Turn off Anxiety in Your Nervous System: 4 Ways to Turn on the Parasympathetic Response

Turn off Anxiety in Your Nervous System: 4 Ways to Turn on the Parasympathetic Response

We all encounter anxiety, a prevalent, multifaceted beast that disrupts mental and physical wellness. To comprehend how to alleviate anxiety, we first need to examine our built-in biological defense system: the autonomic nervous system. Here, we can unlock our capacity for equilibrium and calm within the sympathetic and parasympathetic responses. This blog post aims to provide strategies for igniting your parasympathetic response, thus turning off the anxiety switch.

Understanding the Nervous System

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) operates like an automatic pilot, controlling functions like heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate. It divides into two main branches: the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS).

The SNS prompts the well-known ‘fight or flight’ response, enabling us to react to perceived threats. It quickens the heart rate, dilates the pupils, and shuts down non-essential functions such as digestion. Conversely, the PNS promotes ‘rest and digest,’ facilitating bodily functions that occur when the body is at rest, like digestion, salivation, and sexual arousal.

Balancing these two systems proves crucial for overall well-being. However, persistent activation of the SNS, coupled with inadequate PNS activation, can lead to chronic stress and anxiety disorders.

The Connection Between Anxiety and the Nervous System

The SNS is a lifesaver during immediate threats, but it produces anxiety symptoms like a rapid heart rate, breathlessness, and tense muscles when overactive. Conversely, the PNS is a natural anxiety reducer, slowing the heart rate and promoting relaxation. Mounting scientific evidence validates this relationship, showing that techniques stimulating the PNS can decrease anxiety significantly.

The Four Ways to Activate the Parasympathetic Response

Armed with this understanding, let’s explore four techniques that encourage the soothing impact of the PNS and alleviate anxiety.

1. Deep and Mindful Breathing

Breathing deeply and mindfully can send direct signals to your brain to calm down, triggering the PNS. Deep diaphragmatic breaths stimulate the vagus nerve, a primary player in the PNS, promoting relaxation. Here’s a simple way to start: sit comfortably, close your eyes, breathe deeply for a count of four, hold your breath for four, then exhale slowly for an eight. Repeat this cycle for a few minutes, focusing your attention on the breath. Not only can this method instill tranquility at the moment, but the regular practice also has long-lasting benefits for stress resilience.

2. Regular Physical Exercise

Exercise is not only for physical fitness; it also enhances mental health by stimulating the PNS. After the initial activation of the SNS during physical exertion, there’s a compensatory PNS response that fosters relaxation and stress reduction. Low to moderate-intensity exercises such as walking, swimming, and cycling appear especially beneficial. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily; remember, consistency is key.

3. Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation are age-old practices, well-documented for their stress-reducing effects. Yoga poses to stretch and stimulate the vagus nerve, while meditation fosters a mindful state that can diminish stress responses. Begin with simple poses or a short guided meditation session. Gradually increase the duration as your comfort level rises. Over time, you’ll likely notice improved relaxation, less anxiety, and better emotional regulation.

4. Healthy Eating and Hydration

A balanced diet and hydration also impact the PNS. Certain nutrients and adequate water intake are critical for the smooth functioning of the nervous system. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, chia seeds, and walnuts, and magnesium-rich foods, such as leafy greens and nuts, support PNS activity. Remember to stay hydrated, as dehydration can trigger the SNS and increase feelings of anxiety.

How to Incorporate These Techniques Into Your Daily Routine

Integrating these techniques into your daily life may seem daunting, but remember: small, consistent changes can lead to significant impacts over time. Consider incorporating a few minutes of deep breathing into your morning routine or replacing one sedentary activity with a brisk walk. Embrace a gradual shift towards healthier eating, adding one or two PNS-supporting foods to your diet each week. Patience and consistency are fundamental to developing these health-enhancing habits.

Case Study: Harnessing the Power of the Parasympathetic Nervous System to Manage Anxiety


In the face of rising global anxiety levels, understanding and leveraging the body’s inherent mechanisms for stress regulation is more critical than ever. This case study explores the journey of a 35-year-old software engineer, John, who successfully managed his chronic anxiety by harnessing the power of his parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).


John had been battling anxiety for over five years. His demanding job and personal stressors led to persistent activation of his sympathetic nervous system (SNS), causing chronic stress and anxiety. Despite trying various medications and therapies, John’s anxiety remained largely uncontrolled. He often experienced symptoms like rapid heart rate, breathlessness, and muscle tension, significantly impacting his quality of life.


John was introduced to the concept of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and its role in anxiety. He learned about the ‘fight or flight’ response triggered by the SNS and the rest and digest state promoted by the PNS. Understanding that an overactive SNS and underactive PNS could lead to chronic anxiety, John decided to explore techniques that could stimulate his PNS and alleviate his anxiety.


John incorporated four key strategies into his daily routine:

  1. Deep and Mindful Breathing: John practiced deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises for 10 minutes every morning. He focused on inhaling deeply for a count of four, holding his breath for four, and exhaling slowly for eight.
  2. Regular Physical Exercise: John replaced his sedentary lifestyle with regular physical activity. He started with brisk walking for 30 minutes daily and gradually incorporated cycling and swimming into his routine.
  3. Yoga and Meditation: John attended a beginner’s yoga class twice weekly and started practicing guided meditation before bedtime.
  4. Healthy Eating and Hydration: John revamped his diet, incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium, known to support PNS activity. He also ensured he stayed well-hydrated throughout the day.


After six months of consistent practice, John reported significantly reducing his anxiety levels. He noticed fewer rapid heart rate and breathlessness episodes, and his muscle tension had considerably reduced. He felt more relaxed and in control of his emotions. His sleep improved, and he felt more energetic and productive at work.


In this fast-paced world, anxiety is increasingly common. Yet, we hold an internal lever for change within our nervous system. Understanding and harnessing the power of the PNS can reduce anxiety and foster a greater sense of calm. It’s time to breathe deeply, move regularly, meditate mindfully, and eat healthily, embracing less anxiety and more tranquility.

In your journey, you are not alone. Please share your experiences and any strategies that have helped you. Your insights can support others on a similar journey, helping us all cultivate a calmer, less anxious world.