How to Get it All done: 10 Things That Will Change Your Life (Habits, Mindset, Self Care)

How to Get it All done: 10 Things That Will Change Your Life (Habits, Mindset, Self Care)

Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in an endless sea of tasks, appointments, errands, and responsibilities? No matter how hard you try, you can never quite get ahead. Days fly by in a blur as you frantically bounce from one thing to the next, never completing everything on your list. You reach the end of the day exhausted yet unaccomplished. There has to be a better way, right?

The good news is that you can control chaotic days with small but strategic changes and finally get everything done. Productivity and balance are possible through adjusting your habits, mindset, and self-care routines. Tiny tweaks to managing time, focusing, prioritizing tasks, and caring for yourself will completely transform your ability to accomplish all that life demands.

This article provides ten research-backed tips to help you master your days. Implement just one or two to start and build positive momentum. Be patient, but stick with these new rituals for compounded benefits. Before you know it, you’ll feel empowered, focused, balanced, and able to complete it daily. Read on to learn simple yet life-changing techniques to maximize productivity while preventing burnout. Let’s start getting stuff done!

1. Wake Up Early

One of the best ways to seize control of your day is waking up earlier. Those precious early morning hours when the world is quiet are perfect for focusing on essential tasks or self-care. Try setting your alarm 30-60 minutes earlier. Use the time for light exercise, meditation, reading, planning your day, or working on a passion project. Starting the day calmly and intentionally prevents you from immediately feeling behind.

For example, Amy woke up at 6 a.m., went for a short jog, prepared a healthy breakfast, and outlined her priorities for the day. She felt calm and focused before her kids even woke up.

2. Plan and Schedule Your Day

Take time the night before or each morning to map out your day hour-by-hour. Plot out your tasks, appointments, meetings, and errands. Scheduling prevents time from leaking away. It also ensures you’re allocating time to priorities before catching up on less crucial busy work.

Julia prefers using a large calendar to schedule her days in colorful detail. She blocks time for work, family meals, exercise classes, and doctor appointments. Now, she can see her day at a glance and ensure her time aligns with her priorities.

3. Single Task

Focus on one task at a time instead of multitasking. Turn off email, silence your phone, close browser tabs – remove anything that creates a distraction. You’ll experience greater efficiency, less stress, and higher-quality results.

When Thomas needs to concentrate on an essential presentation for work, he turns off Slack notifications, shuts down Outlook, and disables wifi on his laptop to prevent interruptions. Single-tasking boosts his focus.

4. Use Productivity Methods

Implement productivity systems like time blocking, to-do lists, or the Pomodoro technique. These methods allow you to maximize focus while preventing time-wasting. Find a solution that works for you.

Simone uses the Pomodoro method when she needs to power through tasks. She sets a timer for 25 minutes of focused work, then takes a 5-minute break. This keeps her motivated and on track.

5. Take Regular Breaks

Don’t fall into the trap of grinding without breaks. Our brains require regular rest to function optimally. Take a 5-10 minute break every 60-90 minutes. Stretch, walk outside, have a healthy snack. You’ll recharge and refocus.

Grace schedules breaks in her day. Every two hours, she sets aside 10 minutes to walk around the office, grab tea, and chat with colleagues. These micro-breaks prevent fatigue.

6. Set Priorities

Determine your most important tasks and goals. Eliminate or delegate everything else. Use methods like the Eisenhower Matrix to distinguish between urgent/essential tasks versus busy work. Focus where it counts.

Marcus uses the MIT concept to prioritize. For each task, he asks – Is this Most Important? If not, he asks Is This Improvable? If neither, he eliminates or delegates it. This leaves him to focus on what matters.

7. Delegate and Outsource

Don’t spend time on tasks others could easily handle. Distinguish between responsibilities you can do and those you can delegate or outsource. Offload non-essential tasks to save your energy for what only you can accomplish.

Now that the kids are older, Nora has outsourced house cleaning and grocery delivery. She has regained several weekly hours to focus on her consulting business and passion projects.

8. Limit Distractions

Remove anything that frequently interrupts your focus – email autofetch, excessive meetings, office drop-ins. Set boundaries with others while limiting self-distractions like social media and personal internet browsing.

Wyatt found he wasted too much time browsing news sites during work. He uses website blockers to limit access to non-essential sites during work hours. Removing the distraction keeps him focused.

9. Maintain Focus

Avoid context-switching when you need to push through and complete an important project. Mark other tasks completed for the day. Turn off notifications. Bury your head and power through without interruptions or multitasking.

When Claire needs to zone in, she designates one major work task to focus on exclusively for the day – no meetings, no email, no other projects. Those become tomorrow’s problem. This single-minded focus gets big projects completed.

10. Practice Self-Care

Don’t sacrifice sleep, healthy food, exercise, and downtime. These habits boost energy and prevent sickness and burnout, allowing you to get more done long-term. Also, build fun activities that spark joy.

After a stressful season at work, Ravi started going to bed an hour earlier, walking daily, and planning weekend hiking trips. Taking care of himself prevented fatigue and improved his mood and focus.


Implementing even a few productivity and self-care tips can lead to dramatic changes. What small step can you start today? Begin waking up earlier, planning your day, taking breaks, single-tasking, or setting priorities. Don’t try to overhaul everything at once. Allow small changes time to become habits. The more new rituals you fold in, the greater the compound effect you’ll see.

Changing lifelong routines requires patience and consistency before it clicks. But soon, you will find yourself getting more done in less time. Days will feel organized yet energizing. You’ll finally have margin in your days for what matters most: work, family, or hobbies. No more feeling behind and burnt out. Take control and make time your ally. You absolutely can get it all done with the right plan and mindset.