Simple Hack to Read Faster with Better Comprehension

Simple Hack to Read Faster with Better Comprehension

Reading truly serves as a passport to the cosmos. It provides a unique platform to delve into different cultures, explore innovative ideas, and unravel the mysteries of the universe from the comfort of our homes. Reading becomes a remarkable journey of discovery and learning by sparking our imagination, honing our critical thinking skills, and deepening our understanding of the world. However, it is also an art that calls for practice, honing, and mastery. This blog post aims to provide comprehensive strategies and tips designed to elevate your reading skills and enhance your literary experience.

Understanding What Good Reading Looks Like

Compelling reading isn’t just a passive activity. It’s an active engagement where the reader becomes part of the narrative. This engagement involves reading the words on the page and understanding their implications and connections to broader concepts. In essence, good reading means comprehension.

Identify Your Current Reading Level

Let’s identify where we stand before we embark on our journey to better reading. Evaluating your current reading level involves three key components: speed, comprehension, and retention.

Speed assesses the pace at which you read. While faster doesn’t always mean better, an appropriate reading speed can boost efficiency. Comprehension refers to your understanding of the material. Finally, retention relates to how much material you can remember after reading.

Several online tools can help you evaluate these areas. Understanding your starting point provides a foundation to build and track your progress.

Setting Reading Goals

Goals act as the roadmap guiding your journey. When setting reading goals, adhere to the SMART acronym – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For instance, you might aim to read two non-fiction books per month (Specific, Measurable, Achievable) to broaden your knowledge base (Relevant), starting from next month (Time-bound). Regularly evaluate your progress to stay on track.

Techniques to Improve Reading Speed

Reading speed holds importance, especially in the information age. Speed reading involves several techniques:

  • Chunking means reading groups of words together instead of one by one.
  • Minimizing subvocalization involves reducing the habit of “saying” words in your head as you read.
  • Skimming and scanning entail examining the material to identify key points or information.

Remember, speed reading may result in a slight dip in comprehension, so balance speed with understanding.

Strategies to Enhance Comprehension

Comprehension serves as the heart of reading. Without it, reading becomes a mechanical process.

  • Active reading requires engagement with the text, such as highlighting, annotating, or questioning the material.
  • Note-taking reinforces the material in your mind.
  • Visualization involves creating mental images of the content.
  • Summarizing sections of the text in your own words can solidify understanding.
  • Questioning while reading can also drive comprehension and critical thinking.

Try these strategies and discover which works best for you.

Strengthening Retention and Recall

Remembering what you read allows for application and deeper analysis. Some effective techniques to enhance memory and recall include:

  • Spaced repetition involves reviewing the material at increasing intervals.
  • The Feynman Technique includes explaining the material as if teaching someone else.
  • Using mind maps helps visualize connections between ideas.
  • Reading out loud can improve recall through auditory reinforcement.

Experiment with these techniques and monitor your progress.

Choosing the Right Reading Material

Your choice of reading material can significantly influence your reading development. Select books that align with your current reading level, gradually increasing complexity as your skills improve. Diversify your reading materials to expose yourself to different styles, genres, and perspectives.

10 Tips to Incorporate Reading into Daily Life

Consistency remains critical in skill development. Make reading a part of your daily routine, even just for a few minutes. Overcoming distractions may require creating a quiet reading environment or silencing electronic devices.

  1. Establish a Routine: Set aside a specific time each day for reading. This might be in the morning with your coffee, during lunch, or before bed. Regularity helps inculcate the habit of reading.
  2. Create a Reading Space: Designate a special place in your home for reading. This could be a cozy corner, a comfortable chair, or a hammock in your garden. Make it a no-distraction zone with good lighting and your favorite books within reach.
  3. Keep Books Accessible: Always have a book within reach – in your bag, bedside table, or office desk. This way, whenever you have a few spare moments, you can dive into a book instead of scrolling through your phone.
  4. Read Digitally: If physical books aren’t your thing, use e-books and audiobooks. They can be conveniently carried on your phone or e-reader, making it easy to sneak in some reading during breaks or while commuting.
  5. Choose Books of Interest: Read what you love. This could be anything from romance to fantasy to non-fiction. You’re more likely to read consistently if you’re engaged with the content.
  6. Set Achievable Goals: Challenge yourself with a reading goal. This could be a certain number of pages or chapters per day or a specific number of books per month. Keep it realistic and achievable to stay motivated.
  7. Read Aloud to Others: If you have children, make reading a part of their bedtime routine. Not only does this foster a love of reading in them, but it also provides you with daily reading time.
  8. Join a Book Club: Book clubs provide a social element to reading. They encourage you to read regularly and offer a platform to discuss and share your thoughts about the books you read.
  9. Use Reading Apps: Numerous apps can help you incorporate reading into your daily life. Some offer daily delivery of a short story or a chapter; others provide reading challenges, book recommendations, or reading reminders.
  10. Limit Screen Time: Excessive screen time can crowd out time for reading. Try to carve out screen-free periods in your day and dedicate these times to reading instead. The reduced screen time might also improve your sleep if you read before bed.

Using Technology to Assist with Reading

In the digital age, technology can support your reading journey. E-books, audiobooks, and reading apps offer convenience and tools to improve comprehension. E-books can offer adjustable text sizes, while audiobooks allow for consumption during other activities, like commuting.


Reading skills contribute significantly to personal and professional success. Improving them requires understanding your current level, setting goals, learning techniques to boost speed, comprehension, and retention, choosing appropriate materials, integrating reading into daily life, and leveraging technology. Each step builds upon the other, creating a comprehensive strategy to enhance your reading skills.

While the journey towards better reading might seem daunting, remember that each step brings you closer to becoming a more skilled reader. Start today, stay consistent, and observe your growth.