Stop Doing These 5 Things

Stop Doing These 5 Things

We all tend to fall into habits and thinking patterns that keep us from living our best and most fulfilling lives. These behaviors become so deeply ingrained over time that we don’t even realize their negative impact on our happiness and productivity. Making a conscious effort to identify and change these unhelpful patterns can lead to remarkably positive shifts in our outlook and quality of life.

In this article, I will share five everyday things you should consider eliminating from your life to become more positive, purposeful, and present. Making small but intentional changes in these areas can help you break free of old modes and create space for new, empowering ones. To illustrate these shifts’ powerful effects, we’ll look at a case study of someone who implemented all five tips and saw their life transform in just a few months.

1. Stop Making Yourself Suffer Through Your Thinking

Our thoughts wield tremendous influence over our emotions and experiences. We suffer unnecessarily when we indulge in negative thinking patterns like rumination, worry, and pessimism. Instead of remaining stuck in these thought habits, consciously shift your mindset to a more positive one. Look for the good in every situation. Reframe challenges as opportunities. Train your brain to default to optimism rather than constant criticism.

For example, when you catch yourself dwelling on a mistake at work, instead of chastising yourself as “stupid” or “incompetent,” reframe it as a chance to learn and improve for next time. Speak encouragingly to yourself as you would to a close friend.

2. Stop Having Opinions About Things That Don’t Matter

It’s easy to form solid opinions and get worked up about things that have little significance in our daily lives. We expend much mental energy debating trivial matters that don’t impact our goals or well-being. Before settling on a firm opinion, ask yourself if this issue truly matters. Will it affect your life meaningfully if you pick side A versus side B? If not, it’s not worth wasting your time and brainpower.

For instance, getting riled about a celebrity’s outfit choice or staking out an unwavering position on pineapple on pizza takes up emotional bandwidth better directed elsewhere. Focus your mental faculties and opinions on substantial issues directly impacting your objectives.

3. Stop Indulging in Negative Self-Talk

How we talk to ourselves greatly influences our self-image and capabilities. Negative self-talk like “I’m so stupid” or “I can never do anything right” is highly damaging, not to mention untrue. Indulging in constant self-criticism and pessimism becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Make a concerted effort to catch yourself when lapsing into detrimental internal or external dialogue. Halt the negativity and intentionally replace it with affirming statements. Celebrate your wins rather than dwell on failures. Talk to yourself with the same compassion you would a good friend. You’ll be amazed how much more empowered, motivated, and joyful you feel.

For example, instead of saying, “I bombed that presentation. I’m hopeless,” reframe it as “I was a little shaky at first but did well overall. I’ll prepare more next time and improve each time I practice.”

4. Stop Getting Sidetracked From Your Goals

It’s easy to get caught up in busy work and distractions that pull your attention away from what truly matters most. Essentialism is about regularly reviewing and filtering out less critical activities so you can focus on your top priorities. Start by identifying your most important goals and the key steps necessary.

For example, if your goal is to get into medical school, actions like studying for entrance exams and researching schools should take priority over less essential tasks. Block out distractions in your schedule and purposefully direct your time and energy toward the most critical activities. Discipline and focus will prevent you from being derailed.

5. Stop Getting Lost in the Past and Future

Dwelling on the past and hypothetical “what-ifs” about the future often leads to stress and anxiety and prevents us from being fully present. Practicing mindfulness – intentionally bringing full awareness to the present moment without judgment – can be tremendously centering. Appreciate the here and now for what it is versus what came before or what may come later.

For instance, when taking a shower, be fully engaged – notice how the warm water feels, the smell of the soap, and the sound of water against the tiles. Or, when eating dinner, don’t just mindlessly chew – savor the texture and flavors, listen to dinner conversation, and feel the satisfaction of nourishing your body. Staying grounded in the now will bring you greater calm, joy, and gratitude.

Case Study

John felt stuck in an unhappy rut, beholden to habitual patterns of thinking and behaving that no longer served him. By implementing the five tips above over three months, he broke free of old, limiting modes and turned his outlook and life around.

John worked on quieting his negative self-talk and consciously cultivated gratitude and optimism. He stopped wasting energy judging coworkers and obsessing over celebrity gossip. He focused on pursuing his dream of starting a nonprofit – researching logistics, making a business plan, and networking with others in the space. Finally, he made an effort to mindfully savor his kids’ soccer games and family dinners instead of constantly dwelling on past regrets and future worries.

The compound effect of these small but mighty changes was profound. John became his best self – a cheerful, purpose-driven, present father, friend, and community member. He finally had the clarity and motivation to take steps toward building his vision. His outlook shift paved the way for tangible lifestyle shifts to follow.


As illustrated above, making simple but intentional adjustments in how you think, speak, focus your attention, and spend your time can have an immense impact. You can stop self-limiting patterns and live more presently, purposefully, and positively. Try implementing one or more of these five tips – you may be pleasantly surprised by the compound benefits over time.

Keep in mind that change is a process that requires discipline and practice. Don’t get discouraged if old habits start to creep back in. Be patient and persistent with yourself. Enlist help from supportive friends, family, or professionals if you need accountability. Investing in your emotional and mental well-being will pay off exponentially in the long run, empowering you to create the vibrant, meaningful life you envision. The choice is yours – will you accept the challenge to change and unlock your best self?