10 Mistakes Most Young People Make & Regret Later in Life

10 Mistakes Most Young People Make & Regret Later in Life

Making the transition from adolescence to adulthood can be difficult. With newfound independence comes great responsibility that many young people are unprepared for. It’s too easy to make reckless decisions that can lead to long-term consequences in your youth. Some mistakes end up haunting people for the rest of their lives.

In this article, we will look at ten common mistakes that young people often make, leading to future regret. Being aware of these pitfalls and using wisdom when making choices can help you avoid decisions you are likely to look back on with regret. With guidance and forethought during this critical life stage, you can set yourself up for success as an adult.

1. Not Taking Education Seriously

Many young people lack dedication when it comes to education. They skip classes, don’t study enough, or fail to learn good habits. Dropping out of high school without a diploma can limit future opportunities. Young people may underestimate how important education is for unlocking their potential.

For example, John breezed through high school with minimal effort. He got bored in class and saw no value in homework or studying. His grades were poor by senior year, and he decided to drop out altogether. This made it extremely difficult for him to find a decent-paying job or get accepted into college later. He ended up stuck in low-wage work and regretted not taking school more seriously.

2. Getting Into Unhealthy Relationships

During youth, many begin exploring romantic relationships for the first time. However, some end up in manipulative, dishonest, or abusive partnerships. Dating unstable people can lead to years of emotional trauma. It may also result in ties to toxic individuals that are hard to break.

Mary started dating Nick in high school, her first real boyfriend. He often put her down, controlled who she could see, and pressured her sexually. She spent over two years with him before realizing it was an abusive relationship. The experience left Mary with depression and trust issues that took a long time to overcome.

3. Making Poor Financial Decisions

Money management is a skill that most young people lack. Many get their first credit card or loan and quickly fall into crippling debt. Failing to save, overspending, and incorrectly budgeting can haunt you for decades. Costly mistakes are often made out of ignorance rather than malice. However, the consequences remain.

James financed an expensive sports car at 20 with a high-interest loan. Within a year, he was struggling to make monthly payments. James racked up credit card debt to pay other expenses, and his score tanked. It took him years to pay it off and recover financially. He wishes he had not made a large purchase he could not afford.

4. Developing Bad Habits

Unhealthy habits form quickly when you are young and feel invincible. Smoking, recreational drug use, binge drinking, junk food diets, and lack of exercise can all take their toll before you realize it. Breaking deeply ingrained habits that jeopardize your health becomes more challenging with age.

Alicia smoked socially in college but did not think she would get addicted. By her late 20s, she was smoking a pack per day. Despite many attempts to quit, the nicotine addiction was too challenging. The smoking led to lung cancer in her 40s, which could have been avoided if she had not started such a dangerous habit.

5. Having Unprotected Sex

Youth often involves some level of sexual exploration. However, unprotected sex can lead to life-altering situations like pregnancy or contracting STDs. This kind of outcome can derail education and career plans. Some STDs like HIV follow you for your entire life as well.

Juan used condoms inconsistently with his high school girlfriend. When she got pregnant at 17, it forced both of them to drop out of school. Juan struggled to find decent work without a degree. Raising a child so young also limits their freedom and personal growth. He wishes they had been more responsible with protection.

6. Breaking the Law

While minor offenses are often dismissed as youthful indiscretions, criminal charges can stalk you for life. Shoplifting, vandalism, underage drinking, drug use, and other illegal behaviors should be avoided. Some actions will permanently mar your record.

Lindsey got caught selling fake IDs to high school students when she was 20. She was charged with forgery and distributing to minors. After serving one year of probation, she hoped the incident was behind her. But it came up in every job background check. She could not get hired for corporate jobs due to her criminal history.

7. Being Unkind to Others

Bullying, spreading rumors, betraying friends – these behaviors often get dismissed as just teenage behavior. However, intentionally cruel to others gains you a bad reputation that can follow you for years. Apologies cannot undo the hurt and mistrust caused.

Tim excluded a less popular student from his friend group and spread lies about him in high school to look cool. After graduation, he ran into that student at college parties and was repeatedly called out for his bullying. No one wanted to befriend Tim due to his poor character. He lost out on business connections, too.

8. Not Investing in Yourself

As a teen, you may think you have your whole life ahead of you. However, not developing skills and talents early on can make it harder to find meaningful work later. Building your human capital gives you more options. It would be best if you also had time to get proficient. Starting piano lessons or coding classes at 20 puts you far behind others your age.

Sara floated through high school and college without cultivating any valuable abilities. In her late 20s, she wanted to switch careers but lacked qualifications for high-paying jobs. She had to take out expensive loans to complete a vocational program. She wishes she had invested more in developing her talents early on.

9. Trying to Grow Up Too Fast

The teenage urge to prove oneself as an adult often backfires. Getting into grown-up situations too soon – moving away, doing drugs, having sex – frequently leads to outcomes one is not mature enough to handle. Specific coming-of-age experiences are best left for true adulthood.

Mark started drinking with friends at 14 to seem mature. By 16, he had developed a severe alcohol addiction. This led him to struggle with clinical depression and flunk out of college. He ended up in rehab at 19 to treat his alcoholism. The early exposure to substances impaired his mental health and derailed his early adulthood.

10. Not Appreciating Your Youth

As teenagers crave independence and adulthood, many fail to appreciate their youth. The lack of real responsibility means having time to pursue passions and enjoy life to the fullest. Not recognizing the gift of this stage of life leads to lost opportunities.

Alice could not wait to turn 18 and move away for college. She took her carefree high school years for granted. She had to balance studies, work, and bills – real adult pressures in college. She often longed for the simpler times of high school she squandered, not realizing how precious that freedom was.

Case Study: How James Turned It Around

James was a typical slacker in his teens. He skipped class, hung out with the wrong crowd, and never thought about the future. After nearly flunking out of high school, he decided he needed to turn things around.

James started with small steps – cutting back on partying, getting a part-time job, and going to tutoring. He successfully graduated high school and enrolled in a local community college. James stuck to a tight budget to avoid debt and kept his expenses low.

In college, James stayed disciplined and made diligent studying a habit. He applied for every scholarship possible to supplement his part-time work. Through perseverance, he could transfer to a 4-year university and graduate with honors.

James also prioritized positive relationships, keeping friends that motivated him to work hard. He avoided the temptation to drink and party like in high school. Instead, he focused his energy on applying to internships in his field.

With determination and diligence, James secured a well-paid job right out of college. His past mistakes taught him humility and fueled his work ethic. By avoiding shortcuts and making intelligent choices, James created a bright future for himself.


The transition to adulthood can make or break you. Use mistakes as lessons, not life sentences. Poor choices made in ignorance do not have to define you forever. If you find yourself on the wrong path, it is never too late to take corrective action.

With maturity and wisdom, you can identify where things went wrong. Small steps in the suitable direction compound over time into very positive change. Study those who have created success after early struggles. With the resilience of the human spirit, your best years may still be ahead of you.

Youth is a time of wonder and potential. Yet, it can also be filled with tumult and uncertainty. Entering adulthood with intention and thoughtfulness will serve you well in the future. Those who make conscientious choices often avoid later regret and hardship. While mistakes are inevitable, use your head as well as your heart. Think through actions before you take them, and consider the lasting impact they may have. Living purposefully now will reward you with less remorse down the road.