How to Keep Calm When Your Mind is Wild as Heck

How to Keep Calm When Your Mind is Wild as Heck

Does your mind ever feel out of control, racing with worry or stress? Do anxious thoughts keep you up at night as hypothetical worst-case scenarios play out? Does frustration boil over when things don’t work out how you hoped? We all deal with this madness of the mind from time to time. The torrent of racing thoughts floods us with feelings of overwhelm, eroding our peace of mind. Even worse, we often judge ourselves for our state, as if something is inherently wrong with us.

However, we can break this cycle. When our wild minds threaten to break our calm, there are effective strategies for taming turbulent thoughts to renew inner stillness. We can respond consciously rather than react by training ourselves to recognize signals from our body and mind when distress hits. Implementing research-backed techniques for quieting nerves, addressing root issues, releasing negativity, and recentering in the present moment equips us to handle anything. Read on to learn tangible tips for keeping cool, even when losing your mind. With some compassionate self-care and emotional wisdom, you can master the madness and come back to your center.

Notice When Your Mind Starts Racing

The first step to calming your mind is noticing when your thoughts start accelerating into worry or anxiety. Become attuned to the feelings in your body that accompany a racing mind. This may include a flooded surface, tense muscles, shallow breathing, or restlessness. Observe your state without judgment if you catch yourself playing out hypothetical scenarios or fixating on something negative. Awareness sets the stage for taking action.

Breathe Deeply to Calm Your Nervous System

When you sense mental overload, consciously focus on your breath to relieve stress from your body. Inhale fully and deeply, directing the air towards your belly instead of chest breathing. Then, exhale slowly while relaxing your muscles. Deep belly breaths stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, lowering cortisol and easing anxiety. Make your exhale longer than the inhale so your breath has a calming rhythm. Just a few minutes of conscious breathing can recenter your scattered thoughts.

Go for a Walk or Do Yoga to Settle Your Thoughts

Physical movement allows a constructive release if you have pent-up mental energy contributing to feeling overwhelmed. Going for a brisk walk around the block or doing 15 minutes of yoga redirects focus to your body, giving temporary relief from the treadmill of thoughts. More strenuous cardio, like running or kickboxing, also clears cortisol and stiffness in the body while quieting an agitated mind. The key is putting nervous energy into motion so it dissipates instead of building up inside.

Write Down What’s on Your Mind to Gain Clarity

Dumping all your spiraling thoughts onto paper removes them from the endless loops in your mind. The simple act of writing it out can bring objectivity. Identify core issues underlying feelings of being mentally out of control. What problems or fears connect the threads of worries? This process untangles things into understandable pieces rather than an amorphous tangle. Organizing your actual concerns on paper first diminishes their power so you can tackle them more logically.

Let Go of Judging Yourself or the Situation

When stressed or anxious, it’s common to judge yourself, others, or circumstances negatively. Statements like “I’m not handling this right” or “This shouldn’t be happening” only breed more distress. Practice radical self-acceptance – allow your experience immediately, without fighting it. Release blame that causes anger or guilt. You cannot control everything. Give yourself unconditional understanding to quiet the self-criticism driving you to spin mentally.

Be Gentle and Patient with Yourself

Overwhelm often emerges when we place rigid expectations on doing, achieving, or problem-solving – causing self-flagellation about shortcomings. Counter by treating yourself as you would a good friend – compassionately. Remind yourself this state is temporary; ups and downs are part of life. Progress happens through tiny steps. Perhaps you didn’t accomplish what you hoped for today. Show kindness to yourself, and let it steady you for the next small effort.

Focus on the Present Moment

When turmoil hits, our minds get stuck projecting negative past experiences into the future. This traps you in distress. Shift out of Imagination Land by bringing full attention to this very moment. Observe physical sensations happening right now. Actively listen to ambient sounds near you. Smell aromas currently surround you. Engage all your senses to keep focus on the now. The present is truly the only point where we exert influence. Keep anchoring mentally in the reality of today.

