How To Be Alone: 4 Healthy Ways

How To Be Alone: 4 Healthy Ways

Human nature has a distinct inclination towards social interaction. As social beings, we seek the company of others, deriving comfort, reassurance, and joy from our interactions. Social ties offer us a sense of belonging, helping us to define who we are within the broader context of society. However, the flip side to this narrative is the importance of solitude, a state often overlooked or misunderstood in our social-centric worldview.

Solitude, the state of being alone without feeling lonely, is essential to personal growth. It provides a break from the constant input of others’ opinions and attitudes, allowing us to look inward, understand our thoughts and emotions, and get in touch with our inner selves. Mastering the art of solitude encourages emotional self-sufficiency, an ability that boosts mental health and overall life satisfaction.

While spending time alone might initially appear challenging, especially to those who thrive in the company of others, embracing solitude can pave the way for self-discovery and personal growth. Here, we explore four healthy ways to approach and enjoy solitude, from being your best friend to dreaming of your ideal future, meditating, and chasing your dreams.

1. Be Your Own Best Friend

Often, we are our own harshest critics. We berate ourselves for our mistakes while overlooking our successes, no matter how small. One way to cultivate a healthier relationship with oneself during solitude is to learn to be your own best friend. This means treating yourself with the kindness, respect, and affection you would accord your best friend.

When you make a mistake, instead of criticizing yourself, provide the same understanding you would extend to a dear friend. Nurture positive self-talk. List your achievements, strengths, and qualities you admire about yourself. Write them down and remind yourself of them often.

Find things to do that you genuinely enjoy, something that makes you happy just for you. Whether painting, reading a book, cooking your favorite dish, gardening, or even just watching a movie, spend time doing what you love.

2. Dream of Your Ideal Future

The hustle and bustle of everyday life often leave us with little time to reflect on our future aspirations and how we can achieve them. Solitude provides an excellent opportunity to dream of your future without distractions or external influences.

What does your ideal future look like? Is it a peaceful life in the countryside? Or perhaps a bustling cityscape with a high-powered job? Do you dream of traveling the world or publishing your novel? Spend time visualizing these dreams and setting practical goals toward achieving them. Journaling is an excellent way to map out these dreams and plans. Over time, you will find that these solitary brainstorming sessions can become the driving force behind your life’s most significant decisions and accomplishments.

3. Sit in Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool that aids in cultivating mindfulness, reducing stress, and promoting a sense of inner peace. It allows us to deeply connect with our inner selves, offering insights that might remain hidden amidst the noise of external influences.

To start, choose a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. You can start by focusing on your breath or using a guided meditation from a reliable source. Start with a few minutes daily, and gradually increase your meditation time as you get more comfortable.

Remember that the goal isn’t to clear your mind entirely but to become an observer of your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Over time, you will find that meditation provides a deeper understanding of yourself, helping you manage your reactions to various situations better.

4. Chase Your Dreams

There’s something liberating about being alone because it’s a perfect time to pursue your passion without any constraints or distractions. Want to learn how to play the guitar? Go for it! Have a knack for writing poetry or stories? Pour your heart out on paper! Been dreaming about starting your own business? Now is the time to start planning!

When you spend time alone, you can discover interests and passions you never knew you had. You can explore different aspects of your personality and express yourself in unique ways.


Finding comfort in solitude requires introspection and a shift in perspective. Our society often promotes continuous interaction, making us believe that constant social engagement is the norm. This narrative can make solitude seem daunting or even harmful. However, if we learn to appreciate solitude and see it as an opportunity rather than a hurdle, we will realize its true potential.

Being alone can open doors to a deeper understanding of ourselves, helping us identify our strengths, weaknesses, desires, and fears. It gives us the space to dream, meditate, and chase our ambitions without any external distractions. It also fosters a bond with nature, cultivates self-compassion, nurtures our intellectual curiosity, and strengthens our gratitude practice. All of these elements combined can have a significant impact on our personal growth and overall happiness.

By developing a healthy relationship with solitude, we can become our best companions and more resilient and emotionally self-sufficient individuals. In this light, solitude isn’t something to fear but a skill to be honed and cherished. Let’s embrace solitude and celebrate the unique journey of self-discovery it offers, leading us to a more balanced, content, and fulfilled life.