Master these Rules if you Want to Get RICH (7 Rules of Personal Finance)

Master these Rules if you Want to Get RICH (7 Rules of Personal Finance)

The pursuit of wealth isn’t a game of chance but one of strategy. It’s about understanding the rules and the principles that govern how money works and then using that knowledge to make intelligent decisions. So, let’s take a moment to break down these fundamental guidelines and learn how to master the game of personal finance.

Personal finance is the art of deciding how to allocate your income in the best possible way to optimize the safety and growth of your capital. How you deploy your money should be through the filter of your financial and personal goals. If your goal is to be a millionaire, then you should manage your finances very differently from someone who is satisfied with having a new car or going on a nice vacation. Let’s examine the personal finance rules you must master to get rich.

To chart your path to financial freedom, you need a solid foundation. Here are the seven cardinal guidelines you must embrace.

What are the rules for building wealth?

  1. Create a high income as a base for building capital.
  2. Build your financial and business knowledge.
  3. Invest your capital for growth.
  4. Develop an idea into wealth
  5. Use leverage to create wealth
  6. Don’t live beyond your means
  7. Look at the risk/reward ratio in every opportunity

1. Create a high income as a base for building capital.

“The first $100,000 is a b**ch, but you gotta do it. I don’t care what you have to do – if it means walking everywhere and not eating anything that wasn’t purchased with a coupon, find a way to get your hands on $100,000. After that, you can ease off the gas a little bit.” – Charlie Munger[1]

This one’s pretty straightforward. To start your journey to wealth, you’ve got to bring in money, and you must save up enough for it to be meaningful. This could be from your day job, a side hustle, or multiple sources of income. The more you earn, the more you can squirrel away as capital. This capital will be your soldier in the battle for wealth – you’ll use it to invest, grow, and create more wealth. You can start at zero money, but you can’t stay there.

2. Build your financial and business knowledge.

“Generally speaking, investing in yourself is the best thing you can do. Anything that improves your own talents; nobody can tax it or take it away from you. They can run up huge deficits and the dollar can become worth far less. You can have all kinds of things happen. But if you’ve got talent yourself, and you’ve maximized your talent, you’ve got a tremendous asset that can return ten-fold.” – Warren Buffett[2]

Knowledge is power, and it’s the power to grow your wealth in personal finance. By increasing your understanding of financial and business concepts, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions about how to use your money. And the more informed your decisions, the higher your chances of success. Investing in yourself can be the best investment, and knowledge is power. You can only become wealthy with a base of knowledge.

3. Invest your capital for growth

“A tree takes time to grow, and so will most smart investments. Start early, be patient, and let your money grow.” – Warren Buffett

Your capital shouldn’t just sit there; it needs to work. You can put it to work by investing in businesses, purchasing cash-flowing assets, or making other smart investments. When your capital grows, your wealth grows. It’s a simple equation that requires a keen eye and intelligent decisions. Capital is your wealth-building machine; it must be put to work growing and cash-flowing.

4. Develop an idea into wealth

“There is no way to create wealth without ideas. Most new ideas are created by newcomers. So anyone who thinks the world is safe for incumbents is dead wrong” – Gary Hamel

A great idea can be worth a fortune. Whether it’s a business, asset, intellectual property, product, or service, developing your concept into something real can generate wealth. It’s not just about the money it can bring in – it’s also about the value it can add to the world. That value can be converted into wealth. An idea has little value; it’s the hard work of monetization where the wealth is generated. Ideas are a dime of dozen; the execution of an idea can be worth a fortune.

5. Use leverage to create wealth

“Financial leverage is the advantage the rich have over the poor and middle class.” – Robert Kiyosaki

In the financial sense, leverage uses borrowed resources to increase potential returns. Real estate loans, business loans, employees, margin accounts, and options contracts are all leverage tools. The trick is in using them wisely, not recklessly. Another form of leverage is working one time but getting paid through the amplification of your reach. No matter how big your audience gets, you work once and get paid exponentially through royalties, social media platforms, podcasts, websites, businesses, and intellectual property. Leveraging your efforts or capital is very different than selling your time for money as an employee. This may be the most critical personal finance rule and the only one you need if you do it correctly.

6. Don’t live beyond your means

“A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” – Dave Ramsey

One of the quickest ways to destroy your ability to build your wealth is by spending more than you earn. Overspending on lifestyle can devour your capital, which should instead be invested for exponential growth. Taking on debt payments on depreciating assets can lead to financial stagnation. A little bit of restraint can go a long way. Most personal finance is about self-control more than a math problem. Giving into impulsive spending will keep you broke and in debt.

7. Look at the risk/reward ratio in every opportunity.

“If you have a 10% chance of a 100x return, you should take that bet every time even if it’s going to feel bad 9 out of 10 times.” – Jeff Bezos

Ask yourself this – if my strategy succeeds, what will my profit be? If it fails, what’s my loss? That’s the essence of the risk/reward equation.

Risk is a part of any business venture, investment, or trade, but it doesn’t mean you should jump in without thinking. Weigh the potential reward against the possible loss. Make sure the scales tip in your favor before you dive in. Consider the best-case scenario if you are successful, the worst-case scenario if you fail, and the probability of success. Calculate the proper bet size of capital and avoid the risk of ruin.

Key Takeaways

  • Generate income to accumulate capital, serving as your primary wealth creation tool.
  • Arm yourself with financial and business education, your map for wealth.
  • Utilize your capital to generate growth by creating or investing in opportunities.
  • Transform ideas into value, creating wealth out of ingenuity.
  • Employ leverage wisely, using borrowed resources to amplify potential gains.
  • Practice financial restraint, avoid unnecessary expenses, and focus on investing for growth.
  • Analyze every venture’s risk/reward balance, ensuring the potential gain outweighs the risk.


There’s an art to building wealth that requires mastering fundamental principles. All the rules above are pivotal parts of this grand financial plan. The process may seem daunting initially, but mastering these guiding principles allows anyone to pave the road to becoming rich. Remember, wealth isn’t simply a measure of money but a testament to one’s financial knowledge, discipline, and perseverance.