@TraderStewie’s 10 Golden Rules of trading.

Who is ranked as one of the top traders on twitter with forty-two 5 star reviews at www.investimonials.com? Who has 9,525 happy followers? His name is @TraderStewie and is a great follow for new traders and traders looking for that edge. Below are his ten golden rules for trading, I agree with every one of them. Excellent advice for any trader.

ART OF TRADING Golden Rules :

1. Always wait for the setup: No Setup-No Trade.

2. THE BEST trades work almost right away.

3. Never take a big loss. If it doesn’t ‘feel’ right. Remove it!

4. Always perfect your craft and sharpen your skills(good traders are constantly learning)

5. Be patient with winning trades: Impatient with trades that fight back.

6. DISCIPLINE is the key to winning at everything!

7. Never get emotionally attached to trades, trading, losses or profits.

8. Always trade with the size that makes you unemotional(emotional trading is the quickest way out of this game).

9. Keeps things simple and do not over-think or over-complicate your trading. LESS IS ALWAYS MORE.

10. Stay humble at all times.


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