If You Want to Be Truly Respected in Life, Say Goodbye to These 10 Behaviors

If You Want to Be Truly Respected in Life, Say Goodbye to These 10 Behaviors

Respect is a fundamental aspect of our lives, shaping our relationships and professional endeavors. We all desire to be respected by those around us, but earning genuine respect requires more than just wanting it. It demands a consistent display of character, integrity, and self-awareness. To cultivate a life rooted in respect, we must identify and shed the behaviors that undermine our credibility and reputation. Bid farewell to these ten behaviors to be genuinely respected.

1. Constantly Making Excuses

When we constantly make excuses, we shift blame and responsibility away from ourselves. This habit erodes our reliability and accountability. People who frequently resort to excuses are seen as untrustworthy and lacking in integrity. Instead of offering excuses, take ownership of your actions and decisions. Acknowledge your mistakes and focus on finding solutions rather than justifying shortcomings. By doing so, you demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility and maturity, qualities that command respect.

2. Failing to Keep Your Word

Few things undermine respect more than broken promises. When you fail to follow through on your commitments, you erode the trust others have placed in you. Consistency and dependability are cornerstones of a respectable character. Be mindful of the promises you make and strive to honor them. If circumstances prevent you from keeping your word, communicate openly and honestly with those affected. Demonstrating reliability and integrity in your actions will earn the respect of those around you.

3. Gossiping and Spreading Rumors

Engaging in gossip and spreading rumors reflects poorly on your character. It showcases a lack of discretion and respect for others’ privacy. Gossip can be destructive in personal and professional settings, fostering mistrust and damaging relationships. Instead of participating in gossip, focus on building others up and speaking positively about them in their absence. By refusing to engage in harmful gossip, you demonstrate maturity and empathy that commands respect.

4. Being Consistently Late

Tardiness is a form of disrespect for others’ time and efforts. When you consistently arrive late to meetings, appointments, or social gatherings, you send a message that you value your time more than others. Punctuality, however, shows that you respect and appreciate the time others have set aside for you. Make a conscious effort to be punctual, and if you find yourself running behind, communicate your delay promptly. Being reliable and considerate of others’ time will earn you their respect.

5. Playing the Victim

Adopting a victim mentality hinders personal growth and undermines respect. You relinquish your power to effect change when you consistently blame external factors for your challenges and setbacks. Instead of playing the victim, take responsibility for your actions and circumstances. Acknowledge your role in shaping your life and focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems. Demonstrating a proactive and resilient attitude inspires respect and admiration from those around you.

6. Refusing to Apologize

Sincere apologies are essential for maintaining respect and repairing relationships. You lack humility and empathy when you refuse to apologize for your mistakes or wrongdoings. Stubbornness and pride can damage your reputation and strain your connections with others. Recognize when you’ve fallen short and be willing to offer a genuine apology. Taking accountability for your actions shows strength of character and earns the respect of those you’ve wronged.

7. Talking Over Others

Respectful communication involves active listening and allowing others to be heard. When you consistently talk over others or dominate conversations, you convey a sense of arrogance and disregard for their opinions. Instead, practice listening attentively and encouraging others to share their thoughts. Value diverse perspectives and create an environment where everyone feels heard and respected. You foster a culture of respect and collaboration by being an engaged and considerate listener.

8. Being Close-Minded

Rigidity and resistance to new ideas can hinder personal and professional growth. When you remain stubbornly close-minded, you limit your potential and alienate those around you. Embrace open-mindedness and be willing to consider different viewpoints. Engage in constructive discussions and be receptive to feedback and suggestions. By demonstrating flexibility and a willingness to learn, you earn the respect of others who value growth and innovation.

9. Neglecting Personal Boundaries

Respecting others’ boundaries is a fundamental aspect of earning respect. When you overstep physical or emotional boundaries, you make others feel uncomfortable and violated. Be mindful of the personal space and limits of those around you. Please respect their privacy, autonomy, and right to set boundaries. Honoring others’ boundaries demonstrates deep respect and consideration, fostering trust and strengthening relationships.

10. Engaging in Negative Self-Talk

How you speak to and about yourself profoundly impacts your self-respect and the respect you receive from others. Engaging in negative self-talk erodes your confidence and undermines your credibility. When you constantly criticize and belittle yourself, others may question your abilities and self-worth. Instead, cultivate a positive and affirming inner dialogue. Recognize your strengths, celebrate your achievements, and treat yourself with kindness and compassion. You set the foundation for others to respect you in return by respecting yourself.

Case Study: Linda’s Journey to Earning Genuine Respect as a Lawyer

Linda, a talented and ambitious lawyer, struggled to gain the respect she deserved in her professional life. Despite her impressive educational background and sharp legal mind, she often felt overlooked and undervalued by her colleagues and clients. Linda realized that her behaviors might be contributing to the lack of respect she received.

Determined to change her situation, Linda began to reflect on her actions and identified several areas where she could improve. She recognized that she habitually made excuses when things didn’t go as planned, undermining her credibility. Linda also realized that she often gossiped about her co-workers, creating a hostile atmosphere in the office. Additionally, she tended to interrupt others during meetings, which conveyed a sense of arrogance and disregard for their opinions.

Armed with this self-awareness, Linda made a concerted effort to change her behaviors. She started taking full responsibility for her work and focused on finding solutions instead of making excuses. She stopped engaging in office gossip and began speaking positively about her colleagues. Linda also made a conscious effort to listen actively during meetings and encourage others to share their thoughts. As she demonstrated respect for others, they respected her in return.

Over time, Linda’s reputation within the law firm transformed. Her colleagues began to seek her advice and value her opinions. Clients appreciated her professionalism and dedication to their cases. Linda had successfully earned the genuine respect of those around her by shedding the behaviors that undermined respect and embracing those that fostered it. Her journey served as a potent reminder that respect is not given but earned through consistent actions and a commitment to personal growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Respect is a fundamental aspect of personal and professional life, and earning genuine respect requires consistency, integrity, and self-awareness.
  • Constantly making excuses shifts blame and responsibility, eroding reliability and accountability. Take ownership of your actions and focus on solutions.
  • Failing to keep your word undermines trust and respect. Be mindful of your promises and strive to honor your commitments.
  • Gossiping and spreading rumors reflect poorly on your character. Refuse to engage in harmful gossip and speak positively about others.
  • Being consistently late shows disrespect for others’ time. Be punctual and communicate promptly if running behind.
  • Playing the victim hinders personal growth and accountability. Instead, take responsibility for your actions and circumstances and focus on finding solutions.
  • Refusing to apologize displays a lack of humility and empathy. Recognize your mistakes and offer genuine apologies when necessary.
  • Talking over others and dominating conversations convey arrogance and disregard for others’ opinions. Practice active listening and encourage diverse perspectives.
  • Being close-minded limits personal and professional growth. Embrace open-mindedness, consider different viewpoints, and be receptive to feedback.
  • Neglecting personal boundaries makes others feel uncomfortable and violated. Respect others’ privacy, autonomy, and right to set boundaries.
  • Engaging in negative self-talk erodes self-respect and credibility. Cultivate a positive inner dialogue and treat yourself with kindness and respect.
  • Earning respect is a lifelong journey that requires continuous self-reflection and personal growth.
  • Embrace accountability, reliability, and open-mindedness, and treat others with kindness and consideration to earn genuine respect.


Earning genuine respect is a lifelong journey that requires self-reflection and continuous personal growth. By saying goodbye to the behaviors that undermine respect, you pave the way for a life rooted in integrity, empathy, and self-awareness. Remember that respect is not something you can demand; it is something you earn through your actions and interactions with others.