Do an Enjoyable Activity to Lighten Your Mood

Laughter and lightness remain the best remedies for heavy moods bogging down your mental state. Watch a funny show, play with a pet, chat with your funniest friend, and dance to upbeat music. Give yourself full permission to follow delight. Creative hobbies like painting or playing music also lift your vibration. Enjoyable activities remind your spirit that no circumstance defines you. You always have access to small pleasures to regain perspective and balance.

Talk to a Friend or Loved One for Support

We often isolate ourselves when struggling internally with difficult emotions or the bureaucracy of life. However, sharing your feelings and experiences with trusted people often empowers you. Let someone listen compassionately without judgment or even offering solutions. Feeling deeply heard by a caring person reminds you that you are never alone. They can impart an objective viewpoint that liberates you from the limitations of your perception. Reconnecting to humanity nurtures mental well-being.

Get Enough Sleep to Refresh Your Perspective

Physical and mental exhaustion dramatically diminishes the ability to cope with racing thoughts and volatile emotions. Lack of quality sleep also exacerbates anxiety. Make sleep a priority every night to reset mental clarity and restore inner peace. Unplug from screens an hour before bed. Create conditions right for drifting into deep rest with no distractions. Proper sleep gives our minds the nourishment needed to revitalize emotional reserves. You face each day happier and more even-keeled after restful downtime.

Tim’s Story: From Anxious Over Thinking to Inner Calm

Tim is a 32-year-old accountant who has struggled with anxiety and racing thoughts for many years. It began in college when his course load and finances overwhelmed him. He often laid awake running through endless “what if” scenarios about failing classes or not getting a job after graduation.

Over time, Tim’s anxious mindset became standard. Daily, he battles obsessive thoughts about mistakes at work, tense conversations with his wife, or news events spiraling out of control. This constant mental chatter leaves Tim feeling uneasy and irritable towards loved ones. He frequently copes by working late, drinking too much wine, or compulsively checking work emails at night.

Recently, though, the anxiety reached a breaking point when Tim had his first panic attack driving to an important client meeting. His heart pounded, limbs tingled, and the feeling of losing control terrified him. That night, Tim realized his overactive mind desperately needed calming before it controlled his life.

Tim began actively practicing methods to ease his angst. He noticed stressful thought loops and intervened by walking to clear his head. Deep breathing was used when difficult emotions surfaced. Writing in a journal untangled the mess in Tim’s mind. Talking openly with his wife brought a reassuring perspective.

Additionally, Tim prioritized laughter and quality time with the kids while limiting alcohol and social media. Making sleep non-negotiable allowed Tim’s fried nerves to repair. Gentleness towards himself tempered internal criticism about feeling “weak.”

Within two months of implementing these lifestyle changes, Tim noticed racing thoughts no longer dominated. He recaptured daily contentment through renewing his mind with self-care. Occasional anxiety still arises, but Tim handles it calmly rather than recoiling. He trusts his evolving resilience.

By learning techniques to still his wild mind, Tim found freedom. His overthinking no longer controls him. The peace Tim discovered remains a work in progress but now provides a refuge inside himself when external chaos strikes.

Key Takeaways

  • Be aware of when your thoughts start accelerating or fixating – this allows you to take action.
  • Use deep belly breathing to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and lower stress
  • Do physical activities like yoga, walking, or cardio to constructively channel nervous energy
  • Write down all your thoughts to unpack them, find root issues, and create more mental clarity
  • Let go of self-judgment or blaming circumstances; practice self-acceptance
  • Treat yourself gently with compassion as you would a dear friend
  • Stay present by engaging your senses rather than projecting futures based on the past
  • Inject enjoyment into your day through humor, creativity, or connection to lift your mood
  • Talk openly with trusted allies for validation and alternate perspectives
  • Prioritize sufficient sleep as essential for mental reset and renewal


When our minds start spinning out of control with anxiety, overwhelm, or incessant thinking, it sends us into fight-or-flight mode, where stress compounds. But by first recognizing when this unhealthy state arises, we can consciously shift our physiology and mental patterns from fierce to serene. We guide ourselves back to clarity, wisdom, and inner calm through breathwork, movement, expressing emotions, staying present, infusing joy, connecting with others, and restorative rest. Implementing these practices equips us with the resilience to handle turbulence, realize this too shall pass, and trust in our ability to create peace of mind.