The Money Rules The Rich Don’t Want You To Know (How to Get Rich)

The Money Rules The Rich Don’t Want You To Know (How to Get Rich)

When it comes to money rules and getting rich, there are some guarded secrets that the affluent would rather keep under wraps. While the rich continue to amass wealth through knowledge and strategies often overlooked by the general public, many wonder how to break out of their financial rut. In this article, we’re pulling back the curtain on these elusive tactics. From harnessing the transformative power of being debt-free to understanding the hidden costs of traditional employment, we’re diving deep into the strategies that can significantly elevate your financial game. Prepare to have your eyes opened and your financial future revolutionized.

The ten money rules the rich don’t want you to know:

  1. The power of being debt-free: If everyone knew the power of being debt-free in their personal finances, employers and businesses would have little leverage over their employees and would have to treat them much better to get them to stay.
  2. The power of compounding: If everyone knew the power of compounding gains in interest, returns, and business, everyone would retire early, and there would be fewer employees.
  3. The power of entrepreneurship: If people knew how to start their own businesses, they could capitalize on their skills and efforts. Companies would only have a few great employees to profit off the spread between their profitable output and their pay. People would monetize their self with no need for an employer.
  4. Acquiring assets over liabilities: This would hurt the rich by losing customers who declined to go into debt to buy their depreciating consumer goods and instead created new competition for them and their existing customers by buying their own cash-flowing assets.
  5. Financial literacy: This would allow employees to see the total cost of their job in their time, energy, commute, wardrobe, childcare, and the taxes they pay on earned income. Many jobs are not worth the pay due to the total costs involved in having them.
  6. Knowing what everyone else earns: If employees knew what their coworkers and their equals in other companies made, most people would learn how underpaid they are.
  7. Leverage: Using other people’s money (like business loans or investors) to build wealth. Employers want you to sell your time to them rather than using leverage to earn income. They want you to have consumer debt not use debt to get rich.
  8. Investing: Companies want you to work for them, not just get rich investing in their company’s stocks. They want you to stay in the employee world and out of the investing world unless it’s to use their 401K program.
  9. Financial freedom: Employers want you trapped in the Rat Race working your whole life for them, not finding a way to achieve financial independence from your job.
  10. Advanced finance and critical thinking education: Businesses want you smart enough to do your job, but not to be more intelligent than that. Much of the K-12 education system in the US is designed to create employees, not entrepreneurs, as the rich want to avoid more competition.

The Power of Being Debt-Free

Being debt-free isn’t just a financial status; it’s a state of independence. Employers and businesses hold significant leverage over employees who are burdened by debt. When you’re debt-free, you gain bargaining power in your professional life. The rich don’t want you to be debt-free because they can’t hold financial security over your head as leverage. If more people were debt-free, companies would have to offer better working conditions, higher salaries, and more benefits to attract and retain quality employees.

The Power of Compounding

Compounding isn’t just about math; it’s about freedom. The rich understand that compounding gains can exponentially increase wealth. But if everyone took advantage of this, who would be left to do the work? The wealthy count on the working class not understanding and utilizing the power of compounding to maintain their labor force while reaping the benefits of compounding on their investments.

The Power of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is more than just starting a business; it’s about owning your financial destiny. However, if more people understood entrepreneurship’s possibilities and financial gains, who would be left to work for the already-established businesses? Companies would find it challenging to find quality employees willing to work for less than their worth, disrupting the traditional business model that the rich have become accustomed to.

Acquiring Assets Over Liabilities

Assets generate income, while liabilities cost you to own them. The rich know this all too well. But if the general population were to focus on acquiring assets over liabilities, this would not only create new competition for existing businesses but would also lead to fewer consumers for high-ticket items that are often financed through debt. The rich would lose in two ways.

Financial Literacy

The rich prefer an uninformed workforce. When you don’t know the actual cost of your job, including commute time, wardrobe, taxes, childcare, and other hidden expenses, you’re more likely to settle for lower pay. Financial literacy equips people with the tools to see the whole picture, which is why it’s a secret the rich don’t want everyone to catch on to.

