10 Habits That Make You Smarter

10 Habits That Make You Smarter

For far too long, a myth has persisted that intelligence is a fixed trait – you’re either born smart or not. However, science has shown that the brain can continue developing and expanding cognitive abilities by adopting positive habits. The key is consistency. Incorporating small yet impactful changes to your daily and weekly routines can strengthen your memory, focus, reasoning, and emotional intelligence. Intelligence isn’t about genetics alone. You can become more competent and access your brain’s potential with the proper lifestyle habits.

This article will explore ten science-backed habits for boosting mental fitness. Try integrating just a couple of these brain-strengthening routines first, then steadily build momentum. Reading daily, learning new skills, exercising, quality sleep, and mindfulness meditation are habits that compound over weeks and months to take your mind to the next level. It’s always possible to expand your capabilities or acquire new talents. Your brain wants to continue growing. Unlock your innate potential by tweaking your habits and lifestyle using the tips outlined below.

1. Read Daily

Reading stimulates the brain by making you visualize concepts, empathize with characters, and follow narratives. It improves memory, vocabulary, focus, and emotional intelligence. Get into the daily habit of reading quality non-fiction books, literary fiction, or educational articles for at least 30 minutes.

*Clara makes a point to read one chapter from a personal development book every night. She’s noticed this habit has helped expand her vocabulary and knowledge.*

2. Exercise Regularly

Vigorous aerobic exercise like cardio boosts heart rate and blood circulation, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the brain to stimulate tissue growth. Exercise also spurs the release of growth factors like BDNF that facilitate neuron development. Aim for at least 150 minutes per week.

*Adam runs distance three times per week and has seen major improvements in his concentration levels since adopting this habit a few months ago.*

3. Learn a New Skill

When you push your brain to acquire new skills, you create neural pathways and networks. Try learning something outside your comfort zone, like a new language, instrument, puzzles, or any challenging skill requiring active study beyond passive listening.

*To keep her mind engaged, Julia decided to learn intermediate Spanish through an evening class 2 times per week for an hour.*

4. Engage in Thoughtful Debate

Having your viewpoints respectfully challenged helps strengthen critical thinking as you learn to articulate positions better and consider other perspectives. Seek opportunities for thoughtful debate while avoiding conflict.

*Lakshmi enjoys debating pressing societal issues as part of a Philosophy Meetup. She finds it exercises her reasoning without attacking anyone personally.*

5. Minimize Sugar Intake

Research shows excess sugar consumption impairs cognition by reducing BDNF levels and inflaming the brain’s hippocampus region responsible for memory formation. Limit sugary snacks and beverages over the long term to avoid damage.

*Reducing his soda intake to one can per week has made Andre feel sharper and more focused daily.*

6. Practice Mindfulness

Meditation strengthens the prefrontal cortex and can increase gray matter density in the hippocampus. Being mindfully present also minimizes stress, which can hamper cognitive function and memory if chronic. Set aside time for meditating daily.

*Amit uses an app to set aside 20 minutes in the morning for mindfulness meditation. He feels this habit has significantly improved his attention span and memory recall throughout the day.*

7. Get Quality Sleep

During deep sleep, your brain consolidates memories and forms new connections between neurons and different regions. Getting sufficient quality sleep helps cognition. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours per night.

*Priya made key bedroom tweaks, like limiting electronics use, keeping the room cooler, and getting blackout curtains. Now, she falls asleep and stays asleep easier, waking up far more refreshed and focused.*

8. Continuously Learn New Things

Challenge yourself to keep expanding your knowledge base throughout life. Listen to educational podcasts during your commute, take online courses in the evenings, and read varied books and articles about new subjects that pique your interest. Remaining curious fuels the mind.

*Alden uses downtime like doing household chores to listen to TED Talks and other intriguing podcasts, helping him continue acquiring interesting knowledge as he ages.*

9. Limit Alcohol Intake

Research shows alcohol can damage white matter in the brain and impair neuron connectivity while shrinking the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Limit intake to moderate levels of 1 drink per day for women and 2 for men.

*Because excessive drinking runs in her family, Erica limits herself to one glass of red wine two nights per week with a meal.*

10. Use Memory Techniques

Utilize mnemonic devices like acronyms, rhymes, visualization, chunking, connecting information to music, and repeating things aloud and in writing to aid memorization. These tactics help improve your recollection.

*Struggling with memorizing facts for quizzes, Nate began linking concepts to popular songs and acronyms, which has significantly boosted his retention.*

Case Study: Making Small Changes Adds Up

A 49-year-old marketer, Lucas wanted to enhance his mental sharpness and memory. He started integrating learning habits like reading memoirs for 30 minutes before bed, taking twice-weekly Spanish lessons, and limiting candy and alcohol.

He also did crossword puzzles on the weekends, listened to physics podcasts during workouts, and attended monthly debate meetups to flex his critical thinking skills. Over time, Lucas felt his focus, positivity, and cognitive abilities improve dramatically. His small habit changes compounded to make significant differences over months.

You have more influence over your cognitive health than you may realize. Intelligence isn’t fixed – the brain can grow and reshape itself via new neural pathways formed through solid habit change. Challenging your mind with new skills, reading, healthy nutrition, and intellectual debate are potent ways to become sharper over time. Protect your brain health through good sleep and mindfulness as well.

Start with small, manageable changes to your daily and weekly routines using the science-backed tips suggested here. Be patient and consistent. Over weeks and months, you’ll notice positive compounding effects as you tap into more of your brain’s innate potential. You can actively become smarter and access abilities you didn’t know you possessed. Expanding your mental capabilities through innovative habit change is always possible.


Boosting intelligence and brainpower is within your control. By cultivating small yet consistent positive habits, you can tap into more of your innate cognitive potential over time. The brain is malleable – integrate the science-backed tips here into your lifestyle to strengthen memory, reasoning, focus, and overall mental fitness. Be patient and use new routines for weeks and months to experience compounding benefits. You can become mentally sharper, quicker, and more creative with the proper habits. Don’t let the myth of fixed intelligence limit your capabilities. Your brain can continue growing and developing new abilities when adequately exercised. Expand your potential through purposeful, thoughtful habit change. The power to increase your intelligence is in your hands.