Fighting Decision Fatigue

Fighting Decision Fatigue

Making decisions, no matter how minor, requires mental energy. Throughout the day, our brains make countless small choices – what to eat for breakfast, what route to take to work, and whether to answer emails now or later. While each decision may seem inconsequential, the cumulative effect of making all these choices can quickly drain our mental focus.

As the afternoon rolls around, many people find themselves mentally exhausted from the many decisions made already. Continually making choices fatigues the brain’s decision-making capacity, sapping motivation and willpower. This phenomenon is known as decision fatigue.

Decision fatigue has significant detrimental impacts on our productivity and performance. Our ability to focus deteriorates when our minds are drained from an overload of choices. We become reluctant to make further decisions, sometimes avoiding them altogether. Or we fall back on habitual selections and opt for the fastest or most convenient rather than optimal. Impulse spending tends to rise when people are decision-fatigued as well.

Why it Matters

Studies have shown that as decision fatigue sets over a day, people make poorer and more impulsive choices. For example, judges were found to grant parole less often later in the day after making many verdict decisions in a row. Shoppers were more likely to reach for unnecessary impulse purchases at the end of a long shopping trip. Diets and exercise routines fall by the wayside when people lack the mental energy to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Combating decision fatigue is crucial for anyone who wants to maintain intense focus, self-control, and peak daily performance. When our willpower and discipline are already depleted by decision overload, staying motivated and making good choices becomes a challenge. Fortunately, there are many effective strategies to reduce decision fatigue and preserve mental energy where it counts most.

Batching Routine Decisions

Schedule set times each day to power through minor routine decisions simultaneously. For example, check emails for 30 minutes when you arrive at the office, then shut off notifications until after lunch. Review your calendar once in the early afternoon to block out meetings and appointments in one batch.

Meal prep healthy lunches and dinners on Sundays so you don’t have to decide daily what’s for lunch or make an after-work stop at the grocery store. Lay out work outfits for the entire week on Sunday nights. Batching routine repeating decisions preserves your willpower for more important choices later in the day.

Creating Habits and Routines

Establishing regular habits and routines around daily tasks can dramatically reduce the number of small decisions you must make. Things like your wake-up time, morning routine, commute, lunch break, exercise schedule, and evening wind down before bed can all become habits.

Over time, daily routines require very little conscious thought or decision-making. They become automatic patterns initiated without deliberate choice. Relying on habits whenever possible preserves your mental focus for new decisions or unexpected circumstances.

Limiting Options

Having too many choices available is mentally draining. Whenever feasible, pare down your options to a more manageable amount. Set up a weekly dinner menu based on what you have on hand rather than deciding each evening. Build a streamlined capsule wardrobe with versatile mix-and-match pieces instead of a bursting closet. Use an automated robo-advisor to manage investments instead of choosing funds yourself. Eliminating extra decisions saves mental effort.

Taking Regular Breaks

Short breaks allow your mind to rest and recover from accumulated decision fatigue. Step outside for fresh air, listen to upbeat music, meditate, or do light stretches. Just 5-10 minutes of mental relaxation can recharge your focus for the next task.

Delegating When Possible

Let others choose meeting times, make plans, assign work tasks, address issues, or anything else that doesn’t require your direct input. Delegation prevents you from getting overloaded with extra minor decisions to make. Ask colleagues, friends, and family for help when needed.

Postponing Lower Priority Decisions

For routine or lower-urgency decisions, put them off until later or the next day when you’re less mentally fatigued. This reserves your willpower for more pressing or complex decisions that require fresh focus.

Staying Fueled

Hunger, dehydration, and low blood sugar sap mental focus quickly. Keep healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, and veggies at your desk. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Eat protein and complex carbs at meals to help maintain mental alertness and concentration. Refuel often.

Prioritizing Important Decisions

Rank your decisions, so you have the mental energy for high-impact choices later. Make a point to tackle pressing, essential decisions first thing when your mind is fresh. Schedule uninterrupted time to devote your full attention to large projects requiring deep thinking.

Scheduling Decision-Free Time

Give your brain a break by setting aside evenings or weekends when no decisions will be required of you. Spend this time relaxing with a good book, catching up, and Getting Adequate Sleep.

Insufficient sleep has been proven to hamper decision-making skills and self-control significantly. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, allowing at least 7-9 hours of quality rest per night. Being well-rested ensures you have the mental focus to make the best daily choices.

The Impact of Reducing Decision Fatigue

Implementing even a few of these strategies can dramatically impact your daily productivity, motivation, focus, and overall performance. Small changes aimed at reducing non-essential decisions add up quickly. Preserving your mental energy allows you to apply full brain power to the choices that truly matter.

For example, Jeff used to feel mentally exhausted by mid-afternoon, struggling to decide what project to tackle next. He started batching routine email checks and calendar reviews, created consistent morning and evening routines, set up automated finances, and delegated scheduling.

Within two weeks, the difference was undeniable. Jeff’s mind felt more apparent, and he could focus more deeply for hours. He stopped wasting time debating trivial choices and could devote his mental energy to important work priorities. Not only did Jeff become more productive, but his job satisfaction improved as well.


Reducing decision fatigue provides measurable benefits, including better focus, clearer thinking, improved motivation, higher productivity, and increased performance. Try implementing these tips over the next week and see the positive impacts first-hand. Your mind, energy levels, and sense of control will thank you.