20 Hacks To Save Money: Frugal Living Tips

20 Hacks To Save Money: Frugal Living Tips

Saving money in today’s economy is more important than ever, yet many people struggle to budget. Small, consistent changes in daily spending habits can add up over time. This comprehensive guide provides 80 helpful tips across major spending categories like housing, transportation, food, entertainment, shopping, and more.

Read on to learn easy ways to save money on housing, transportation, food, entertainment, shopping, health, personal care, and more. With some creativity and commitment, you, too, can find hundreds of dollars in extra savings each month.

Housing Hacks

The rent or mortgage payment is often the most significant monthly expense. Use these tricks to reduce housing costs without sacrificing comfort or convenience:

1. Downsize Your Space

Consider downsizing to a smaller apartment or home if you have unused rooms. The savings on rent or mortgage payments and utilities can be significant.

2. Rent Out Extra Space

Apps like Airbnb allow you to rent extra rooms or even just your couch or parking spot to earn extra cash.

3. Negotiate Bills

Call internet, cable, and utility companies to negotiate for lower rates – threaten to cancel service if they cannot offer discounts.

4. DIY Repairs and Maintenance

YouTube tutorials can teach you to do minor plumbing, electrical, and other repairs yourself. You can also paint, assemble furniture, etc.

By getting creative with her 700 sq. ft. apartment, Sarah could comfortably rent her living room on Airbnb for $50/night. This earns her an extra $600/month, which she puts directly towards her student loan balance.

Transportation Tactics

Transportation eats up a significant chunk of many household budgets. Try these methods to get around for less:

5. Walk or Bike

For short trips under three miles, walk or bike rather than driving. This saves on gas and parking costs.

6. Use Public Transit

Take the bus, train, or subway if available in your area. Monthly passes offer significant discounts over single-ride tickets.

7. Carpool

Coordinate with co-workers, classmates, or neighbors to take turns driving and share gas expenses.

Sarah started biking at her downtown marketing firm instead of driving. She’s saving $100/month on gas and parking. Her company offers pre-tax public transit benefits, so she buys a discounted monthly train pass for longer trips.

Food Frugality

As one of the most flexible spending categories, food offers many opportunities to cut costs:

8. Meal Plan

Plan weekly meals and make one big grocery trip. This avoids grabbing expensive convenience foods on the go.

9. Eat Leftovers

Cook extra portions to eat as leftovers for lunch the next day. Freeze extra meals to reheat later when busy.

10. Generic Brands

Opt for the generic store brand on shelf-staple items like milk, pasta, sauces, spices, etc. The quality is often equal to name brands for much less.

By planning her grocery list, buying generic brands, limiting food waste, and cooking large batches to freeze extras, Sarah trimmed her average weekly food spend from $100 to $60 – saving $200 per month.

Entertaining Savings

Have fun without breaking the bank using these entertainment and vacation tricks:

11. Seek Free Activities

Look up free events like outdoor concerts, museum days, festivals, etc., in your community.

12. Suspend Subscriptions

Freeze or cancel underused subscriptions for TV, movies, music, boxes, etc. Rotate services.

13. Travel Off-Peak

Take advantage of lower airfares, room rates, and crowds by traveling off-season or mid-week.

Instead of a pricey gym membership, Sarah now takes free yoga classes in the park on weekends. She splits streaming services with a friend. Her vacations are shorter but more frequent by traveling off-peak.

Shopping Smarts

Retail therapy can wreck budgets fast. Use these tips to shop smart:

14. Buy Second-Hand

Check thrift stores, consignment shops, and Facebook Marketplace for everything from clothes to furniture.

Sarah furnished nearly her entire apartment with gently used furniture for a fraction of the retail price. She also unsubscribed from all shopping emails and gives herself a week before deciding on discretionary purchases.

15. Avoid Impulse Purchases

Give yourself a 24-hour cooling-off period to decide if you need an item.

16. Use Coupons

Search online coupon sites and retailers’ apps for promo codes to apply at checkout.

Health & Personal Savings

Looking and feeling your best doesn’t have to drain your wallet:

17. Preventative Care

Regular checkups, teeth cleanings, and screenings can head off expensive health issues down the road.

18. Make Your Own

Whip up homemade grooming and cleaning staples like soaps, lotions, laundry detergent, etc.

19. Quit Expensive Habits

Cut out habits like smoking, drinking, and gambling, which have high financial and health costs.

Sarah has saved thousands in dental work by prioritizing biannual cleanings and X-rays to prevent cavities and identify issues early. She also gave up her daily pack of cigarettes, saving her $200 monthly.

20. Bank and Invest Wisely

Choose online banks for higher interest rates on savings. Invest early and often, even in small amounts.

Sarah called all her providers to negotiate discounts – she’s now saving $60/month after getting her internet bill lowered. Essential car repair videos on YouTube have already saved her over $200 in labor costs.


As Sarah’s story proves, you don’t have to deprive yourself of living frugally – get creative and consistently cut unnecessary costs. Small daily savings in each area of your financial life add up. Start with just a handful of the 80 hacks in this guide, and you can easily save hundreds of dollars each month. What frugal living tips would you add? Which hacks will you try implementing first? Consistency is key, so focus on building long-term money-saving habits. With creativity and commitment, you can save money without sacrificing the things that matter most.