10 Little Life-Changing Minimalist Hacks

10 Little Life-Changing Minimalist Hacks

In the cluttered world that we live in, minimalism can seem like an elusive concept. The endless barrage of consumerism, the growing mountain of material possessions, and the ceaseless striving for more often leave us feeling overwhelmed and unsatisfied. However, there are simple, actionable steps that you can take towards a more minimalist lifestyle, which can ultimately lead to a more focused, fulfilling, and stress-free life. This blog post will present ten practical minimalist hacks that you can seamlessly incorporate into your daily routine, making minimalism less of an abstract ideal and more of an achievable reality.

1. Keep out-of-season clothes in storage

One of the simplest ways to reduce clutter in your wardrobe is to keep out-of-season clothes in storage. Doing so limits the amount of clothing available in your closet, making your daily outfit choices less overwhelming. This practice not only declutters your closet but also your mind, creating a calm, minimalist environment.

2. Use the change of season as an opportunity to declutter

Just as nature sheds its leaves during autumn, you can use the changing seasons as a natural point to declutter. This regular ritual can help you review your possessions, allowing you to remove items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy.

3. Use gateway storage

Gateway storage is a convenient, yet overlooked method of organizing. This concept involves placing items in a storage area near where you’ll use them next. For example, keep shopping bags near the door for your next trip or gym clothes in your car for your workout after work. It simplifies your routines and minimizes wasted time searching for items.

4. Temptation bundling

This hack involves pairing an activity you enjoy with one you tend to avoid. For instance, listen to your favorite podcast while doing laundry, or watch a captivating movie while folding clothes. By bundling these activities, the less enjoyable tasks become more tolerable and manageable.

5. Have your brain learn that sometimes the same is okay

In a world that constantly pushes for novelty, remember that sometimes, repetition is beneficial. Using the same reliable items day in and day out can be practical and save you time, money, and mental energy.

6. Make daily tasks more accessible or more efficient

Consider ways you can streamline your daily tasks. This could involve meal prepping on the weekends, creating a morning routine to start your day, or even simply laying out your clothes the night before. Small changes can yield significant time-saving results.

7. When decluttering, consider what you want to keep rather than what you want to get rid of

When decluttering, focus on what you love and what truly matters to you. This shift in perspective—from what to discard to what to retain—can make the decluttering process less daunting and more empowering.

8. You can always grab something you need to move and bring it as you go through your home

As you move from room to room in your home, pick up items that belong elsewhere and relocate them. This micro-tasking approach helps to maintain an organized, clutter-free home with minimal extra effort.

9. Have a spot to place things to bring to another part of the house

Dedicate a specific spot in your home for items that must be relocated. This helps prevent piles of clutter from building up, keeping your spaces tidy and making it easier to find and move items when the time comes.

10. Reduce task switching

Multitasking can be a productivity killer. Instead, focus on one task at a time and only switch when you’ve completed it. This promotes a clear, focused mind and reduces the stress and cognitive load associated with task switching.

Decluttering with Jack

Let’s imagine the real-world scenario of Jack, a mid-level executive working in a bustling city. Jack’s lifestyle is a perfect reflection of the modern, cluttered world. His apartment is filled with rarely used items, and his wardrobe is overflowing with clothes he doesn’t wear. His hectic work schedule leaves him little time to manage his personal life, and his pursuit of more success, possessions, and experiences makes him feel perpetually overwhelmed. Jack embraces minimalism to reduce stress and achieve a more focused and fulfilling life.

  1. Keep out-of-season clothes in storage: Jack begins by sorting his wardrobe. He packs away his heavy coats, scarves, and sweaters into storage boxes and stores them under his bed, leaving only his spring and summer clothing in his closet. Suddenly, his morning routine becomes less chaotic, and his bedroom feels more serene.
  2. Use the change of season as an opportunity to declutter: With the onset of summer, Jack decides to declutter. He goes through his belongings, removing items that have outlived usefulness, such as worn-out shoes and old electronics.
  3. Use gateway storage: Jack places a basket near his front door for reusable shopping bags. He also keeps a gym bag with workout clothes in his car. These small changes streamline his routines and reduce unnecessary stress.
  4. Temptation bundling: Jack loves watching sports but despises doing laundry. He combines these activities by folding clothes while watching his favorite basketball games. This hack makes his laundry chore much more enjoyable.
  5. Have your brain learn that sometimes the same is okay: Jack wears the same professional outfit to work each day—a crisp white shirt and black trousers. This reduces decision fatigue and simplifies his morning routine.
  6. Make daily tasks more accessible or efficient: Jack starts meal prepping on Sundays, reducing the time spent cooking during the week. He also lays out his clothes the night before, making mornings less rushed.
  7. When decluttering, consider what you want to keep rather than what you want to eliminate: Jack re-evaluates his possessions, keeping only the items he loves and uses frequently. He finds this approach makes decluttering a positive and rewarding experience.
  8. You can always grab something you need to move and bring it as you go through your home: Jack develops the habit of picking up misplaced items as he moves around his apartment, keeping his living space tidy and organized.
  9. Have a spot to place things to bring to another part of the house: He dedicates a spot on his coffee table for items that need to be moved to other parts of his apartment. This prevents clutter from accumulating and makes tidying up more manageable.
  10. Reduce task switching: Jack focuses on one task at a time rather than attempting to juggle multiple tasks at once. This increases his productivity and reduces stress.

Jack’s journey toward minimalism is a transformative experience. His apartment is tidier, his routines are streamlined, and his life feels more focused and fulfilling. By incorporating these minimalist hacks into his daily routine, Jack discovers that minimalism is not about living with the bare minimum but about making space for what truly matters. These changes allow him to live more intentionally and to appreciate the simplicity and calmness brought about by his new minimalist lifestyle.


mean living with the bare minimum. Instead, it’s about creating more physical and mental space for the things that truly matter in your life. By practicing these ten minimalist hacks, you’ll begin to see that a minimalist lifestyle is not just achievable but also liberating. These strategies help declutter your environment, streamline your routines, and ultimately lead to a simpler, calmer, and more fulfilling life.

Remember, minimalism is a journey rather than a destination. It’s about making mindful, intentional decisions about what to invite into your life and what to let go of. Whether implementing one or all of these hacks, you’re already stepping towards minimalism.

In the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” May these ten little life-changing minimalist hacks guide you toward achieving your version of perfection.