What Are You Focusing On?

What Are You Focusing On?

Before determining where you should focus more, it’s vital to understand where your time and energy are currently concentrated. What tasks, relationships, goals, and interests demand daily mental focus? Objectively examine a week in your life. Analyze your calendar and routines to uncover all the significant areas accumulating your focus.

You may observe discrepancies between areas you think deserve more attention versus where you expend effort. For example, you likely intend to focus on improving health through proper diet and exercise. But the reality may disclose only minimal time dedicated to meal prep and workouts on busy days. Any noted mismatches warrant reflection on alignment. Also, consider the focus demanded involuntarily by situations out of your control. An unexpected life or family challenge can dominate focus for an extended period.

While disheartening, admitting the current misalignment of time and talents with goals and values is essential. This examination precipitates change, making way for improvement through better prioritization and planning. Before redirecting focus, you must assess where and how you concentrate your finite mental energies across roles and responsibilities.

Consider What’s Most Important Now

Once aware of actual focus expenditures, thoughtfully examine obligations and ambitions in this season of life to determine appropriate attention distribution moving forward. As duties and objectives evolve, recalibration must follow suit.

Catalog your varied life roles and each role’s priorities that require focus. This may span responsibilities to your family, workplace deliverables, roles within community organizations, personal growth goals, health needs, relationship cultivation, and more. Then, reflect on the relative long-term significance of these role-specific priorities. Will profoundly focusing on a particular objective still matter in five years?

Next, assess the alignment of identified priorities with your values and the unique purpose you are called to fulfill in each season of life based on your abilities and passions. Any noted gaps in alignment may spur decisions to shift focus within roles. Careful consideration also builds self-awareness of where you tend to overextend versus underextend in allocating focus across life domains. Determine what responsibilities and growth opportunities deserve more of your mental bandwidth.

Set Priorities and Alignment

With a comprehensive understanding of current focus expenditures and what matters most, identify 3-5 priority focus areas for this season worthy of concentrating time and mental energies. For example, these may include building a new business, supporting a family member through health issues, improving your relationship through better communication, writing a book, or simply getting more rest.

Then, detail any misalignment between these focus priorities and your current calendar and habits. Without strategic alignment, you will struggle to dedicate sufficient mental bandwidth to priority tasks amidst the whirlwind of each week. Explain how you intend to restructure routines, activities, and communication patterns to align with focus area goals. This reshaping may require relinquishing or reassigning duties and obligations of lower importance or saying no to additional commitments that distract from priorities. Alignment also applies to making space for self-care to avoid burnout.

Schedule Focus Time in Your Calendar

With priorities identified, strategically dedicate time for concentration by recording scheduled focus blocks on these objectives in your calendar app. Carve out the recommended minimum stretch of 60-90 minutes for deep work. Organizing signals to your brain that this block requires a concerted effort on the specified priority task – protecting it from distraction infiltration. Avoid scheduling overwhelming multi-hour chunks. Begin realistically with what you can consistently dedicate, given other obligations.

You may need to wake earlier to create focus time before responsibilities commence. Maybe you set a goal for 30 minutes on relationship communication over Wednesday morning coffee before work. Every Thursday evening could involve 90 minutes on your side of business development. Other focus area emphases can be embedded during natural transition gaps in the day. Establish suitable prompts on your phone to trigger you to productively utilize wait time pockets for priority focus while in line at the pharmacy or awaiting your doctor’s appointment.

Minimize Distractions During Focus Time

Once secured in your calendar, vigilantly defend designated focus time from encroachment by delegating urgent but less important matters to later non-focus hours. Even quick distraction checks can trigger wandering attention during protected focus blocks, so implement distraction buffers. Shut off all notifications, wear noise-canceling headphones, put a “do not disturb” sign on your home office door, and inform family beforehand when distraction-free focus time will occur.

Building increased mental muscle to resist urges to stray into email, texts, or social media will serve you well in your concentration capabilities. When you catch your thoughts drifting into anxiety loops about other responsibilities, gently redirect attention using mindfulness techniques. Remove clutter from your workspace that visually competes for attention. Do a ten-minute deep breathing, meditation, or gratitude reflection exercise before focus time commences to prime your mindset to immerse fully.