Knowing What Everyone Else Earns

Why do employers always tell you not to discuss your pay with other employees? They don’t want the underpaid employees to know what others make for doing the same job. Information is a form of currency. When employees know what their coworkers and equals in other companies make, they have the power to negotiate. This power imbalance correction is something the rich and corporations would rather avoid. Pay transparency would force companies to fairly compensate their employees, cutting into profit margins that the rich enjoy.


Financial leverage can magnify your returns, but it’s not without risk. However, the rich use leverage all the time to multiply their wealth. They don’t want the general population catching on because that would mean less access to cheap labor. If people can create wealth without working 9-5 jobs, that threatens the traditional employer-employee dynamic that the rich depend on.


The stock market isn’t just a playground for the wealthy; it’s a potential goldmine for anyone willing to learn. But if everyone were investing wisely, companies would face a double-edged sword: their employees becoming financially independent, and a potential increase in shareholder activism could disrupt the status quo in corporate governance that the rich often control. Concentrated stock investment would lead to people retiring early when they pick the right individual stock. The rich would invest in indexes to keep you in the slow lane to wealth and make you stay an employee. Rich money managers also make great fees from passive investors regardless of how they perform in returns.

Financial Freedom

Financial independence isn’t just about not working; it’s about having choices. Employers want workers who need the job, not those who can leave anytime. Financial freedom upsets this power dynamic. If the workforce were financially independent, the rich would lose their leverage, forcing companies to improve conditions to attract talent. Pay would rise dramatically to make it worth employees’ time.

Advanced Education in Finance and Critical Thinking

The educational system is designed to create a compliant workforce, not independent thinkers who could become competitors. Critical thinking and financial education can empower individuals to challenge existing systems and potentially outsmart those in power—the rich benefit from an educational system that suppresses these skills, ensuring a docile, manageable workforce. Classic education teaches you to give the teacher the information they want to avoid thinking for yourself or creating businesses, services, or products. Much of higher education has become a business for universities to get richer, not a system to make their graduates rich. Very little about finance is ever taught as traditional schools focus on outdated educational models that have been replaced with technology like Artificial Intelligence, software, and Google search.

How to Get Rich

Adopting these money rules can be a game-changer in your journey toward wealth and financial autonomy. By eliminating debt, you free up resources to invest and let compounding gains work their magic, exponentially growing your assets over time. Taking the entrepreneurial plunge enables you to seize the total worth of your skills while concentrating on acquiring income-generating assets and puts you on a path to financial resilience. Enhanced fiscal awareness and salary transparency empower you to make wiser choices and negotiate better terms in your professional life. Coupled with the prudent use of financial leverage and strategic investments in the capital markets, these guidelines can fast-track your economic ascent. By applying these principles, you boost your earning potential and unlock doors to lasting financial freedom and prosperity.

Key Takeaways

  • Escape the Debt Trap: Liberate yourself from financial obligations to gain career autonomy.
  • Harness Exponential Growth: Utilize the miracle of cumulative returns for financial liberation.
  • Be Your Own Boss: Seize control of your income by launching your own enterprise.
  • Prioritize Profitable Possessions: Choose wealth-generating assets over money-draining liabilities.
  • Master Fiscal Awareness: Grasp the hidden expenditures linked to employment to evaluate its true worth.
  • Unveil Salary Secrecy: Gain bargaining muscle by uncovering income disparities.
  • Utilize Financial Multipliers: Employ loans or investor funds to magnify your capital in business.
  • Engage in Capital Markets: Get educated and involved in equities to achieve revenue streams separate from salaried work.
  • Pursue Economic Sovereignty: Aim for a lifestyle unchained from obligatory employment.
  • Educate for Enterprise: Acquire skills in monetary management and discerning thought to challenge the status quo.


Internalizing these cardinal principles of how money works sets the stage for a transformative journey toward monetary self-reliance. Unveiling these secret money rules destabilizes the conventional paradigms that often serve the affluent at the expense of the working populace. Consequently, adopting these guidelines can elevate wealth equality and reshape the socio-economic landscape to be more equitable.

By implementing these money rules in your life, you will grow wealthier and shake up a system to keep you stuck in place. Understanding these principles is the first step towards financial independence and a life on your terms.