Become Better, Stronger and Smarter (Discipline)

Become Better, Stronger and Smarter (Discipline)

Living in the modern world often feels chaotic and demanding. Distractions and temptations lurk around every corner, making it difficult for many of us to stay focused and disciplined. Yet discipline is the foundation of personal growth and achievement in nearly every area of life. By cultivating more vital self-discipline, you can become better, stronger, and more innovative in significant and subtle ways.

Significance of Discipline: Why Discipline Matters for Personal Development

Discipline enables us to take control of our impulses and actions to align them with our values and goals. Studies show that people with higher levels of self-discipline tend to enjoy better health, stronger relationships, and higher productivity and job satisfaction. Discipline allows us to pursue any endeavor in a more purposeful, consistent, and intentional way by:

With discipline as an ally, we waste less energy struggling with ourselves and can direct our efforts in more constructive directions. In this way, self-discipline is essential for personal growth and development.

Understanding the Psychology Behind Disciplined Behavior

Disciplined behavior does not arise magically in some people but eludes others. Research shows that self-discipline draws heavily on two vital psychological strengths:

Motivation: This includes the desire to achieve a specific goal and the drive to uphold core values even when tempted to stray from them. People mainly tap into intrinsic sources of motivation oriented toward personal growth and meaning but can also rely on extrinsic motivators like recognition or rewards.

 Self-Control: Also known as willpower, self-control allows people to control impulses and emotions, delay gratification, and stick to behaviors aligned with their goals and values. Self-control can function like a muscle – while limited in the short term, it can be strengthened over time through regular practice.

Both motivation and self-control are viable paths to establishing disciplined patterns of behavior. It is often most effective to cultivate them simultaneously by choosing intrinsically motivating goals while strengthening your capacity for self-regulation.

Consistency and Diligence: Hallmarks of Self-Discipline

Consistency forms the bedrock of disciplined behavior. Rarely do people display ironclad discipline every day under all circumstances. Yet even or especially when lacking inspiration or willpower, self-disciplined individuals persist diligently in keeping their commitments.

Diligence comes more easily when linking discipline to values like learning or integrity, higher-order aspirations like growth or service, or even compelling visions of your best self. Connecting with purpose fosters inner clarity and motivation that help override ephemeral moods and impulses. With diligence arising from a discovered purpose rather than just rigid self-control, consistency becomes sustainable.

Example: Amanda trained diligently for months, motivated by her vision of completing a marathon. Though sometimes lacking motivation on long training runs, remembering her purpose reconnected her to consistent discipline that led to race day triumph.

Emotional Intelligence and Self-Reflection: The Discipline of Self-Mastery

While discipline is often associated with control over physical habits and actions, self-mastery equally depends on managing the emotional landscape. Emotional intelligence allows you to make conscious, values-aligned choices rather than have reactions driven by uncontrolled impulses or intense moods. Critical emotional intelligence skills to cultivate include:

  • Self-Awareness – Paying attention to your own emotions and how they influence your thoughts and behaviors
  • Self-Regulation – Exercising discipline to manage emotions rather than be controlled by them intentionally
  • Motivation – Channeling emotions like passion or excitement toward your goals
  • Empathy – Understanding other people’s emotional experiences, which supports effective collaboration and conflict resolution

Like building muscle, emotional intelligence strengthens through regular introspection, contemplation, and mindful action. By developing a disciplined practice of looking within, you gain self-knowledge and choice that serves all aspects of life.

Example: Jim struggled with anger issues that sabotaged relationships and held back his career. Through therapy and a meditation practice, he cultivated self-awareness and self-regulation skills. Applying these over time, he overcame self-defeating anger patterns.

Implementing Self-Discipline: Start with Your Daily Routines

Transforming discrete acts of discipline into sustainable habits requires weaving them into the fabric of your daily routines. Routines reduce the need to depend on motivation or willpower in isolation during each moment. Discipline manifests more effortlessly with key behaviors automated and embedded into your schedule.

Start by looking at your average day and identify 1-3 new habits to install, like:

  • Early morning exercise
  • Meditating during lunch break
  • Setting aside an evening hour for reading or studying

Leverage cues like times of the day or existing habits to trigger your new disciplined behaviors until they stick. Be specific in scheduling the new routines, and don’t overextend – consistent small steps are the name of the game.

Example: Wendy wanted to establish a fitness habit but lacked motivation on her own. She designated her morning commute on public transportation as reading time since she noticed she otherwise just scrolled her phone. Over time, this new routine took hold, so reading felt automatic whether she felt like it or not.

Case Study: Jim’s Story

When Jim graduated college, he took the first job offered, believing work discipline alone led to success. But without broader life discipline, his work life suffered along with his well-being. He operated in crisis mode, stayed up late scrolling the Internet, and survived on fast food.

When laid off during the pandemic, Jim saw it as a turning point. He created a routine integrating early morning exercise, healthy meal preparation, and learning new data analytics skills online. Though the structure initially felt uncomfortable, he diligently stuck to his plan. Over six months, he lost 25 pounds, felt more energetic, and landed his dream job. Creating a disciplined lifestyle gave Jim the foundations to reinvent himself professionally and personally.

Key Takeaways

  • Motivation and self-control are cornerstones supporting disciplined behavior.
  • Consistency and diligence arise when connecting discipline to purpose
  • Developing emotional intelligence allows for self-mastery beyond physical habits
  • Daily routines automate disciplined habits to reduce dependence on willpower alone
  • Start small by installing just 1-3 new routines and build from there


The pressures and turbulence of modern life will only intensify going forward. Responding effectively relies less on changing external factors and more on cultivating the inner capacity for self-discipline—discipline gifts you with the foundations to realize your potential and purpose. By becoming more disciplined, the clutter is cleared for your best self to shine brightly. What first step will you take today to heed the call to human excellence that discipline makes possible? Your long-term freedom and fulfillment eagerly await.