What We Think, We Become

What We Think, We Become

A timeless wisdom attributed to Buddha asserts that “What we think, we become.” This statement encapsulates a profound truth about human nature: our thoughts significantly shape our lives. But how does this mechanism work? Let’s take a deep dive.

The Science Behind “What We Think, We Become”

Contemporary psychology and neuroscience confirm the essence of Buddha’s wisdom. Our thoughts directly impact our feelings, behaviors, and attitudes, leading to different life outcomes. A recurrent pattern of thoughts forms neural pathways in our brain, influencing our responses to life’s circumstances. When you consistently think positively, your brain adapts to a positivity bias, resulting in more optimism and resilience.

The Role of Positive Thinking in Personal Development

Positivity often acts as a catalyst for personal growth. It boosts confidence, improves problem-solving capabilities, and enhances overall productivity. Positive thinkers exhibit superior adaptability, better health, and higher life satisfaction. They embody resilience, persisting in facing challenges and bouncing back from adversity.

Cognitive Reconditioning: Changing the Way You Think

It’s not always easy to shift from negative to positive thinking, but cognitive reconditioning offers a pathway. This process involves identifying destructive thought patterns, challenging their validity, and replacing them with healthier alternatives. With consistency and dedication, cognitive reconditioning can fundamentally alter your outlook on life.

Case Studies: Successful People Who Altered Their Lives Through Thought

Numerous successful individuals attribute their achievements to a mindset shift. Take the case of Oprah Winfrey, for instance. Despite her traumatic childhood and early career struggles, she consistently chose empowerment over victimhood, attributing her achievements to her positive mindset. Similarly, Elon Musk attributes his out-of-the-box ventures to his belief in the impossible, thus demonstrating the power of thought.

Practical Strategies for Influencing Your Thoughts

Effectively managing thoughts requires intentional strategies. Meditation and mindfulness prove beneficial in centering your mind, reducing stress, and fostering positivity. Similarly, regular physical activity promotes mental well-being. Lastly, journaling can help you track and analyze your thought patterns, enabling constructive introspection.

Exploring the Connection Between Thoughts and Actions

Thoughts often act as precursors to actions. A positive outlook can spur you towards proactive behaviors and constructive habits, further solidifying your positive mindset. This self-reinforcing cycle can lead to substantial personal and professional growth over time.

Harnessing Thought Power: Techniques and Tools

There are various techniques and tools to harness your thought power. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) offers effective methods for changing thought patterns. Affirmations and visualization exercises can help you reinforce positive self-beliefs and goals. Additionally, mindfulness apps provide resources for cultivating a more positive mental state.

Impact of Negative Thinking and How to Overcome It

Negative thinking can result in many problems, including stress, anxiety, depression, and reduced life satisfaction. However, recognizing negative thought patterns and actively challenging them can mitigate their impact. CBT, mindfulness, and stress management exercises can help this journey toward a healthier mindset.

Integrating the Philosophy of “What We Think, We Become” into Daily Life

The philosophy of “What we think, we become” can be integrated into everyday life. It involves consciously maintaining positivity, resilience during adversity, and a proactive approach to personal growth. Practicing mindfulness and regularly using cognitive tools can cultivate an empowering mindset.

Obstacles in the Path of Changing Our Thoughts

While the journey towards positive thinking promises many rewards, it’s not without challenges. Negative thought patterns can be deeply ingrained; altering them requires consistent effort. Additionally, external stressors and setbacks can impede progress. However, commitment and patience can yield transformative results.

Empowering Yourself Through Mindfulness and Conscious Thinking

Mindfulness involves staying present at the moment and accepting it without judgment. It enhances self-awareness, which is critical for identifying and modifying thought patterns. Conscious thinking—actively directing and managing thoughts—complements mindfulness by promoting a more positive, empowered mindset.

Examining the Interplay Between Thoughts and Emotions

Thoughts and emotions exist in a reciprocal relationship. Our thoughts can trigger emotional responses, and vice versa. By managing our thoughts, we control our emotions, reducing stress and fostering emotional well-being.

Case Study: Sarah Johnson’s Transformation Through Mindset Change


Sarah Johnson, a 32-year-old marketing professional, was stuck in a corporate job that brought her no satisfaction or joy. She worked tirelessly in the competitive marketing industry for ten years but felt underappreciated and unfulfilled. Sarah was anxious, stressed, and disillusioned despite her successful career trajectory.


Sarah’s main challenge was her lack of fulfillment and constant stress. She was at a point where she felt that her career was no longer rewarding but was instead draining her mentally and physically. The continuous anxiety also took a toll on her personal life; she knew she needed a change. However, the fear of leaving a stable job and the uncertainty of trying something new paralyzed her, preventing her from making a decision.

Alteration in Thought

After seeking guidance from various sources, Sarah came across Amy Morin’s “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.” Inspired by the insights provided in the book, Sarah realized that she needed to alter her thought process. She challenged her fears and anxieties rather than let them control her.

Sarah began to practice mindfulness, focusing on her thoughts and actions in the present rather than worrying about the future. She also stopped viewing her current job as a trap and started seeing it as a stepping stone toward her future goals. Sarah made it a habit to replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations, which slowly started to change her outlook toward her job and her capabilities.


Emboldened by her change in thought, Sarah decided to take a calculated risk. She enrolled in an evening course to learn graphic design—a field she had always been passionate about but never had the time to explore. During the day, she continued her job in marketing but with a different mindset. She began viewing her challenges at work as opportunities for growth and started using her experiences to improve her skills in graphic design.


Over time, Sarah’s mental shift and newfound skills led her to launch her graphic design firm. She was able to leave her corporate job and pursue a career that genuinely excited and fulfilled her. Today, Sarah leads a successful business, does what she loves, and enjoys a healthy work-life balance. Her mental health has significantly improved, and she attributes her success to her changed mindset and the strength she found within herself.


As we better understand the power of thought, we recognize its potential for personal and societal growth. This shift towards thought consciousness could have profound implications, including more resilient societies, innovative solutions to global issues, and enhanced quality of life.
In conclusion, “What we think, we become” isn’t just a philosophy—a science-backed principle that can help shape our reality. Understanding and harnessing the power of thought can pave the way for a more fulfilling life.