How to Start Investing In Gold (7 Ways)

How to Start Investing In Gold (7 Ways)

Gold has been a sought-after precious metal for centuries, serving as a store of value and a hedge against inflation. Gold can be an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and protect your wealth and buying power.

This article will explore seven ways to start investing in gold: physical gold, gold ETFs, gold mutual funds, futures and options, gold mining stocks, gold certificates, and digital gold. I’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method and provide valuable insights to help you make informed investment decisions.

How To Invest In Gold For Beginners: The 7 Best Ways

Investing in gold can be an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and preserve your buying power against fiat currency inflation.

Here are several ways you can start investing in gold:

  1. Physical Gold: Buy gold through coins, bars, or jewelry. This is the most direct way to own gold, though it requires secure storage and insurance.
  2. Gold ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds): These funds track the price of gold and trade on a stock exchange like stocks. They offer a convenient way to invest in gold without dealing with the physical commodity.
  3. Gold Mutual Funds: Invest in mutual funds that hold portfolios of gold stocks, such as mining companies. These funds don’t invest directly in physical gold but in companies’ stocks in gold production.
  4. Gold Futures and Options: These are contracts to buy or sell gold at a future date at a predetermined price, available on commodities exchanges. This method is more complex and involves higher risk.
  5. Gold Mining Stocks: Buy stocks of companies that mine, refine, and trade gold. The value of these stocks is influenced by the price of gold but also by the profitability and efficiency of the company.
  6. Gold Certificates: Some banks offer gold certificates, which certify your ownership of a specific amount of gold stored by the bank, allowing you to own gold without storing it yourself.
  7. Digital Gold: Platforms allow you to buy, sell, and hold gold digitally, providing a secure way to invest in gold without the physical aspects.

Each method has risks and considerations, so it’s essential to research and consult a financial advisor to find the best approach for your situation.

Let’s take a deeper look into each of these investing strategies.

1. Investing in Physical Gold: Coins, Bars, and Jewelry

One of the most direct ways to invest in gold is by purchasing physical gold through coins, bars, or jewelry. Owning physical gold provides a tangible asset you can hold, giving you a sense of security and direct ownership. Some rare or antique gold coins and jewelry may have collectible value beyond their gold content.

However, investing in physical gold also comes with some disadvantages. Storing and insuring your gold can be costly, and you may face liquidity issues when trying to sell your gold quickly. If you decide to invest in physical gold, purchasing from reputable dealers and paying attention to the purity and premiums of the gold you buy is essential.

2. Gold ETFs: A Convenient Way to Invest in Gold

Gold Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are a convenient way to invest in gold without storing and insuring physical gold. These funds track the price of gold and trade on stock exchanges like regular stocks. When you invest in a gold ETF, you own shares in a fund that holds gold, providing you with exposure to gold prices.

The advantages of gold ETFs include their convenience, liquidity, and low minimum investment requirements. However, gold ETFs come with management fees, and you don’t have direct ownership of the physical gold. Some popular gold ETFs include SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) and iShares Gold Trust (IAU). Take a look at Gold ETF performance during stock market downturns here.

3. Gold Mutual Funds: Investing in Gold Mining Companies

Gold mutual funds invest in portfolios of gold mining companies rather than directly in physical gold. These funds are managed by professional fund managers who research and select gold mining stocks for the fund’s portfolio. By investing in a gold mutual fund, you gain exposure to the gold industry and potentially benefit from the profits of gold mining companies.

The advantages of gold mutual funds include professional management and diversification across multiple gold mining companies. However, gold mutual funds have indirect gold exposure and charge management fees. Examples of gold mutual funds include VanEck International Investors Gold Fund (INIVX) and Fidelity Select Gold Portfolio (FSAGX).

4. Gold Futures and Options: Trading Gold on Commodities Exchanges

Gold futures and options are contracts that allow you to buy or sell gold at a predetermined price on a future date. These contracts are traded on commodities exchanges and offer the potential for high returns through leverage. However, trading gold futures and options is a high-risk, complex investment strategy that can result in significant losses if the market moves against your position.

To start trading gold futures and options, you must open an account with a broker that offers access to commodities exchanges—educating yourself on the risks and mechanics of futures and options trading before investing is essential.

5. Gold Mining Stocks: Investing in Companies That Mine, Refine, and Trade Gold

Investing in gold mining stocks allows you to gain exposure to gold prices while potentially benefiting from mining companies’ profits. Gold prices influence the value of gold mining stocks, as well as the efficiency and profitability of the mining companies themselves.

The advantages of investing in gold mining stocks include the potential for higher returns and exposure to mining company profits. However, gold mining stocks can be volatile and are subject to geopolitical and operational risks. When researching gold mining stocks, consider the company’s financial health, production costs, and reserves.

6. Gold Certificates: Owning Gold Without Storage Concerns

Banks issue gold certificates and represent your ownership of a specific amount of gold stored by the institution. These certificates allow you to own gold without the need to store and insure it yourself. The advantages of gold certificates include direct gold ownership without storage and insurance concerns.

However, gold certificates come with counterparty risk, as you trust the issuing institution to hold and secure your gold. Additionally, you don’t have physical possession of the gold. Banks such as UBS and Credit Suisse offer gold certificate programs.

7. Digital Gold: Buying, Selling, and Holding Gold Digitally

Digital gold platforms allow you to buy, sell, and hold gold electronically. These platforms provide a convenient and accessible way to invest in gold without needing physical storage. The advantages of digital gold include its convenience, accessibility, and divisibility, allowing you to invest in smaller amounts of gold.

However, digital gold comes with security concerns, as you rely on the platform’s security measures to protect your investment. Additionally, digital gold depends on technology and may be subject to platform-specific risks. Examples of digital gold platforms include BullionVault and GoldMoney.

Key Takeaways

  • Gold offers a variety of investment options, catering to different preferences and risk tolerances.
  • Tangible gold investments, such as coins and bars, provide direct ownership but come with storage and insurance considerations.
  • Gold ETFs and mutual funds offer exposure to gold prices without the need for physical possession, but they involve management fees.
  • Futures and options trading can potentially yield high returns but are complex and carry significant risks.
  • Investing in gold mining stocks allows for exposure to gold prices and company profits but is subject to volatility and operational risks.
  • Gold certificates issued by banks provide gold ownership without storage concerns, but they involve counterparty risk.
  • Digital gold platforms offer convenience and accessibility but rely on the platform’s security measures and technology.
  • Before investing in gold, thoroughly assess the advantages and disadvantages of each method and consult with a financial advisor to align your choices with your goals and risk tolerance.


Gold can be an intelligent way to diversify your portfolio and protect your wealth. With seven different ways to invest in gold, including physical gold, gold ETFs, gold mutual funds, gold futures and options, gold mining stocks, gold certificates, and digital gold, an investment method is suitable for various preferences and risk tolerances.

Each method has advantages and disadvantages, so it’s essential to research and understand the risks and benefits before making investment decisions. Consider consulting with a financial advisor to determine which gold investment strategy aligns best with your financial goals and risk profile.