Procrastination – 7 Steps to Cure

Procrastination – 7 Steps to Cure

Procrastination is a fascinating conundrum. This act of postponing or delaying tasks or a set of tasks has persisted throughout human history, affecting both personal and professional realms of life. It is something that almost everyone is guilty of to some degree, despite the negative impacts it brings. Procrastination may be as old as time, but its effects are decidedly modern: it significantly hinders productivity, negatively affects our mental and physical well-being, and creates obstacles to personal growth. Understanding the phenomenon of procrastination is crucial to overcoming it.

Procrastination often follows a predictable cycle. This cycle usually begins with the awareness of a task that needs to be completed. However, this awareness triggers anxiety or overwhelm, leading to avoidance. This avoidance provides temporary relief from stress, reinforcing the pattern of procrastination. As the deadline looms closer, the anxiety resurfaces and often intensifies. If the task is hastily completed or not done, feelings of guilt and self-reproach may follow, completing the cycle and setting the stage for future procrastination. This article delves into understanding procrastination and its cycle and presents a 7-step guide to overcoming this persistent habit.

Understanding Procrastination

Procrastination finds its roots in a plethora of psychological factors. It manifests in two primary forms: chronic and situational. Chronic procrastinators habitually delay tasks, while situational procrastinators delay specific tasks that evoke discomfort.

The psychology of procrastination often stems from fear of failure, perfectionism, and lack of motivation. Fear of failure instills paralysis, causing delayed tasks due to anticipated disappointment. On the other hand, perfectionism creates an unattainable standard, leading to procrastination out of fear of falling short. Lastly, a lack of motivation often results from a perceived disconnect between effort and reward, causing people to postpone tasks.

The repercussions of procrastination extend beyond mere task delay. It incites stress and anxiety, diminishes productivity, and decreases life satisfaction, emphasizing the need for practical solutions.

The Procrastination Cycle

Procrastination operates in a cyclic pattern. An individual begins intending to complete a task, then experiences discomfort. This discomfort leads to a delay, providing temporary relief. However, discomfort resurfaces as the task remains incomplete, perpetuating the cycle.

The 7-Step Cure to Procrastination

Step 1: Self-Awareness

The first step towards overcoming procrastination involves acknowledging its existence. Recognizing personal triggers, such as specific tasks or situations, can aid in combating procrastination.

Step 2: Setting Clear and Achievable Goals

Clear and achievable goals serve as an antidote to procrastination. The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goal framework provides structure and direction, reducing the ambiguity that often leads to procrastination.

Step 3: Time Management

Effective time management plays an essential role in overcoming procrastination. Tools such as calendars, planners, and digital apps provide visual reminders and reduce the risk of delay.

Step 4: Prioritization and Planning

Prioritizing tasks helps manage workload effectively. The Eisenhower Matrix, a tool that categorizes tasks based on urgency and importance, aids in this process. Regular planning, both daily and weekly, ensure a balanced task distribution, reducing the tendency to procrastinate.

Step 5: Breaking Tasks into Manageable Pieces

Large tasks often seem daunting, leading to procrastination. Breaking these tasks into smaller, manageable pieces, a process known as ‘chunking,’ makes them seem more approachable and reduces procrastination.

Step 6: Developing a Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset, a belief that abilities and intelligence can develop over time combats the fear of failure and perfectionism that often drives procrastination. It encourages viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than threats of failure.

Step 7: Rewarding Progress

Rewards act as a strong motivator, encouraging task completion. Small rewards after completing each chunk of a task, or larger rewards upon completion, can incentivize productivity and curb procrastination.

Case Study: Real-Life Applications of the 7-Step Cure

Consider John, a chronic procrastinator struggling with his work tasks. Implementing the 7-step cure, he started by acknowledging his procrastination habits. He then set SMART goals for his tasks, enhancing his motivation to complete them. John utilized digital tools for effective time management and started prioritizing his tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix. Regular planning became a part of his daily routine, ensuring a balanced task distribution.

Next, he approached large tasks by breaking them into smaller, more manageable pieces. This new approach made the tasks seem less daunting and more achievable. A shift in mindset followed as he embraced the concept of growth, viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and develop rather than threats of failure.

Finally, John incorporated a reward system. Small treats awaited him after each task segment completion, with larger rewards reserved for when he finished an entire task. The prospect of rewards motivated him to stay on track and maintain productivity.

Over time, John noticed a significant reduction in his procrastination habits. Tasks no longer loomed over him, stress levels dropped, and his productivity soared. The 7-step cure transformed his task approach and helped him overcome chronic procrastination.


Overcoming procrastination is a journey, not an instantaneous change. It requires self-awareness, goal setting, effective time management, prioritization, task segmentation, a growth mindset, and a reward system. This 7-step guide is a robust plan to tackle procrastination, enhance productivity, and improve overall life satisfaction. Our journey with procrastination is deeply personal and unique, yet the solution often lies in these universal steps.

Remember that overcoming procrastination is a unique journey for everyone. It demands patience and perseverance. Some days, you might take two steps forward and one step back, but that’s still progress. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you falter. Change takes time, but you can overcome procrastination, increase productivity, and improve your overall life satisfaction with consistent effort.