8 Tips To Control Your Mind

8 Tips To Control Your Mind

The state of our minds shapes every moment of our lives. A cluttered, monkey mind makes it difficult to focus at work, engage meaningfully with loved ones, or find inner peace. Meanwhile, a well-trained mind allows us to be more productive, present, creative, and happy. Although our modern world is filled with distractions and causes of anxiety, we can regain control of our minds.

Learning to quiet your thoughts, concentrate, and choose where to direct your mental energy is challenging but very possible. This article will provide eight research-backed tips to help you master your mind. Implementing even a few of these can improve your ability to focus and remain calm. Ready to take control of your mind? Let’s dive in.

1. Meditate Daily

Meditation is an exercise for your mind. The practice involves sitting quietly, focusing on your breath, and returning your attention whenever it wanders. Just a few minutes of meditation daily can strengthen your concentration, awareness, and ability to control your thoughts.

Studies show that meditation changes your brain structure, reducing activity in the area associated with mind-wandering. Other benefits include reduced anxiety and depression, improved memory, and greater emotional intelligence.

To get started, set aside 5-10 minutes daily to sit and focus on your breath. Use a meditation app like Calm or Headspace to guide you. Be patient and don’t get discouraged—the mental benefits compound over time with regular practice.

For example, Alex was constantly distracted and struggled to focus at work. He began taking 5-minute meditation breaks several times a day. Over a few weeks, he noticed he could concentrate on tasks longer and felt less stressed overall.

2. Minimize Distractions

Cell phones, social media feeds, TVs, and other digital distractions compete for our attention. Even when we’re intent on focusing, notifications pop up and pull our minds elsewhere. Minimizing distractions can work wonders for controlling your mind.

Turn off notifications for apps and websites when you need to concentrate. Put your phone on silent and flip it face down. Use apps like Freedom to block distracting sites. Keep TV and music off during work times. The less your mind is pulled in different directions, the better you can control it.

James used to keep Facebook open all day and respond to texts immediately. He often got distracted from work assignments. Now, he turns off notifications, closes Facebook, and only checks texts on breaks. His productivity has soared as a result.

3. Take Breaks and Get Moving

Sitting still for too long can make the mind sluggish and drained. Taking regular breaks keeps your mind energized and focused throughout the day.

Get up and walk around for 5-10 minutes every 45-60 minutes when working. Stretching or doing jumping jacks can also reboot your concentration. Consider listening to upbeat music during breaks to provide mental stimulation.

Even cleaning or showering engages different neural pathways—helping you return to work ready to focus. The key is avoiding screens and giving your mind a change of scenery.

Layla used to plow through work without breaks. She’d get tired and distracted easily. Now, she sets a timer to take a 10-minute walk or do yoga every hour. She returns to projects feeling refreshed and clear-headed.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment and focusing on your current actions. This practice strengthens your brain’s ability to stay focused.

You can incorporate mindfulness into your day by paying close attention to your senses as you eat, shower, walk, or stretch. Notice details and be fully engaged. Don’t just gulp food—intentionally taste and chew each bite.

Mindfully focusing on the task, whether washing dishes or sitting in a meeting, will boost your concentration skills over time. Be where you are, not lost in thought about the past or future.

Mark used to eat lunch at his desk and multitask, barely tasting his food. Now, he goes outside, closes his eyes, and slowly chews each bite, noticing flavors and textures. He returns calmer and more focused.

5. Declutter Your Space

Cluttered physical environments lead to cluttered mental environments. Conversely, clean, organized spaces help promote clear thinking. Decluttering your home, car, office, or any room you spend a lot of time in can aid mind control.

Start by giving away or throwing out anything you don’t use often. Organize papers and files into labeled folders and cabinets. Clean surfaces completely. Arrange your desk and room so that everything has a place.

Decluttering may feel daunting, but taking it step-by-step makes a big difference. Regularly tidying and purging unused items maintains the benefits. A decluttered space leads to a decluttered mind.

Stacy felt distracted and overwhelmed by piles of stuff everywhere. She finally tackled decluttering her home office over a weekend. Just organizing her files and papers helped her feel less anxious. She can now work in a tidy environment, free of visual distractions.

6. Manage Your Schedule

A haphazard schedule makes it hard to protect focus time for meaningful work. Effective calendar management ensures you have regular blocks of distraction-free hours.

Use calendar apps to schedule essential tasks and project time. Block out chunks of 2-3 focused hours at a time. Plan meetings and calls together or at the start/end of days. Be vigilant about keeping appointments or tasks from eating into focus blocks. Say no to things that don’t support your priorities.

Significant time dedicated solely to big projects prevents your mind from jumping around constantly. Follow a consistent schedule to train your mind. You’ll get more done and feel less overwhelmed.

Alicia used to have new tasks and meetings pop up unexpectedly all day. Now, she schedules her most essential work blocks first thing each morning. She has fewer distractions and can take on urgent issues in the afternoon.

7. Minimize Multitasking

Although multitasking has become the norm, research shows it damages focus, reduces productivity, and causes more mistakes. For better mind control, minimize doing multiple things at once.

Instead of juggling tasks, commit to giving your full attention to one activity at a time. Set a time limit if needed, then move on. You may feel more productive multitasking, but your brain operates best with a singular focus. Eliminate distractions during important creative work or complex tasks.

When you need to shift gears, fully transition between tasks by taking a break. Your mind will function at a higher level overall.

Marcus always used to have multiple screens and projects going at once. He’d get overwhelmed trying to juggle everything. Now, he deliberately works on one task until he reaches a good stopping point, significantly boosting his focus.

8. Train Your Brain

The brain, like a muscle, becomes more vital with training. Exercises that make new cognitive connections challenge your mind. Things like puzzles and games, learning musical instruments, or practicing memory techniques flex your mental muscles.

Word and number games like Sudoku engage different neural pathways. Fun apps like Luminosity offer varied tasks to improve focus, memory, problem-solving, etc. Trying new hobbies or learning a foreign language creates new connections. Read books, do math proofs, and even clean with your non-dominant hand!

Training your brain builds discipline that transfers to controlling your mind. Start small, but make mental exercise part of your routine to see significant benefits over time.

Since Lila began doing crossword puzzles and spatial reasoning games for 15 minutes daily, she’s noticed her memory and concentration improve. She even takes more focused walks without her phone, observing neighborhood details.

Case Study: James Takes Control

James was struggling at his corporate strategy job. He had trouble focusing during meetings, frequently forgot deadlines, and felt overwhelmed juggling multiple projects. Beginning meditation and mindfulness practices helped a bit, but he needed more structure.

James decluttered and organized his home office and workstation. He kept a detailed calendar, blocking specific times for big projects and calls. He set daily reminders to take short walks without his phone. During work blocks, he closed unnecessary apps and avoided multitasking.

Within a month, James felt less stressed and more productive. He was better prepared for meetings and hit deadlines consistently. At home, he picked up the piano again and did crosswords to challenge his mind.

Over time, James noticed significant improvements in his ability to direct focus where needed. He implemented small mind control habits to help him perform at his best daily.


Controlling your mind is possible through proven techniques like meditation, minimizing distractions, training your brain, and more. Start with small steps today to build focus, conquer mind clutter, and reduce anxiety.

The state of your mind impacts everything in your life. A calm, focused mind allows you to do your best work, have fulfilling relationships, and find inner peace. While our hectic world constantly assaults mental clarity, you can regain control through vigilance and daily practice.