How To Study Yourself To Achieve Great Success

How To Study Yourself To Achieve Great Success

Introspection and self-analysis are the keys to maximizing your potential and achieving lasting success. Taking the time to deeply study and understand yourself leads to greater self-awareness and intentional self-improvement. All high achievers and fulfillment-seekers prioritize understanding themselves and their core motivations. As the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates famously said, “Know thyself.” Gaining self-knowledge truly is power.

This post will cover proven tactics and techniques to objectively study and reflect upon your behaviors, mindsets, strengths, weaknesses, patterns, motivations, and triggers. Doing so provides invaluable self-insight that allows you to optimize your path to pursuing your goals and fulfillment. By observing and analyzing your inner landscape, you gain the clarity and foresight to make positive changes and improvements.

Developing a practice of regular self-examination is fundamental to your growth and success. Just as you would methodically train your body for a marathon, you must focus on training your mind through self-study. This post outlines key strategies to help you embark on this enlightening inner journey of self-discovery.

Keep a Daily Journal for Self-Reflection

Journaling daily provides a reflective record of your inner landscape. Make it a habit to write about your thoughts, reactions, emotions, and anything illuminating. The simple act of writing brings clarity.

Over time, revisiting your journal offers perspective on personal patterns, habits, and development. You gain deeper self-understanding and can course correct. Journaling is foundational to studying yourself.

For example, Amar started journaling three times per week. He discovered that Mondays triggered self-doubt, so he took action to reframe his mindset those days.

Seek Objective Feedback From Others

While personal reflection provides one perspective, you need outside input to get the whole picture. Regularly ask for candid feedback from people close to you, like friends, family members, mentors, and colleagues.

Be open and listen without judgment. Feedback offers insight into how your behaviors and skills are perceived from the outside. This helps you identify blind spots to address.

Jada makes a point to ask her manager for ongoing feedback so she can keep strengthening her collaboration and leadership skills on projects.

Study Your Habits and Daily Patterns

Take an honest look at your current habits and patterns – how do you spend your time daily and weekly? When are you most productive? Which habits move you forward versus hold you back?

Assess your social media usage, work rhythms, and daily routines. Don’t judge; observe the realities. Understanding your habits and patterns allows you to shape them more intentionally.

Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

A thorough understanding of your abilities and skill gaps is crucial for playing to your strengths while proactively improving your weaknesses.

Make a list of your strengths – things that come naturally and what you’re praised for, like creativity or connecting with people. Then, list weaknesses and skills you struggle with or avoid. Use this knowledge to guide self-improvement.

Sylvester asked colleagues to give examples of his communication strengths and weaknesses. He used this insight to work on being more concise.

Identify What Motivates You

Reflect deeply on why you want what you want in terms of your goals and dreams. How does it tie to your core motivations and values? Uncovering the visceral “why” gives you the energy and drive to do the work to get there.

For example, if you want to launch a company, is it for prestige or to positively impact people’s lives? Align your motivations with your goals.

Learn Your Triggers and Stress Responses

Take note of what situations positively energize you versus provoke adverse reactions like frustration or demotivation. How do you respond under stress? Are there specific triggers you need to manage?

Knowing your pressure points allows you to prepare or avoid those contexts mentally. Study your stress style so you can develop healthier responses.

 How Self-Study Led to Entrepreneurial Success

John was stagnating in his career but dreamed of starting his own company. He studied his motivations, habits, and skills intensely over three months.

Here is how John’s self-learning transformed his trajectory:

  • Daily journaling revealed John was most energized discussing ideas rather than specific tasks, guiding his ideal role.
  • His wife gave candid feedback that he had strategic, solid thinking but needed to improve his patience.
  • Tracking time showed 2 hours per day lost to aimless browsing. John rescheduled this time for business planning.
  • Recognizing public speaking as a weakness, John joined Toastmasters to practice.
  • John realized his core motivator was creating innovative solutions, not money. This informed his venture’s vision.
  •  Identifying stress as demotivating, John committed to daily meditation.

These insights allowed John to take targeted action, launching a very successful startup within a year.

There are many tactics to study yourself effectively:

  • Journaling for self-reflection
  • Seeking objective feedback
  • Studying your habits and patterns
  • Understanding your strengths and weaknesses
  • Identifying your core motivations
  • Learning your stress triggers


Embarking on the lifelong journey of knowing yourself is the most rewarding path you can take. The highest achievers throughout history all placed tremendous importance on self-knowledge through constant self-reflection and seeking input. The benefits are immense when you devote energy and focus to studying your inner landscape. You gain crystal clarity on your true motivations and abilities. This empowers you to take purposeful action aligned with your authentic self, values, and goals. You can optimize your behaviors, habits, skills, mindsets, and responses. You can course-correct counterproductive patterns and build on your inherent strengths. The clarity of self-understanding allows you to design the fulfilling life and success you desire intentionally. As the Greek aphorism states, “know thyself.” There is no greater mastery than self-mastery. Begin your pursuit today through journaling, soliciting feedback, and objectively tracking your habits and motivations using the techniques in this post. Commit fully to knowing yourself, and your potential is limitless. Your unique journey of discovery awaits.