Best Investments for High Inflation

Best Investments for High Inflation

High inflation can erode the purchasing power of your money and hurt your investments. To protect against the effects of inflation, it’s essential to consider assets likely to perform well in such an environment. Navigating the investment landscape during high inflation can be daunting, as the eroding purchasing power of money impacts the actual value of your investments.

Investors can protect their portfolios from inflationary pressures by strategically selecting assets likely to hold or increase in value in such an environment. This article explores various investment options, including tangible assets, precious metals, inflation-adjusted bonds, stocks, and more, offering insights into their potential benefits during rising prices. Whether you are seeking to hedge against inflation, preserve purchasing power, or achieve long-term returns, this article provides valuable information to help you make informed investment decisions. Below are some of the best investment options during high inflationary periods.

Best investments for inflation protection:

  1. Tangible Assets (Real Estate, Commodities)
  2. Precious Metals (Gold, Silver)
  3. TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities)
  4. Stocks
  5. Dividend-Paying Stocks
  6. Floating Rate Bonds
  7. Cryptocurrencies
  8. Foreign Currencies
  9. Commodity Stocks
  10. Foreign Inflation-Linked Bonds

Tangible Assets (Real Estate, Commodities)

Tangible assets like real estate and commodities tend to hold or even increase in value during inflationary periods. These tangible assets are often scarce, which can drive up their prices as the purchasing power of money decreases. Real estate investments can provide rental income and potential appreciation, while commodities like oil, metals, and agricultural products offer a store of value. Tangible goods are a hedge against inflation as you own what more and more currency is chasing, but the goods have a fixed distribution supply that can’t be easily increased.

Precious Metals (Gold, Silver)

Precious metals, especially gold, and silver, have long been considered a safe haven during inflation. These metals have a finite supply and intrinsic value that can protect against currency depreciation. Historically, precious metals have held their value or even appreciated during inflationary periods. Investors can purchase physical gold and silver or invest in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the prices of these metals. If someone held their savings in silver or gold, they would have had a fantastic hedge with their purchasing power since the US went off the gold standard in 1971 and removed silver from coinage in 1964.

TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities)

TIPS are government bonds that adjust their principal value with inflation, providing a hedge against rising prices. These bonds offer a fixed interest rate plus inflation compensation, making them suitable for investors seeking to preserve purchasing power. TIPS’s principal value rises as inflation increases, leading to higher interest payments. The US government backs TIPS.


While stock returns can be volatile during high inflation, equities have historically offered long-term returns that outpace inflation. Companies with strong brands, pricing power, and low debt are better positioned to weather inflationary pressures. Investors can diversify their stock holdings across different sectors and industries to spread risk and improve the potential for returns. Infrastructure like utilities typically benefits from higher demand and prices during inflation. Historically, stocks are an excellent long-term hedge against inflation as you have ownership equity in companies that can raise prices and manage their profit margins.

Dividend-Paying Stocks

Dividend-paying stocks offer an additional income stream that can help offset the effects of inflation. These stocks belong to established and stable companies that generate consistent profits. Dividends can provide a cushion against inflation, as they typically rise over time, helping to maintain the actual value of your investment.

Floating Rate Bonds

Floating-rate bonds offer interest payments that adjust with market interest rates. In times of high inflation, market interest rates usually rise, leading to higher interest payments for these bonds. This feature makes floating-rate bonds suitable for investors looking for income adjusting to inflation. A bond whose interest rate is adjusted periodically according to a predetermined formula; is usually linked to an interest rate index such as LIBOR.[1]


Although highly speculative and volatile, some investors view specific cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin as a store of value and a hedge against inflation. The limited supply and decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies can protect against currency depreciation. However, due to their high risk, cryptocurrencies should only be a small part of a diversified investment portfolio. Historically over the long term, Bitcoin has been a hedge against inflation for those who bought in early in its speculative cycle.

Foreign Currencies

Investing in foreign currencies of countries with lower inflation rates or more robust economic fundamentals can provide a hedge against domestic inflation. As the value of your home currency decreases, holding foreign currencies that appreciate can help preserve your purchasing power.

Commodity Stocks

Companies producing or distributing commodities often benefit from higher prices during inflationary periods. Investing in commodity stocks like oil, mining, or agricultural companies could provide inflation protection. As the prices of commodities rise, these companies typically experience increased revenue and profits.

Inflation-Linked Bonds

Some countries issue bonds linked to inflation rates, similar to TIPS in the US. These bonds provide both principal and interest payments that adjust with inflation, helping to preserve purchasing power. Inflation-linked bonds can suit investors seeking steady income that keeps up with rising prices. Inflation-linked bonds (ILBs) issued by a government are fixed-income securities whose principal value is periodically adjusted according to the inflation rate; ILBs decline in value when actual interest rates rise. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are ILBs issued by the US government, but some other countries have their version.[2]

Key Takeaways

  • Tangible Assets: Investments in physical assets like real estate, commodities, and infrastructure offer a store of value and potential appreciation during inflation.
  • Precious Metal Hedging: Gold and silver safeguard against inflation, providing intrinsic value and preserving purchasing power.
  • Inflation-Adjusted Bonds: TIPS and inflation-linked bonds are government securities that adjust their principal value with inflation, offering protection and income.
  • Equity Diversification: Stocks, particularly those of companies with pricing power and low debt, can provide long-term returns that outpace inflation.
  • Dividend Income: Dividend-paying stocks offer a steady income stream that can help mitigate the effects of inflation.
  • Interest Rate Flexibility: Floating rate bonds adjust interest payments with market rates, offering income that keeps pace with inflation.
  • Cryptocurrency Speculation: Some investors view cryptocurrencies as a speculative hedge against inflation due to their limited supply and decentralized nature.
  • Currency Diversification: Holding foreign currencies can provide a buffer against domestic inflation if those currencies appreciate.
  • Commodity Exposure: Commodity stocks can benefit from rising commodity prices during inflation, potentially offering protection and returns.
  • Inflation Compensation: Inflation-linked bonds adjust both principal and interest payments with inflation, helping to preserve purchasing power.


In an inflationary environment, safeguarding investments and preserving purchasing power is crucial. By diversifying across a range of assets, including tangible assets, precious metals, inflation-adjusted bonds, stocks, and more, you can mitigate the effects of inflation and enhance your potential for returns. It’s essential to consult with a financial professional when making investment decisions. In times of high inflation, a well-balanced and thought-out investment strategy can provide stability and financial security.

Investing during high inflation requires careful consideration of assets that can hold or increase their value in such an environment. Diversifying your investments across various asset classes can help spread risk and improve the potential for returns. It is essential to consult with a financial advisor and consider your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.