Sigma Male Test: 9 Quick Questions

Sigma Male Test: 9 Quick Questions

Take this quick quiz to see if you are a Sigma Male personality type:

  • Do you generally prefer to work alone? (Y) or (N)
  • Do you tend to be more independent in your decision-making? (Y) or (N)
  • Do you consider yourself more of an independent thinker than a  leader or a follower? (Y) or (N)
  • Do you often challenge authority or tradition? (Y) or (N)
  • Do you tend to be more logical and analytical than emotional and intuitive? (Y) or (N)
  • Do you typically take a logical and strategic approach to problem-solving? (Y) or (N)
  • Are you more comfortable working behind the scenes than in the limelight? (Y) or (N)
  • Do you value your freedom and autonomy more than money or power? (Y) or (N)
  • Do you often defy expectations or norms? (Y) or (N)

If you answered YES to more than half of these questions, you might have a Sigma Male personality. Understanding your personality type is essential to better understanding yourself and your daily successes and setbacks. Continue reading for a more detailed explanation of each answer by comparing the opposite personality trait for these questions.

Do you generally prefer to work alone or in a group?

This question is designed to determine whether you tend to rely on your judgment and decision-making abilities or if you prefer to consider the input and perspective of others before making a decision.

Sigma male personality is characterized by a strong independent streak and a preference for solitude. They often prefer to work alone, value their autonomy and enjoy being self-sufficient. This is not to say that Sigma males are completely opposed to working in groups – they may still be able to work effectively in a team setting if necessary. However, they generally prefer to operate independently and may feel more comfortable and productive when given the space to do so. This preference for individual work can be a key characteristic of the Sigma male personality.

Do you tend to be more independent or interdependent in your decision-making?

Individuals who are more independent in their decision-making tend to rely on their judgment and expertise and may not feel the need to seek input or feedback from others before making a decision. On the other hand, those who are more interdependent in their decision-making may place a greater emphasis on considering the perspectives and input of others before concluding.

It is common for Sigma males to be more independent in their decision-making, as they value their autonomy and may prefer to rely on their judgment and expertise. However, this can vary from person to person, and it’s not necessarily a hard and fast rule. It is important to note that independent and interdependent decision-making styles have their strengths and can be effective in different situations.

Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?

This question is designed to determine your preferred role in group settings. A leader is someone who takes charge and guides a group toward a shared goal, while a follower is someone who supports and follows the direction of a leader.

Sigma males are known for their independent nature and may not necessarily seek out leadership roles. They may be more comfortable taking a supporting role and working behind the scenes rather than being in the spotlight. However, this can vary from person to person and is not necessarily a hard and fast rule. Some Sigma males may still be comfortable taking on leadership roles and guiding a group toward a shared goal. In contrast, others may prefer to take a more collaborative approach and work alongside their peers rather than in a traditional leader-follower dynamic. Ultimately, it’s important to consider the specific strengths and preferences of the individual in question, whether it’s your employee, business partner, or yourself.

Do you often challenge authority or tradition?

This question determines your tendency to challenge or question authority or tradition. Sigma males are known for their independent nature and may be more likely to challenge authority or tradition if they feel it’s not in line with their values or beliefs. They may be more likely to question established systems and norms and be more comfortable going against the grain and thinking outside the box.

On the other hand, it’s important to note that not all Sigma males will necessarily challenge authority or tradition. This can vary from person to person and may depend on various factors, including the specific situation and the individual’s values and beliefs. Some Sigma males may be more likely to follow established systems and norms if they feel it’s the best action.

Do you tend to be more logical and analytical or more emotional and intuitive?

This question determines your preferred way of thinking and making decisions. Those who tend to be more logical and analytical may rely on facts and data to make decisions and may have a more objective and detached approach to problem-solving. On the other hand, those who tend to be more emotional and intuitive may be more influenced by their feelings and personal experiences when making decisions and may have a more subjective and personal approach to problem-solving.

Sigma males are known for their strategic and logical approach to problem-solving and may tend to be more logical and analytical in their thinking and decision-making. However, it’s important to note that this can vary from person to person, and not all Sigma males will necessarily lean more toward logic and analysis. Some may also place a greater emphasis on their emotions and personal experiences when making decisions.

Do you have a strong sense of self and a clear set of personal values?

This question is designed to determine your level of self-awareness and your sense of personal identity. A strong sense of self and a clear set of personal values can indicate a high self-awareness and understanding of one’s beliefs and principles.

Sigma males are known for self-assurance and confidence in their skills, abilities, and experience. They may be able to articulate their beliefs and principles clearly and are not easily swayed by external influences or pressure. However, it’s important to note that this can vary from person to person. Not all Sigma males will necessarily have a strong sense of self or a clearly defined set of personal values, but the majority do.

Are you comfortable in the limelight or prefer to work behind the scenes?

This question determines the person’s preference for being in the spotlight or working behind the scenes. Some individuals may enjoy being in the limelight and thrive on attention and recognition. In contrast, others may prefer to work behind the scenes and be more comfortable in a supporting role.

Sigma males are known for their independent nature and may prefer to work behind the scenes rather than be in the spotlight. They may be more comfortable taking a supporting role and working quietly and efficiently rather than being the center of attention. However, it’s important to note that this can vary from person to person. However, most Sigma males will necessarily prefer to work behind the scenes.

Do you have a strong sense of purpose and direction in your life?

This question determines the person’s focus and direction in life. A strong sense of purpose and direction can indicate a clear understanding of one’s goals and motivations and provide a sense of motivation and drive.

Sigma males are known for self-assurance and confidence in their abilities and may have a strong sense of purpose and direction. They may clearly understand their goals and motivations and be driven and focused in pursuing their objectives. Most Sigma males will have a strong sense of purpose and direction for their life. Some may have a more fluid and flexible approach to their goals and motivations and may be more open to new opportunities and experiences as they come.

Do you tend to be more assertive or passive in your interactions with others?

This question determines the person’s tendency towards assertiveness or passivity in their interactions with others. Assertive individuals are confident and direct in expressing their thoughts, feelings, and needs. In contrast, passive individuals may be more hesitant to express themselves and may be more inclined to go along with the opinions and decisions of others.

Sigma males are known for their self-assurance and may tend to assertiveness in their interactions. They may be confident and direct in expressing their thoughts, feelings, and needs and may not be easily swayed by the opinions and decisions of others. Most Sigma males will necessarily be assertive in their interactions. Sigma males are rarely passive and will only let others’ opinions and decisions affect their egos, emotions, or views if they agree with them.


A strong independent streak and a preference for solitude characterize Sigma male personality. They tend to be logical and analytical and may have a strong sense of self and clear personal values. They may be more comfortable working behind the scenes rather than being in the limelight and may tend to assertiveness in their interactions. While these are common characteristics of the Sigma male, it’s important to note that everyone is unique and may exhibit slightly different variations of these traits and behaviors and still be considered this personality type. These questions are meant to provide a general understanding of the Sigma male personality type but should not be used as a definitive tool for determining someone’s personality; it only provides a guideline to understand yourself better.

Sigma Male Test: 9 Quick Questions