7 Habits That Make You WEAK [delete it from your life immediately]

7 Habits That Make You WEAK [delete it from your life immediately]

We all likely have certain habits or tendencies that keep us from reaching our full potential and living our desired life. These could be thought patterns, behaviors, ways of interacting with others, or coping with challenges that seem comfortable or familiar but secretly sap our strength.

Identifying and taking concrete steps to eliminate your unique weaknesses can lead to profound shifts – empowering you to stand firm in your self-worth, perseverance, integrity, and inner peace.

This article will closely examine seven everyday habits that foster weakness rather than strength. We will look at how these habits manifest and their consequences and tips on recognizing them in your own life. Finally, we share a case study of someone who turned their life around by implementing the wisdom in this piece. Read on to transform your areas of weakness into pillars of unshakable strength.

1. Overvaluing External Things

When you attach too much importance to external possessions, money, status, or people’s opinions, you become vulnerable to excessive desires and profound disappointment. Basing your worth on externals means you rely on forces outside your control for happiness and fulfillment.

Shift to finding your inner worth by connecting to your unique gifts. Release over-attachment to things that ultimately provide only momentary satisfaction. You will become much stronger and more resilient.

Example: Jane used to think designer clothes and an extravagant lifestyle would make her happy. However, once acquired, these status symbols only provided a temporary high. She learned to appreciate simpler joys and her creativity, freeing her from chasing external things.

2. Letting Others Control Your Emotions

If you allow rejections, insults, others’ opinions, or actions to impact your emotions significantly, you give away your power. You are acting weak by handing control of your inner world to external factors.

Strengthen yourself by living more from the inside out – being less swayed by what people say or do. Keep your sense of worth and equilibrium. You will be much harder to manipulate or unsettle.

Example: Mike used to get very upset if his boss criticized his work. He learned to take feedback less personally, leading to more confidence and balanced emotions.

3. Giving In to Manipulation and Threats

When you compromise your principles or boundaries due to coercion like manipulation or threats, you reveal a weakness of will and a lack of inner fortitude. Standing firm demonstrates excellent strength.

Develop your ability to say no to behaviors intended to control you. Connect to your deepest values and what you know to be correct. You will become much stronger and more self-directed.

Example: Clara’s friends often pressured her to gossip and talk unkindly about others. She found the courage to resist and stick to her ethics, valuing integrity over fitting in.

4. Quitting in the Face of Hardship

When challenges arise, perseverance and tenacity are crucial to overcoming obstacles and achieving success. Giving up easily reveals a weak ability to persist through discomfort to reach your goals.

Build your strength by demonstrating a willingness to endure temporary difficulty on your journey towards what you want. Be adaptable and committed – hardships will pass. You will build self-trust and show your mettle.

Example: To start his business, Jamal needed to cut expenses for two years dramatically. He accepted this sacrifice, knowing it would eventually enable him to reach his dream.

5. Clinging to Unhealthy Attachments

When you cling to relationships, thought patterns, behaviors or habits that are unproductive or toxic, you demonstrate an inability to release what no longer serves your growth and happiness. This stagnancy fosters weakness.

Practice mindfulness to increase awareness around unhealthy attachments. Gain strength through your willingness to let go of bad relationships, self-limiting beliefs, or addictions. This makes room for the new.

Example: Lena realized her obsessive thinking about her ex was an addiction that held her back. She found the strength to direct her mental energy towards healthier pursuits.

6. Letting Emotions Override Reason

Making important decisions primarily based on intense emotions like anger, lust, or excitement often leads to poor choices and regret. Acting from passion over wisdom shows you are easily overwhelmed by feelings.

Learn to pause and get perspective when emotions run high. Then act from a place of inner strength – your reasoned values vs. impulsive reaction. This leads to fortified judgment.

Example: When upset, Jeff used to send inflammatory emails he later regretted. He learned to breathe and reflect before responding, leading to more skillful communication.

7. Choosing Ego Over Inner Wisdom

When you are driven by ego – wanting validation, to be correct, to prove your worth, etc. – you act from weakness. Ego is attached to externals. In contrast, your inner wisdom objectively evaluates what is suitable for you.

Strengthen yourself by checking your ego and making choices aligned with your authentic values, not external validation. You will gain the firmness that comes from inner security.

Example: Vanessa used to boast about her accomplishments, wanting others’ admiration. She learned to focus less on image and express her gifts for their own sake, leading to genuine confidence.

Case Study

John recognized he often demonstrated the seven weaknesses outlined in this piece. He attached too much significance to his job title and income, letting them determine his sense of worth. He was highly sensitive to any perceived slights from colleagues and let them ruin his day. Fear of confrontation made him a pushover, often agreeing to unreasonable requests.

John also tended to give up on exercise routines after a few weeks, lacking results. He clung stubbornly to spending time with friends who often pressured him into unwise decisions. Intense infatuation in relationships led John to overlook red flags. And his ego’s need to be right hindered his ability to have open discussions without defensiveness.

Once John became aware of these habitual weaknesses, he developed the opposing strengths. He found activities he enjoyed outside of work for fulfillment. He learned to take feedback less personally. He practiced standing firm in saying no to manipulative requests. John also committed to pushing through the initial discomfort of new healthy habits.

Letting go of unhealthy attachments was challenging but ultimately freeing for John. He also found that pausing before reacting allowed him to gain perspective and respond more thoughtfully. Checking his ego’s endless desires helped him make wiser choices.

Developing these strengths profoundly improved John’s life. He became less obsessive about work, more self-assured and decisive. He enjoyed healthy boundaries in relationships. John discovered more significant serenity, empowerment, and inner freedom by learning to live with less impulse and more wisdom.


Identifying and taking steps to eliminate habits of weakness can profoundly transform your life. We all have areas we can develop – the key is bringing awareness to our unique tendencies and consciously strengthening our mental and emotional muscles. Putting the wisdom in this piece into practice will enable you to show up as your best self and live with greater fulfillment and inner might.