9 Financial Goals To Achieve Before 40

9 Financial Goals To Achieve Before 40

I want to share with you a list of nine financial goals that I believe are important to achieve before you hit the big 4-0. Age 40 is a significant milestone in life, and being well-prepared for the future is crucial. By setting these objectives and actively working towards them, you’ll enjoy financial security and peace of mind as you enter the second half phase of your life. Let’s dive into the goals.

Goal #1: Optimize for Quality of Life

To me, the most important thing is ensuring you’re living a life you genuinely enjoy. This means making decisions that prioritize your overall well-being and happiness. For instance, if you love spending time with your family, allocate enough time and money to have memorable experiences together. It could be as simple as having a monthly family outing or planning annual vacations to explore new places. Remember, you work hard for your money, so spending it on things that truly matter to you is essential. By 40, you should be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You should be over things you wanted when you were younger that didn’t bring you happiness, just problems, debt, and bills. You should be settled into the lifestyle you want by 40.

Goal #2: Achieve Zero Debt Except for Your Mortgage

Debt can be incredibly burdensome and hinder your growth of wealth. Before you turn 40, strive to eliminate all forms of debt—except for your mortgage—such as credit card balances, student loans, and car loans. This may require making extra payments, consolidating debts, or temporarily cutting back on expenses. Becoming debt-free will give you greater flexibility, reduced stress, and the ability to allocate more resources toward saving and investing. Your income should be high enough to get out of all debt by 40.

Goal #3: Achieve a Credit Score of 800+

A high credit score reflects your financial responsibility and trustworthiness. You can gradually improve your credit score by paying bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, and avoiding unnecessary inquiries. A score of 800 or above is considered excellent, and achieving this milestone is like an A+ on your financial report. The point is not to get more debt but what is reflected in the score when you have a high income and have paid off most of your debt. This shows you have won at personal financial. It also makes it easier to finance a house if you are a homeowner later in life.

Goal #4: Three Months Emergency Fund

Life is unpredictable, and unexpected events can strain your finances. To safeguard against such situations, it’s essential to have an emergency fund that can cover at least three months of living expenses. This fund should be easily accessible and separate from your regular savings or investment accounts. This financial cushion will give you peace of mind and help you weather any financial storms that may come your way. This is your financial cushion if you must change careers or have a significant emergency with your car or home. This safety net avoids needing more debt.

Goal #5: Have 5x Your Annual Income in an Investment Portfolio

Investing is a powerful tool for growing wealth and ensuring a comfortable future. By age 40, aim to have a diversified investment portfolio worth at least five times your annual income. This can include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and other assets. Regularly contribute to your investments and use compound interest to see your wealth grow over time. From 40 on, you should have a large portfolio that can benefit from compounding over the last decades of your career.

Goal #6: Have an Established Career

Your career is an essential part of your financial stability. By turning 40, you should have a well-established profession with a clear path for growth and development. This may involve gaining new skills, pursuing higher education, or networking with industry professionals years before you turn 40. A solid career foundation will provide you with a sense of purpose and ensure a consistent source of income. For most people, their 40s are their peak earning years as they have the experience and skills to demand a higher income.

Goal #7: Develop a Healthy Lifestyle

While not directly related to finance, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for long-term well-being and can save you money in the long run. You can prevent chronic illnesses and reduce medical expenses by staying active, eating well, and managing stress. A healthy lifestyle can also improve your overall quality of life, allowing you to enjoy financial success. After 40, you no longer have the freedom of a lousy diet and no exercise as your body is less resilient. If you don’t care about your health by your 40s, you can reduce your life expectancy and spend a lot on medical expenses.

#8: Have Proper Life Insurance and a Will

Protecting your loved ones from financial hardships in the event of your passing is a crucial aspect of financial planning. Ensure adequate life insurance coverage can support your family’s needs and maintain their lifestyle. Additionally, having a legally binding will ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, preventing potential disputes or confusion among your beneficiaries. When you have a spouse and children, you must plan for what they would do without you. Losing you would be hard enough, but going through a financial crisis can also be devastating.

Goal #9: Have Solid Plans for Financial Independence from a Job

Financial independence is the ultimate goal for many people, as it allows you to live life on your terms without relying on a job for income. You’ll need a robust plan that includes passive income sources such as investments, rental properties, or even a side business to achieve this. Working towards financial independence after 40 allows you to explore new passions and opportunities without financial constraints. You can’t work at a job forever and must start planning the retirement stage of your life and what that will look like.

Key Takeaways

  • Prioritize your quality of life by spending on what truly matters to you
  • Eliminate all debt, excluding mortgage, to enhance financial flexibility
  • Aim for a credit score of 800 or higher for better financial opportunities
  • Build a three-month emergency fund for financial security during unexpected events
  • Grow your investment portfolio to be worth at least 5x your annual income
  • Establish a solid career with a clear path to growth
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle for long-term well-being and reduced medical expenses
  • Secure proper life insurance coverage and create a legally binding will
  • Develop a plan for financial independence to live life on your terms


In conclusion, setting and achieving these nine financial goals before turning 40 can provide a strong foundation for a secure and fulfilling future. By focusing on your quality of life, eliminating debt, building a robust investment portfolio, and ensuring the well-being of your loved ones, you’ll be well-prepared for whatever life has in store. Remember, the journey to financial success is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, stay committed, and celebrate your accomplishments along the way.