Top Tweets of the Week 12/12/14
It’s official – the kids are getting oil drums for Christmas this year.
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) December 10, 2014
@SJosephBurns Markets are full of traps. Even a highly successful trade is trap in itself because it boosts ego and induces the next error.
— Cool Joe (@HighDefTrading) December 12, 2014
@SJosephBurns @wallstsurvivor I’ve come to accept market stupidity. However, I can not tolerate my own stupidity (ignoring rules).
— Santoso Surya (@ThoughtBull) December 11, 2014
The term ‘full time’ trader is very misleading and dangerous because it implies that a pro trader is glued to his screens all day long #Nope
— Tradeciety – Rolf (@Tradeciety) December 11, 2014
@SJosephBurns You may not post many charts, but U post perpsective, plan and emotional control, charts are useless without the previous. txs
— TraderVA (@NACuser) December 11, 2014
I agree with this view. RT @zerohedge: Gartman on crude: “It will continue to fall until it stops” #study
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) December 12, 2014
My wife’s hobby is getting estimates on things.
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) December 12, 2014
Bill Gross gave an exclusive interview to Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox Business, Fox Sports, the History Channel and Bravo today.
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) December 12, 2014
Funny how we have not heard recently “The oil companies control the price of oil”.
— Chris Ciovacco (@CiovaccoCapital) December 10, 2014
Alright here it is, my 2015 predictions: 1) S&P ? 2) Gold ? 3) USD/EUR ? 4) Oil ? 5) Gold ? 6) CPI ? 7) Ten-Year yield? 8) U.S. GDP?
— Irrelevant Investor (@michaelbatnick) December 10, 2014
Definitely works for me! RT @SJosephBurns: Trade a little bigger when you are on a winning streak and a lot smaller during losing streaks.
— JE$US (@WallStJesus) December 10, 2014
@WallStJesus MOAR and MOAR
— DK1 (@canuck2usa) December 9, 2014
I always laugh when people make excuses for their losers… why aren’t they making the same excuses for their winners?
— Trade Like a Casino (@TradeLikeCasino) December 9, 2014
Monday: sell sell sell Tuesday: buy buy buy Wednesday: sell sell sell Thursday: buy buy buy
— Northy (@NorthmanTrader) December 11, 2014
All your trades must be at position sizes that make you unbreakable mentally & emotionally.