8 Minimalist Habits To Start In 2023

8 Minimalist Habits To Start In 2023

Minimalism is all about stripping away the excess and focusing on what’s truly important. As we enter 2023, adopting a few new minimalist habits is a great way to declutter your mind, schedule, and surroundings. Paring down the non-essentials can reduce stress and find more fulfillment.

This article will explore eight minimalist habits you can implement this year to simplify your life. For each habit, an example will show how to put that minimalist tip into action. Finally, see how Sophia’s life improved by adopting all eight habits. With focus and consistency, these minimalist practices can improve your days.

1. Donate Unused Items

Go through every room and closet in your home. Identify items you have not used in over a year. Gather these neglected objects – clothing, books, decor, kitchenware, etc. – and donate them to charity. This declutters your personal space while benefiting others.

For example, Melissa realized she had over a dozen mugs in her kitchen cabinet. She kept her two favorite mugs and donated the rest and other unused kitchen items. This freed up space and reduced clutter.

2. Daily Decluttering

Set aside 10-15 minutes daily to quickly tidy and declutter your home. Focus on areas that collect clutter, like countertops, tables, and floors. Put away out-of-place items immediately after use so messes do not accumulate. Maintaining an organized, minimalist home is more straightforward with quick daily tidying.

For instance, Alex wipes down his bathroom counter and puts everything away each evening. He also takes a few minutes to fold blankets in the living room and organize his keys/wallet by the door. This keeps his home tidy without a marathon cleaning session.

3. Cook Meals At Home

Plan out weekly meals and cook at home as much as possible. Preparing simple recipes in bulk makes it easy to have home-cooked meals without spending hours in the kitchen daily. Bringing lunch to work also reduces daily spending. Eating out less and cooking at home saves money and ensures you eat healthier, minimally processed foods.

For example, Amanda now does Sunday meal prep- cooking rice, veggies, chicken, etc. Healthy pre-made meals make it easy to avoid grabbing fast food during her busy workweek.

4. Walk Or Bike For Transportation

Consider walking, biking, or public transportation instead of driving when running short errands. This saves money spent on gas, parking, and car maintenance. It also reduces environmental impact and provides daily exercise.

Make your hometown more walkable by consolidating errands along a single route. For instance, on Saturdays, Eric walks to the cleaners, bank, cafe, and market all in one 2-mile loop. Driving less improves health while minimizing costs and environmental impact.

5. Cut Out Unused Subscriptions

Comb through your credit card statements and online accounts. Identify subscriptions and memberships you rarely or never use – gym fees, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. Call or go online to cancel anything providing little value. Those small unused fees add up quickly.

For example, Tyler realized he hadn’t been to the climbing gym in over six months. He canceled his $60/month membership, saving $720 annually. He spends that money on cooking classes, a regular hobby.

6. Establish A “Wait Period” For Non-Essentials

When buying discretionary items, institute a 24-hour wait period. This creates time to determine whether the purchase is worthwhile or just an impulsive desire. Add the item to an online wish list or note it down on paper – if you still want it the next day, then buy. But often, you’ll find the urge passes.

Maya applied this rule when shopping online. Instead of instantly buying a $50 pair of earrings, she waited 24 hours. The next day, she realized she didn’t love them enough to spend the money. Skipping those impulse purchases saved her several hundred dollars.

7. Automate Savings

Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account twice monthly. Consistent automated savings stop you from spending money on wants instead of needs. Build an emergency fund and save for future goals on autopilot.

To illustrate, Dan has $200 transferred to savings every pay period. He started with $100 per paycheck, then increased over time as his income grew. This automated regular savings helped him build financial security.

8. Buy Fewer, Quality Items

Carefully evaluate each purchase you make. Avoid buying for novelty or variety. Instead, focus on quality staple items that fit your lifestyle. Durable goods used frequently are worth investing in. Buying less and making items last reduces waste.

For example, James wanted to update his wardrobe with some new shirts. Rather than buying five cheap shirts that would wear out quickly, he purchased two high-quality shirts he could wear for years. Spending more per item initially saves money long-term.

Putting It All Together: Sophia’s Story

28-year-old Sophia decided she wanted to declutter and simplify her life. She planned to implement all eight minimalist habits over the next year. Here is how adopting these practices transformed Sophia’s lifestyle:

  • She donated bags of old clothes and books, decluttering her closet and shelves.
  • Daily tidying kept her apartment clean without marathon cleaning sessions.
  • Cooking at home and bringing her lunch to the office saved around $300 monthly.
  • Biking to run errands in her neighborhood saved gas money and helped her get in shape.
  • Cutting subscription services like an unused gym membership and Netflix saved her $40 monthly.
  • Instituting a 24-hour wait period minimized impulse purchases of unneeded items.
  • Automated savings grew her emergency fund by $1,000 in the first six months.
  • Purchasing classic, durable pieces over trendy items reduced spending and waste.

By adopting these habits over the year, Sophia had more free time, less stress, and more excellent financial stability. Focusing on living minimally improved her mental health while saving money. She plans to continue these minimalist practices moving forward in 2024 and beyond!

Starting with a few habits above can set you toward simple and intentional living this new year. Decluttering your home, schedule, finances, and more will help uncover what’s most essential. Adopt one habit per month, and by the end of 2023, you may find, like Sophia, that minimalist living improves your life and brings you joy.