Japanese Minimalist: 6 Habits that help me stay minimal

Japanese Minimalist: 6 Habits that help me stay minimal

In today’s busy world, getting caught up in the rush of daily life can be all too easy. We fill our time with work, family responsibilities, and digital distractions. Yet something feels missing. Our lives become cluttered with busyness but lack meaning and fulfillment. This is where embracing minimalism can make a profound difference.

Minimalism is centered around the idea of intentional and mindful living. It means removing excess and focusing on what’s essential in your life. The goal is to declutter your home and your mind and schedule. Minimalism leads to more space, time, and energy to direct towards what matters most. Research has shown that a minimalist lifestyle can reduce anxiety and stress, improve focus and clarity, and promote greater life satisfaction.

This article will explore beginner tips for starting a minimalist lifestyle. Implementing small, sustainable changes allows you to ease into minimalism rather than get overwhelmed. Little by little, you can reshape your life and habits to align with minimalist values. This reframing brings you closer to a life of purpose and intentionality. Read on to learn simple but powerful strategies across different areas of life.

Living a More Minimalist Life

Curate Your Belongings

Possessions and living space are the first areas many think of when considering minimalism. It’s easy for our homes to become cluttered with unused items and things we don’t love. Regularly curating your belongings is essential for maintaining a minimalist mindset long-term.

Start by taking stock of what you currently own. Are there items you haven’t used in over a year? Clothes that no longer fit properly? Evaluate each item and consider if it’s functional, beautiful, or brings you joy. If not, it may be time to let it go.

A helpful approach is the “one in, one out” rule. Donate or discard anything you no longer need before bringing any new item into your home. This ensures your possessions stay capped at a reasonable level. Stick to purchasing only essentials that align with your lifestyle and values. Avoid impulse purchases that will take up valuable space.

When sorting possessions, utilize the “20/80 rule” – 20% of your belongings likely get 80% of your use. Identify these essential 20% items to keep and eliminate the rest. Store out-of-season clothes, books, hobby supplies, etc., in limited storage containers. Organizing systems like bullet journaling can also help track belongings and stay clutter-free.

Take weekly time to tidy, declutter, and deep clean your home. Regular maintenance prevents messes from building up and makes minimalism sustainable. Surrounding yourself with only cherished, valuable items creates an uplifting environment.

Example: Marie set aside Sunday mornings to declutter her closet and kitchen. She donated unused mugs, dishes, and clothes that didn’t fit her current style. Marie maintained her minimalist space by doing 5-minute tidying sessions during her weekday morning routine.

Limit Digital Distractions

Minimalism applies to your digital life, too. We often get distracted or overwhelmed by emails, notifications, and feeds. Spending excessive time mindlessly scrolling can make us feel stressed and drained.

Prune back digital clutter just like physical clutter. Unsubscribe from email newsletters you never read. Delete unused apps and social media accounts that no longer serve you. Set your devices to minimize notifications and alerts from low-priority apps.

Schedule specific times to check email and social media rather than having them on all day. Turn your phone to Do Not Disturb mode for improved focus when completing essential tasks. Set timers to limit your time on websites or apps that draw you into rabbit holes.

Adopt the mindset of a “digital minimalist” – be very intentional about how you spend your screen time. Choose technology that enriches or simplifies your life, not complicates it. Video call loved ones or take an online course to keep learning. Read e-books that make you think versus scrolling aimlessly.

If you notice your mood sinking after too much device time, that’s a sign to take a break. Spend time offline doing rejuvenating activities like walking, reading, or working on a hobby. The goal is to control your technology instead of letting it control you.

Example: James realized he spent over 4 hours scrolling various apps and websites daily. He deleted all social media from his phone so he could only check it from his laptop. James also began leaving his phone in another room when working to avoid distractions. He used his newfound time to read books that taught him new skills.

Focus on Meaningful Experiences

Living minimally isn’t just about material possessions – it also involves spending time on what matters. Be selective about how you use your newfound freedom. Discover enriching hobbies that spark creativity and joy. Spend more hours with family or friends instead of running errands and chores.

When something doesn’t align with your purpose, learn to say no. This could mean turning down social invitations when you need recharge time—or saying no to extra projects at work that would add stress. Give yourself the space to fully experience worthwhile activities instead of overwhelming your schedule.

Seek out learning opportunities to continue growing as a person. Take a class on an exciting skill or attend workshops on personal development. Read books that expand your thinking. Have meaningful conversations that enrich connections with others.

Live with intention in the present moment. Find gratitude for the everyday moments versus always looking ahead to the future. Embracing minimalism helps provide the headspace to appreciate simplicity and slow down to notice the world around you.

Example: Sandra began prioritizing time with her family after minimizing her hectic work schedule. She set aside Saturdays for day trips with her kids rather than errands. Sandra also booked a long-awaited getaway with her partner by saving on fewer impulse purchases. Clearing her schedule gave her more energy to savor quality experiences.

Case Study

Sarah realized she was burned out from a hectic job and cluttered home. She began reading minimalist books and blogs for inspiration to change her lifestyle. Sarah created cleaning and decluttering schedules to organize her living space. She unsubscribed from draining news sites and limited social media to 30 minutes daily. Sarah also joined a book club and took a French cooking class to enjoy more fulfilling leisure activities. Over time, she felt more relaxed, focused, and grateful each day. By implementing small but consistent changes, Sarah transformed her life through minimalism.


Focus on progress over perfection. You may occasionally slip back into some old habits or accumulate new clutter. When this happens, simply course correct and move forward. Remind yourself that every effort has value on your journey to purposeful living.

Consider how embracing minimalism reduces your stress and improves your well-being. Observe the positive effects simplifying different areas of life can have. Keep refining your approach based on your unique needs and experiences. There is no single right or wrong way – find a version of minimalism that resonates with you.

Above all, remind yourself that less is often more when it comes to a well-lived life. Possessions and activities are just the backdrop – your mindset and what you do with your time is what matters. Living intentionally allows you to focus on the people and passions at the heart of life. Minimalism provides space for meaning to flourish.