How to Self-Study Technical Things

How to Self-Study Technical Things

Self-studying technical skills and concepts can be a gratifying endeavor, allowing you to gain specialized knowledge, prepare for a career change, or pursue new interests and areas of expertise. However, comprehending complex technical subject matter can pose some unique challenges compared to traditional educational settings.

In this article, we will explore proven strategies for structuring an effective self-guided technical learning curriculum from start to finish. We will provide actionable tips on how to set goals, develop a study plan, identify resources, immerse yourself, apply knowledge, and iterate based on results. Follow these steps to ensure your self-study journey is productive, enlightening, and empowering.

Defining Your Learning Goals and Milestones

The first step when embarking on self-directed technical learning is to define your goals and expected outcomes clearly. Setting clear objectives provides much-needed direction and gives you a way to measure progress. For example, your goal could be “Learn basic front-end web development skills to build personal projects.”

Within that broader goal, define milestones that break the learning into more manageable chunks. Milestones could include “Learn HTML,” “Learn CSS,” and “Build a simple static site from scratch for my portfolio.” Pursuing incremental milestones helps prevent getting overwhelmed when self-studying extensive technical topics.

Creating an Effective Study Plan and Schedule

With goals defined, the next step is to develop a study plan and schedule. Having a consistent learning routine is critical when self-guiding your education. Set aside at least 10 hours per week for active study time. Study sessions where you entirely focus for 60-90 minutes are most effective.

Structure your plan to incorporate diverse learning activities, including reading documentation, taking online courses, watching videos, completing hands-on projects, and more. Mixing things up keeps the process engaging and caters to different learning styles. Also, schedule regular review sessions to reinforce what you have learned. Revisiting fundamentals strengthens comprehension and connections.

Finding Quality Learning Resources

Self-studying requires taking the initiative to identify educational resources on your own. While paid options like online courses exist, explore the wealth of free materials. For foundational theory and concepts, utilize official documentation, open university courseware, and YouTube channels with intro tutorials. Then, supplement with free online courses like Coursera to get hands-on. EdX, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning often have affordable paid options with certifications.

Evaluate paid resources carefully before investing to ensure they are high-quality and meet your needs. Focus on content that balances both theoretical and practical learning. Resources with hands-on exercises, coding challenges, and projects are ideal for reinforcing skills.

Immersing Yourself in the Subject Matter

When self-studying a highly technical topic, it pays to immerse yourself in the subject matter thoroughly. Consider setting a fixed period where you exclusively consume educational content related to the skill you are learning.

Outside formal study sessions, join online forums, communities, and groups related to your technical interest. Follow relevant thought leaders on blogs and social media. Interact regularly by asking questions, sharing your progress, and providing feedback to others. The conversations will yield new insights into the technology and keep you engaged.

Applying Knowledge with Practical Projects

An integral part of the self-study process is practicing applying your technical knowledge by working on concrete projects. Start with small weekend projects to build confidence and skills. Ramp up to more complex undertakings like contributing to open source as you advance.

Break projects down into smaller milestones and realistic scopes if needed. Don’t get intimidated trying to build an entire production-ready application as your first project. Focus on incrementally expanding your capabilities. Use projects to identify knowledge gaps that indicate areas for further study.

Evaluating Progress and Iterating Your Approach

Be prepared to iterate on your approach to keep advancing your skills. Go back and reinforce fundamental knowledge if you have gaps before learning advanced topics. Stay motivated by measuring progress and remembering why you started this journey. Learning technical skills takes dedication, but perseverance pays off.

Maria Learns Coding Skills to Change Careers

Maria had been working in marketing for ten years but wanted to transition into a technical role in the tech industry. She decided to take six months to self-study web development and programming fundamentals to pursue new career opportunities. Here are some highlights of Maria’s self-guided technical learning journey:

  • Defined goal to gain skills for an entry-level software engineering role within six months
  • Created milestones for “Learn HTML/CSS,” “Learn JavaScript,” “Learn Python,” and “Build portfolio site and sample apps.”
  • Built a consistent schedule studying 20 hours a week outside her full-time job
  • Took a free Harvard CS50x course supplemented with additional free coding tutorials on YouTube
  • Joined online women in coding communities to immerse herself and get feedback.
  •  Completed projects like building a personal site, simple web apps, and coding challenges
  • Applied to jobs after six months, interviewed consistently, and received a software engineer role offer!

By defining her goals clearly, sticking to a rigorous self-study plan, and applying her knowledge to projects, Maria was able to successfully transition careers into the tech field in just six months through dedicated self-guided learning.


Self-studying complex technical subjects is an advantageous way to cultivate new high-demand skills, advance your career, or pursue new interests and areas of expertise. While self-directed learning poses unique challenges, following the strategies outlined in this guide can help ensure your success. Define goals, make a schedule, utilize free resources, immerse yourself, apply skills, and iterate based on results. With perseverance and a laser focus on consistent learning, you can master new technical topics and open doors to new possibilities.