizing your financial objectives is essential to achieving them. By ordering your goals according to their importance, you can allocate your resources effectively and avoid spreading yourself too thin.

For instance, if saving capital to start a business is more important than going on an extravagant vacation, allocate a significant portion of your budget towards saving for the business, or don’t go on the vacation. Remember your priorities and focus on what’s truly important to you.

Once you decide you aren’t willing to do what it takes to achieve your goals, then you have likely failed at that moment. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. It’s difficult enough to achieve your financial goals; if you say no to work and discipline, you will fail.

Study to Obtain Financial Literacy

Educate Yourself on Money Matters

Financial literacy is a must if you want to become wealthy. Equip yourself with knowledge of personal finance, investing, accounting, entrepreneurship, and money management. This will help you make informed decisions that will maximize your wealth-building potential.

Consider reading books, attending seminars, or taking courses on finance. You can also seek advice from successful people who have achieved the financial success you aim for. Remember, knowledge is power; in this case, it’s the power to grow wealth.

It would be best if you spoke the languages of accounting, personal finance, business, and investing to achieve financial success. Know your formulas and numbers to succeed in the language of the rich. You won’t get rich without a mind for managing profit and loss statements.

Create a Quantified Path for Creating Wealth

Design a Blueprint for Prosperity

Now that you have specific goals and the knowledge to achieve them, it’s time to create a detailed plan. This plan should include the steps you’ll take to reach your financial objectives and a timeline for each step.

For example, if you want to invest in real estate, your plan may involve saving for a down payment, researching properties, and securing financing. Ensure your plan is realistic and attainable, and don’t forget to be flexible, as life is unpredictable and may require adjustments along the way.

Define your step-by-step quantified plan and strategy for achieving your goals. Few ever do this, and that is why the majority fail. A desire is just a dream without a process.

Understand How Long Your Goal Will Take

Patience and Realistic Expectations

Wealth creation isn’t an overnight process; it takes time, patience, and persistence. When setting your financial goals, it’s essential to understand how long it will take to achieve them. This will help you stay motivated and focused on the big picture.

For example, if you’re starting from scratch and want to become a millionaire in 10 years, break down your goal into smaller, achievable milestones, such as increasing your income or saving a certain amount each year. This will help you monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments to stay on track.

Persevere Until You Reach Your Financial Goals

The Power of Persistence

The final step in your journey to wealth is perseverance. There will be obstacles and setbacks, but remaining determined and focused on your goals is crucial. Remember that consistency and discipline are the keys to long-term financial success.

If you ever feel discouraged, remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place and celebrate your small wins. Keep pushing forward; with time, your financial dreams will become a reality. Most people don’t fail at getting rich; I would say they don’t even try. The few that do try quit so quickly when they realize the work, time, and effort involved; they defeat themselves.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify and quantify your financial goals
  • Prioritize your objectives
  • Improve your financial literacy
  • Develop a detailed plan for wealth creation
  • Set realistic timelines for your goals
  • Stay persistent and disciplined


In summary, the path to wealth may not be easy, but it is within reach with determination, patience, and the right mindset. Start by clearly defining your financial goals and prioritizing them. Equip yourself with financial knowledge and create a detailed plan to achieve your objectives. Be realistic about the time it will take to reach your goals, and above all, stay persistent in your efforts. By following these six simple steps, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your desired financial success. Wealth-building is a game worth playing. The rewards are life-changing.