Reflect on Progress and Adjust Accordingly

At least monthly, carve out space for self-reflection on how consistently you honored scheduled focus time commitments and your progress on associated goals. Identify what impeded efficacy so appropriate adjustments can bolster success. Perhaps you failed to prepare family members for do-not-disturb time blocks adequately. Or you unsupportedly took on focus areas exceeding reasonable capacity.

Use reflection learnings to modify your approach. Extend or shorten designated focus time for the objective based on demonstrated workflow patterns. Try a new location conducive to fewer distractions. Seek accountability by sharing focus goals with a trusted mentor coach capable of keeping you on track through encouragement. Adjust notifications settings or distraction temptations in your environment. Targeting improved mindset, energy levels, time chunk parameters, or accountability connections to boost productivity will build confidence that focusing intention and effort does yield results.

You channel energies into what matters most through each evolving phase by applying strategies to optimize focus time on selected priorities aligned with your values and the seasons of life. Defend these critical focus blocks amid chaos, cultivating the discernment to align activities with current goals versus outdated ambitions or other’s expectations. Reflect often, assessing what focus areas deserve more or less bandwidth. Keep fine-tuning your ability to focus attention on chosen priorities with minimized distraction. This skill generates huge dividends over a lifetime.

Case Study: How Dani Regained Focus on Priorities

Dani felt overwhelmed and unable to focus her time and energy on accomplishing meaningful goals aligned with her values. As a working mom of two young children, she struggled to prioritize competing priorities in parenting, career, health, relationships, and personal growth. Dani observed a mismatch between how she wanted to focus her limited time and her daily realities being consumed with urgent tasks but not moving key priorities forward.

She examined her calendar and habitual routines, admitting that much of her capacity centered on logistical details related to family needs, like managing her kids’ schedules. Work projects also dominated their mental focus; even during family dinners, she spent mentally planning tomorrow’s meeting. She yearned to invest energy into building deeper connections with loved ones, taking better care of her health with routine exercise, and progress on starting her side business.

Dani recognized that without realigning focus on what matters most, she would keep over-giving time to the urgent while neglecting personal and family growth opportunities. She identified three priority areas deserving renewed attention: 1) Family time focused on meaningfully connecting with kids and spouse, 2) Health habits to lose 25 pounds, and 3) Side business launch within nine months.

Dani scheduled 90-minute Thursday evening blocks for business plan development to support this realignment and 30-minute morning workout sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She blocked her calendar for the 2nd weekend evening of each month for intentional quality time with family playing games or taking nature walks. Distraction temptations like work emails would be shut off, allowing immersive attention to connecting.

Reflecting after two months, Dani noted solid progress exercising more consistently, enjoying deeper engagement with loved ones, and completing several foundational business tasks. She minimized digital distractions to participate fully in family activities. While still falling short of weekly business milestones, Dani extended designated work blocks to 2 hours while seeking accountability from a business mentor. Dani gained hope and momentum through a renewed commitment to applying focus strategies aligned with priorities.

Key Takeaways

  • Audit where your time, energy, and attention flow to pinpoint misalignment between realities and intentions.
  • Reevaluate evolving priorities across life’s roles and responsibilities to dictate appropriate focus area adjustment.
  • Strategically design calendar-designated blocks for concentrating on 3-5 vital priorities without distraction.
  • Safeguard scheduled focus sessions by establishing boundaries and productive mindsets beforehand.
  • Reflect consistently to assess progress, modifying approaches to improve focus area productivity.
  • Commit to realigning activities and habits to funnel effort toward what matters most now.


Carefully taking stock of where you currently concentrate mental effort and deciding key focus areas deserving of attention sets the stage for intentional alignment. You can profoundly transform outcomes by calendar-blocking distraction-minimized time to immerse in chosen priorities amidst obligations. Consistently apply focusing strategies while reflecting often and modifying to bolster efficacies over the years. Invest in your ability to discern and devote energies to your evolving priorities. This builds life satisfaction through purposeful effort on what matters most in each phase.