This is What it Looks Like Right Before a Depression Starts

This is What it Looks Like Right Before a Depression Starts

Understanding what the economic landscape looks like right before a depression starts can be crucial for both individual investors and businesses. While periods leading up to depression often appear stable or prosperous, numerous underlying indicators can signal a looming economic downturn. This article delves into these critical signs, from inflated stock markets and rising unemployment to fragile financial institutions and restrictive monetary policies. By monitoring these factors, you can make more informed decisions and prepare for potential economic challenges.

This is what it looks like right before an economic depression starts:

  1. Inflated Stock Market: An overvalued stock market often indicates speculative bubbles, which can burst and trigger a wider economic collapse.
  2. Rising Unemployment: An uptick in joblessness can signify that businesses are struggling, potentially leading to a broader economic downturn.
  3. Bank Instability: The failure or fragility of financial institutions can result in a credit crunch, severely impacting economic activity.
  4. Income Inequality: A widening wealth gap can reduce consumer spending, causing businesses to suffer and the economy to contract.
  5. Global Economic Conditions: Negative economic events in other countries can have a ripple effect, exacerbating domestic economic issues.
  6. Restrictive Monetary Policy: Central banks tightening monetary policy can reduce liquidity and stifle economic growth.
  7. Overproduction: Producing more goods than the market can consume leads to falling prices and layoffs, contributing to economic stagnation.
  8. High Consumer Debt: Elevated levels of personal debt can limit consumer spending, further slowing down economic activity.
  9. Decline in Business Investment: A reduction in corporate investment often indicates a lack of confidence in the economy, which can lead to a recession or depression.
  10. Political Instability: Poor policy decisions or political unrest can create economic uncertainty, potentially worsening an already fragile economic environment.

The Calm Before the Storm

Often, the period leading up to a depression can seem deceptively stable. Markets may be booming, and the general public might be optimistic. For example, before the Great Depression, the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached an all-time high of 381.17 in September 1929. However, beneath the surface, several indicators can signal a looming economic downturn, such as rising private debt and over-leveraged financial institutions.

The Stock Market Bubble: A Ticking Time Bomb

One of the most glaring signs of an impending depression is an inflated stock market fueled by over-speculation and excessive borrowing. In 1929, stock prices were trading at a 15 times earnings based on future earnings expectations, and margin loans increased dramatically in just a few years. When the bubble bursts, it can lead to a massive sell-off, plummeting stock prices, and a loss of wealth, setting off a chain reaction that affects the entire economy.

Rising Unemployment: The Warning Signal

A gradual increase in unemployment rates can be a red flag. Before the Great Depression, unemployment was 3.2%, but it skyrocketed to 24.9% by 1933. A steady climb in joblessness can indicate that businesses are starting to struggle, which can snowball into more significant economic problems.[1] [2]

Bank Failures: The Cracks in the Foundation

Weak financial institutions can be both a cause and a symptom of economic downturns. On average, more than 600 banks failed each year between 1921 and 1929. Those failures led to the end of many state deposit insurance programs. The failed banks were primarily small, rural banks, and people in metropolitan areas were generally unconcerned. Poorly regulated banks with risky lending practices are vulnerable to failure, which can lead to a loss of public confidence and a credit crunch. [3]

Income Inequality: The Silent Killer of Economic Stability

A widening gap between the rich and the poor can decrease consumer spending. In 1928, the top 1% of Americans received 23.9% of the nation’s income. When the majority of the population can’t afford to buy goods and services, businesses suffer, and the economy contracts.[4]

Global Factors: The World’s Role in a Looming Depression

We live in an interconnected world, and economic conditions in one country can have a ripple effect. For instance, the collapse of the German economy due to reparations from World War I significantly impacted the U.S. economy. Trade policies, geopolitical tensions, and global financial markets can all contribute to the onset of a depression.

Monetary Policy: How the Fed Sets the Stage

The role of central banks, like the Federal Reserve in the US, is crucial. In the late 1920s, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates, reducing the money supply by nearly a third. Contractionary monetary policies can choke off economic growth and lead to a depression.

Overproduction: The Glut That No One Wants

Both industrial and agricultural sectors can produce more goods than people can consume. For example, in the late 1920s, the US had nearly 40% more goods than it could consume. This overproduction leads to falling prices, layoffs, and economic stagnation.

Consumer Debt: The Chain Holding Back the Economy

High levels of consumer debt can severely limit spending. In the years leading up to the Great Depression, consumer debt had risen dramatically. When people are focused on paying off debts, they’re less likely to purchase goods and services, further slowing down the economy.

Decline in Business Investment: When Confidence Wanes

A decrease in business investment can be both a cause and a symptom of a looming depression. In the years leading up to the Great Depression, business investment had fallen dramatically due to tightening monetary policy. Businesses often stop investing in new projects or expansion when they foresee economic hardship.

Political Instability: The X-Factor in Economic Health

Government policies and political instability can exacerbate economic problems. For instance, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act 1930 worsened the Great Depression by reducing international trade by more than 65%. Trade wars, poor fiscal policies, and political unrest can all contribute to a deteriorating economic environment. [5]

Recognizing the Signs and Preparing for the Worst

Understanding these indicators is the first step in preparing for a potential economic depression. While no one can predict the future with certainty, knowing these signs can help individuals and businesses take precautionary measures to minimize impact. For example, diversifying investments, reducing debt, and increasing savings can be prudent.

Key Takeaways

  • Market Overvaluation: Beware of inflated stock markets driven by irrational exuberance and leveraged investments.
  • Joblessness Surge: Keep an eye on escalating unemployment rates as they often foreshadow broader economic woes.
  • Financial Institution Instability: Monitor the health of banks, as their fragility can precipitate a credit crisis.
  • Wealth Disparity: Take note of growing income gaps, as they can stifle aggregate demand and hinder economic growth.
  • International Influences: Stay alert to global economic conditions, as they can exacerbate domestic issues.
  • Central Bank Decisions: Watch for restrictive monetary policies that can strangle economic expansion.
  • Excess Output: Be cautious of industries churning out more products than the market demands, leading to price drops and layoffs.
  • Household Indebtedness: High levels of personal debt can brake on consumer spending and economic activity.
  • Business Caution: A decline in corporate investment often signals a lack of confidence in future economic prospects.
  • Policy and Governance Risks: Political decisions and instability can be the wild cards that worsen economic downturns.


In synthesizing the complexities that often presage an economic depression, it becomes evident that a multifaceted array of indicators—from inflated market valuations and escalating joblessness to financial institution fragility and policy missteps—converge to create a perfect storm of economic turmoil. Vigilance in monitoring these variables can equip individual investors and enterprises with the foresight needed to mitigate the repercussions of a looming downturn. By monitoring these factors, you can better understand the economic landscape and make more informed decisions, whether you’re an individual investor or a business owner.