Why is strategy not a plan?
A strategy chooses where you will play and how you will win based on your edge over your competition. A strategic theory must be coherent, actionable, and doable. You must be able to translate it into actions. Planning does not need that level of coherence. A plan is simply action steps decided on without the context of a complete overall systematic process and strategy. A plan should come after a strategy and based on it, and be written to express the execution of the edge of a specific strategy.
Can you have a plan without a strategy?
A plan can simply be a wish list of what you hope to do in the future. A plan can be written with no context and outside any framework. You can have a plan to buy an S&P 500 index fund and hold it for profits but with no strategy on why this will work or what your holding time frame will be. A strategy on the other hand would be to by the S&P 500 index on a dollar cost averaging basis each month and hold it for 20-years as that is typically a profitable strategy almost all the time based on historically data. A plan should be defining how you will specifically execute your strategy based on your edge. You can have a plan without a strategy but you also will have no edge.
What is an example of a strategy?
- Buying SPY at the end the month on the last day when price closes over the 200-day moving average with a 20% position size of total trading capital.
- Execute the signals before the close on the last day of the month that the market is open.
- If already in, continue to hold SPY if price closes above the 200-day moving average on the last day of the month.
- If the price of SPY closes below the 200-day moving average on the last day of the month then exit the position and go to cash.
- If the price of SPY continues to close below the 200-day moving average the next month remain in cash.
- Repeat.
The backtested data this strategy and plan are based on:

A strategy is a complete process with an edge. A plan is how you execute that process through defined action steps.
If you’re interested in learning more about trading strategies and trading plans you can check out my best selling book moving averages 101 here or my other trading books on Amazon here. I have also created trading eCourses on my NewTraderUniversity.com website here. My educational resources can save you both time and money in your trading journey.