15 Signs You’re An INFJ (The World’s Rarest Personality Type)

15 Signs You’re An INFJ (The World’s Rarest Personality Type)

Do those around you frequently misunderstand you? Do you have a deep inner life and a strong intuition? If so, you might be an INFJ, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator’s rarest personality type (MBTI).

INFJs, or Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging people, account for only 1-2% of the population but are known for their deep, complex inner thoughts and feelings. They are frequently introverts who prefer to spend their time alone or in small groups rather than in large crowds. INFJs are also known for their strong sense of morality, compassion, and ability to solve problems in novel and creative ways.

But being an INFJ isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. INFJs can be perfectionists, and they may feel misunderstood by others. They may also be emotionally sensitive to those around them and struggle to find their place in a world that does not always understand their unique point of view.

15 Signs You’re An INFJ

1. You often feel misunderstood by others

INFJs are known for their deep, complex inner thoughts and feelings, which can make them feel isolated from the rest of the world. If you struggle to find people who truly understand you, you might be an INFJ.

2. You’re a natural introvert

Introverts prefer to spend their time alone or in small groups rather than in large crowds.
If you recharge your batteries by spending time alone and prefer to have a few close friends over a large circle of acquaintances, you may be an INFJ.

3. You have a strong sense of morality

INFJs are often deeply compassionate and empathetic individuals with a strong sense of right and wrong. If you feel strongly about social justice issues and are always looking for ways to help others, it could signify that you’re an INFJ.

4. You’re a creative problem-solver

INFJs are known for developing innovative and creative solutions to problems. If you have a knack for finding unique approaches to challenges and are always looking for ways to improve things, it could be a sign that you’re an INFJ.

5. You have a rich inner life

INFJs are deep thinkers and often have a rich inner life full of complex thoughts and feelings. Finding yourself lost in your thoughts and constantly reflecting on your experiences could be a sign that you’re an INFJ.

6. You’re a good listener

INFJs are known for their ability to listen attentively and offer empathetic and supportive responses. If you find that people often confide in you and seek your advice, it could signify that you’re an INFJ.

7. You have a strong sense of intuition

INFJs are known for their keen intuition and ability to perceive what others think and feel.
If you’re constantly picking up on subtle cues and sensing when something is off, you may be an INFJ.

8. You’re a perfectionist

INFJs often have high standards for themselves and others and can be perfectionists sometimes. If you tend to be critical of your work and always strive to improve, it could signify that you’re an INFJ.

9. You have a strong sense of empathy

INFJs are known for their ability to empathize deeply with others and understand their feelings. If you feel deeply moved by others’ experiences and struggles, it could signify that you’re an INFJ.

10. You’re a private person

INFJs tend to be private individuals who value their own space and solitude. If you prefer to keep your personal life to yourself and don’t enjoy sharing too much about yourself with others, it could be a sign that you’re an INFJ.

11. You’re a deep thinker

INFJs are known for their ability to think deeply and reflect on their experiences. If you find yourself constantly analyzing and interpreting your thoughts and feelings, it could signify that you’re an INFJ.

12. You’re a creative individual

INFJs are known for their creative streak and often have a talent for the arts. If you have a creative outlet, such as writing, drawing, or playing music, it could signify that you’re an INFJ.

13. You’re a good judge of character

INFJs are known for their ability to read people and understand their motivations. If you have a knack for quickly assessing the character of others and can accurately predict how they will behave, it could be a sign that you’re an INFJ.

14. You’re sensitive to the emotions of others

INFJs are empathetic to the emotions of others. If you find yourself easily affected by the moods of those around you, it could be a sign that you’re an INFJ.

15. You’re a natural leader

INFJs are known for their ability to inspire and motivate others and can often take on leadership roles naturally. If you find yourself in a leadership position or tend to take charge in group situations, it could signify that you’re an INFJ.


Being an INFJ can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, INFJs are known for their deep, complex inner thoughts and feelings and their strong sense of morality and compassion. They are also often highly intuitive and creative, with a strong sense of empathy and the ability to read people.

On the other hand, INFJs can struggle with feeling misunderstood by others and may have difficulty finding their place in a world that doesn’t always understand their unique perspective. They can also be perfectionists and may be sensitive to the emotions of those around them.

Suppose you think you might be an INFJ. In that case, it’s important to remember that the only way to know your personality type is to take a validated personality assessment like Briggs-Meyers. But these 15 signs can give insight into whether you might be an INFJ. Regardless of your personality type, it’s important to embrace your unique strengths and characteristics and find a path that feels authentic and fulfilling.