
You Can Change Your Life in 90 Days, Here's How You Do It

You Can Change Your Life in 90 Days, Here’s How You Do It

The concept of completely transforming your life in 90 days might seem far-fetched or oversimplified. However, a growing body of scientific research suggests that this timeframe can be a powerful catalyst for meaningful, enduring changes. While total life overhauls often require more time, dedicating 90 days to personal growth can lay a robust foundation for […]

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10 Everyday Habits That Will Make You Smarter According to Psychology

10 Everyday Habits That Will Make You Smarter, According to Psychology

It’s easy to feel like our minds are constantly playing catch-up. We’re bombarded with information from every direction, and keeping our brains sharp and focused can be challenging. However, the good news is that intelligence is not a fixed trait. With the proper habits and practices, we can enhance our cognitive abilities and become more

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The Psychology and Philosophy of the Joker According to Jung & Freud

The Psychology and Philosophy of the Joker According to Jung & Freud

The Joker, an iconic villain from the pages of comic books and the silver screen, has captured the imagination of audiences for decades. His enigmatic nature and chaotic behavior have made him a subject of fascination for psychologists and philosophers alike. In this article, we delve into the complex psyche of the Joker through the

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10 Signs You’re a High Value Person, According to Psychology

10 Signs You’re a High Value Person, According to Psychology

What does it mean to be a high-value person? Is it about wealth, status, or accomplishments? According to psychological research, the answer lies in inner qualities and traits defining an individual’s character. These attributes not only contribute to personal growth and well-being but also positively impact relationships and society as a whole. In this article,

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5 Signs You Are Genuine Person According to Psychology

5 Signs You Are A Genuine Person According to Psychology

In a world where authenticity often seems rare, being genuine is a highly prized trait. Genuine individuals are respected for their sincerity, integrity, and ability to form meaningful connections with others. But what does it mean to be genuine? Let’s explore five key signs indicating someone is genuinely authentic. 1. Embracing Imperfections One of the

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How to be Mentally Strong- 10 Quick Tips For Building Mental Resilience

How to be Mentally Strong: 10 Quick Tips For Building Mental Resilience

In the face of life’s inevitable obstacles and setbacks, mental resilience is a powerful tool for maintaining well-being and thriving amidst adversity. This essential quality enables individuals to adapt, persevere, and bounce back from challenging circumstances. By cultivating mental toughness, we equip ourselves with the strength and flexibility needed to navigate the complexities of life

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Why Can’t I Get My Life Together-7 Habits That Are Definitely Holding You Back

Why Can’t I Get My Life Together?: 7 Habits That Are Definitely Holding You Back

Do you ever feel like your life is spiraling out of control and you can’t slow it down? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unfulfilled at some point. The good news is that by identifying and changing certain habits, you can make significant progress towards feeling more in control and

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10 Signs You’re An Extroverted Introvert With Anxiety Issues

10 Signs You’re An Extroverted Introvert With Anxiety Issues

Personality traits and mental health form a complex tapestry, each individual possessing unique characteristics. One particularly intriguing blend is the extroverted introvert who also grapples with anxiety. Often referred to as ambiverts, these individuals exhibit qualities of both extroversion and introversion, creating a distinct and sometimes misunderstood personality type. In this article, we will explore

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