Current Michael Burry Net Worth 2021

Current Michael Burry Net Worth 2021

The current Michael Burry net worth in 2021 is estimated to be approximately $300 million. 

Dr. Michael Burry is the legendary investor that runs the Scion Asset Management hedge fund that manages over $2 billion for 5 clients. He became famous through his inclusion in the best selling book “The Big Short” by author Michael Lewis that was also made into a blockbuster movie. Dr. Burry was played in the movie by Christian Bale and his character was a central figure in the movie. 

Burry’s most famous trade was using derivatives to bet against the real estate market starting in 2005 which started to pay off in 2008 which made him $100 million personally and and his investors a combined $700 million.

He also recently held 3 million shares of GameStop (GME) in 2020 as a value trade and a remaining 1.7 million shares in late 2020 before the pump by the Reddit Group Wall Street Bets.[1]