The 10 Top Trading Films Ever Made

The 10 Top Trading Films Ever Made

Here are the ten top trading films, movies, and documentaries made based on popularity and entertainment value.

  1. “The Trader” Documentary: This documentary gives a rare look inside the world of one of the greatest money managers of our time.
  2. Michael Covel’s Trend Following Film, Broke:  Covel does a great job showing how the economic system failed in 2008 and how trend following trading is a better path than gambling and buy and hold investing.
  3. The Big Short: This is my all-time favorite trading movie. It told the stories of three traders that bet against the housing market bubble and won big.
  4. Wall Street: A tale of all that is wrong with Wall Street insider trading. 
  5. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps: This is much better than the original, and tells the story of the comeback of Gordon Gekko.
  6. Trading Places: The classic comedy where commodity traders try to turn a street hustler into a trader. 
  7. Margin Call: I really enjoyed this drama about traders inside an investment bank at the beginning of the 2008 financial meltdown. I wish this movie was longer. 
  8. Floored: This movie did a good job of showing how the trading life can turn your life upside down, or for some people, it can make you fabulously wealthy.
  9. Boiler Room: This movie is about how a boiler room operation works by hawking non-existent stocks and bonds for non-existent companies to enrich the ‘brokers’ peddling these worthless stocks.
  10. The Wolf of Wall Street: This is a raunchy, classless tale of greed based on the writings of Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker in penny stocks convicted of market manipulation. This movie may contain more drugs, sex, nudity, and cursing than you see in the other movies, but it’s ultimately a comedy and works as pure entertainment.