How to Take a Brain Break

How to Take a Brain Break

Taking regular breaks is essential for optimal brain function and productivity. With constant stimulation from screens and information overload in the digital age, our brains become fatigued after 25-30 minutes of concentrated work. You can recharge cognitive abilities, improve memory and learning, and enhance performance by incorporating brief brain breaks. This article will provide tips and examples to help you integrate rejuvenating breaks into your routine.


Your brain is like a muscle—it needs periodic rest and recovery to perform at its best. Focus and concentration inevitably slip when you spend hours working without a break. Taking short 1-5 minute brain breaks every 25-30 minutes can help counteract this mental fatigue. Brain breaks allow your mind to rest, restore depleted cognitive resources, and solidify new memories and learning.

Structured breaks are especially beneficial. Techniques like the Pomodoro method actively build in 25-minute work sprints followed by 5-minute breaks. This pulsing rhythm of work and rest keeps you mentally fresh all day. Your brain’s processing power and memory capacity are strained without regular resets. Quick brain break activities are essential for maintaining optimal cognitive function over time.

Why Take Breaks?

Boost Memory and Learning

Taking regular breaks creates more moments of mental “landmarking” where you remember the start and end of an activity. In memory science, this is known as the primacy and recency effect. More mental bookmarks in a period strengthen overall retention and recall. Even brief 20-30-second microbreaks can aid learning.

For example, students taking regular breaks while studying retain 50% more information than cramming for hours uninterrupted. The brain consolidates memories better when it has time to recharge.

Recharge Mental Resources

Working for prolonged periods drains vital neural resources and tires out the brain. Taking a brief respite allows the brain to replenish depleted cognitive fuel, primarily glucose and oxygen. This rejuvenates mental processes degraded by overuse, like attention, reasoning, and self-control.

Think of your brain like a smartphone battery. You need to plug it in regularly to keep performing at its best. A quick walk or light snack gives your brain nutrients and energy to tackle the next task.

3 Tips for a Brain Break

Breathe Deeply

Deep diaphragmatic breathing for just one minute can clear mental congestion and energize brain cells. Inhaling fully supplies more oxygen to the brain, which consumes 20% of the body’s oxygen supply. The extra oxygen acts like a neural reboot, improving cognitive abilities like focus, memory, and reaction time.

Try taking 5-10 deep belly breaths whenever you notice your mind feeling drained. The oxygen boost gets you ready for your next burst of productivity. You can also try box breathing – inhaling for 4 seconds, holding for 4, exhaling for 4, and holding again for 4.

Hydrate Frequently

Drinking water may seem too simple to affect brain function, but proper hydration can increase thinking speed by nearly 30%. When dehydrated, brain cells and blood plasma shrink, impairing cognitive processing. Keeping the brain hydrated with water enhances memory, attention, and mood.

Get in the habit of drinking water every hour or when you feel your concentration waning. Install an app to remind you when it’s time for a water break. Or keep a large reusable water bottle on your desk and make a point to take a few sips each time you need a mental refresh.

Move Your Body

After sitting motionless for long periods, moving your body helps revive a tired mind. Light exercise increases blood flow and releases neurochemicals that boost brain plasticity. Just 5 minutes of walking or stretching stimulates the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This protein fertilizes your neurons, promoting growth and strengthening connections between brain cells.

When you need a brain lift, try jumping jacks, jogging in place, or dancing to an upbeat song. Many online videos lead short desk exercises to re-energize. Moving engages new neural networks, which spark creativity and unlock innovative solutions.

Brain Break Activity Ideas


Juggling might seem unrelated to work, but it builds new gray matter in areas tied to processing and memory. The highly coordinated hand-eye motions also forge neural pathways that can enhance reading skills and retention. Set a timer for 3 minutes and try tossing and catching three balls or beanbags. This fun mini-workout bolsters brain power.

Cross Lateral Movements

Cross-lateral exercises involve crossing the body’s midline and integrating the brain’s right and left hemispheres. Examples are touching your opposite knee to elbow, ear to shoulder, or hand to foot. You can also tap opposite hands and feet. Do a simple pattern for 1-2 minutes to get blood flowing and build connectivity.

Super Brain Yoga

This sequence combines deep breathing, acupressure stimulation, and body movements. Rub your palms together vigorously for 10 seconds. Place them gently over your eyes and breathe deeply. Next, insert your thumb and index finger in one ear. Squat up and down three times while holding this pose. Finish by placing palms on the sides of your head and bowing forward three times.

General Movement Ideas

Dance Break

Turn on a favorite upbeat playlist and let loose for 5 minutes. Free-form dancing engages the cerebellum and allows your mind to shift gears from concentrated work. If self-conscious, close your office door and pull down the blinds. Moving rhythmically boosts mood and reduces stress.

Table Tennis

A quick ping pong game elevates heart rate, sharpens reflexes, and hones hand-eye coordination. The game’s unpredictability keeps your mind engaged without overtaxing it. Rally back and forth with a co-worker for 10 minutes to recharge your mental batteries.

Take a Walk

Stepping outside for a short 5-10-minute walk allows your brain to recalibrate. Breathing fresh air and experiencing a change of scenery re-stimulates the mind. Exposure to nature also boosts creativity. Stroll around your building, through a park, or anywhere that gives your brain a dose of novelty.

Amanda’s Story: A Case Study

Amanda is an accountant who used to slog through her workday without any breaks. She would power through tasks for 2-3 hours out of fear of falling behind. However, she constantly struggled to stay focused and often made small mistakes that would slow her overall progress.

Implementing regular brain breaks completely transformed Amanda’s day. She began using the Pomodoro technique, working for 25-minute stretches and a 5-minute break. For breaks, Amanda stepped away from her desk and did deep breathing, drank some water, or walked around the office chatting with colleagues.

These brief diversions gave Amanda’s brain the periodic rest it needed to tackle accounting with renewed concentration. She was less bogged down in the details and could see the bigger picture. The regular breaks also improved her mood and reduced fatigue. Amanda felt mentally refreshed, and her productivity increased by 30% over a month. She also noticed improved sleep quality since she wasn’t mentally burnt out after work.

Incorporating brain breaks optimized Amanda’s cognitive performance and boosted her career success. She is now a major proponent of taking mental breaks.


Regular and structured breaks keep your brain performing at its best throughout the day. Building in time to recharge mental energy improves productivity, learning, creativity, and analytical skills. It also reduces stress and mental exhaustion. Experiment with brain break strategies like deep breathing, hydration, exercise, or shifting focus. Keep optimizing your neural functioning by giving your brain sporadic and nourishing rest periods.