9 Easy Things I Do Everyday to Save Thousands Each Year! | Frugal Living Tips

9 Easy Things I Do Everyday to Save Thousands Each Year!  |  Frugal Living Tips

Frugal living is all about spending less and maximizing savings without sacrificing quality of life. It’s astonishing how small daily habit changes can lead to thousands in savings over a year. These nine simple, frugal tips easily save me thousands annually through everyday mindfulness.

1. Make Coffee at Home

Brewing my daily caffeine fix at home instead of buying fancy lattes and cappuccinos saves me $3 or more per cup. I invested once in a decent coffee maker like an Aeropress and made great-tasting pour-overs to start my day. I also flavor with spices like cinnamon which costs pennies. This straightforward change saves me upwards of $1000 a year.

For instance, James used to buy a $4 latte on his way to work daily. By bringing his coffee in a tumbler, he saves $3 a day, adding up to $900 in annual savings.  

2. Pack Your Lunch

Packing a lunch to take to work or school saves a ton compared to eating out. I prep simple lunches like sandwiches, leftovers, chopped veggie salads, and snacks each week. It takes little time but saves $10 or more per meal than grabbing takeout. That’s $2500 in annual savings I can use elsewhere.

Lily would frequently buy $15 salads for lunch. Now she meal preps lunches with ingredients she has on hand. This allows her to save $75 every workweek.

3. Cook Dinner at Home 

Healthy dinners at home using simple recipes with minimal ingredients are cheaper than takeout, delivery, or restaurants. I use kitchen tools like the instant pot, air fryer, and slow cooker for quick, hands-off meals after work. Eating in versus dining out saves $15 per meal, amounting to $4000 or more yearly.

Matt and his wife used to order takeout multiple times a week at around $20 per meal. Cooking basic meals at home saves them over $80 per week.

4. Buy Generic Brands Over Name Brands

Opting for generic cereal, canned goods, over-the-counter medicine, condiments, and other grocery basics saves 30% or more without sacrificing quality. Store brands are just as good, especially for staple items. Being brand agnostic could save hundreds of dollars annually.

Brandi switched from buying brand-name flour, sugar, spices, and other baking essentials to generic options. She saves 30% on each item, which adds up frequently when baking.

5. Shop Thrift and Secondhand Stores

I buy most of my clothes from local thrift stores, often finding high-quality items at 90% off the retail price. Used bookstores provide similar savings on books, magazines, puzzles, and games compared to new ones. Reselling items when I’m done with them allows me to recoup some costs too.

Checking thrift stores in wealthy neighborhoods first led Lucy to fantastic fashion finds at steep discounts. She reduces her clothing costs by hundreds each year through secondhand shopping.  

6. Use Free Library Resources 

The local library offers so much more than book lending. I borrow DVDs, ebooks, online classes, video games, and more, all free with my library card. Attending free talks, concerts, and events is another perk. The library also offers internet access and printing. These amenities provide thousands in annual entertainment and education value.

Accessing free library resources for all his media needs saves Tim over $200 monthly in subscriptions. He also regularly attends free tech classes at the library. 

7. Walk or Bike for Transportation

I walk or bike to run errands and get around locally as much as possible. Not only does this save on gas money, but it also provides free exercise. Public transport like buses and subways can also significantly reduce transportation costs in bigger cities. It is going car-free whenever feasible, saving hundreds if not thousands, each year.

Jess lives nearby to walk or bike to work, stores, and social outings. Driving only when necessary saves her approximately $150 per month in gas and parking fees.

8. Do DIY Repairs and Maintenance

Instead of replacing items or calling repair servicemen, I first attempt basic do-it-yourself fixes using Youtube tutorials. Investing in a toolkit and learning simple skills like sewing, mechanics, and carpentry goes a long way. I’ve saved hundreds fixing appliances, electronics, plumbing issues, and more on my own.

Chris fixed a leaky toilet valve, changed his oil, and patched some drywall using online DIY videos. He saved well over $400 in handyman and mechanic fees.

9. Use Cashback Apps and Coupons

I always search for coupons and promo codes before I shop online or in-store. Cashback apps like Rakuten provide bonus rebates for purchases made through their affiliate links. Using both allows me to save 15% or more on everyday items easily. These small savings add up to hundreds of dollars annually. 

Jasmine uses Rakuten to get 4-10% cashback on all her online orders. She also uses apps to find coupons at the grocery store, saving $20 on each trip.

Case Study

James was fed up with living paycheck to paycheck despite making decent money. He decided to make some frugal changes to start saving consistently. James started packing daily lunches and brewing coffee at home before work. He mapped out his week to cook simple, inexpensive meals instead of takeout. 

Coupons and generic brands became his grocery shopping habits. He walked or biked locally for errands and exercise. James got a library card for free entertainment and borrowed tools instead of buying them. Repairing his appliances and mending his work clothes saved hundreds in fees and replacements.

In one year, these small daily frugal changes helped James save over $8000 without feeling deprived! The savings allowed him to repay debts, build an emergency fund, and begin retirement investing.


Small daily actions like making coffee, packing lunch, shopping smart, and saving gas add up to thousands in annual savings. Try consistently implementing some of these effective frugal habits to see your savings grow. Tiny changes made daily create enormous financial benefits over time.