More Daily Habits To Live Below Your Means! Frugal, Old Fashioned, Simple Living

More Daily Habits To Live Below Your Means! Frugal, Old Fashioned, Simple Living

It is easy to get caught up in the never-ending cycle of spending and accumulating possessions. However, embracing frugal, old-fashioned, and simple living allows you to break free from this cycle and learn to live below your means. In this blog post, we’ll explore six additional daily habits that can help you achieve financial freedom and find contentment in a more straightforward way of life.

Embrace DIY and Self-Sufficiency

One of the most effective ways to live below your means is to embrace a DIY mentality and strive for self-sufficiency. Start by learning to cook from scratch using simple, whole ingredients. Not only will you save money on dining out and pre-packaged meals, but you’ll also have control over the quality and nutrition of your food. Consider growing your food, even if it’s just a tiny herb garden on your windowsill. The satisfaction of harvesting your fresh produce is unmatched.

When it comes to household items, try to repair and maintain your belongings instead of immediately replacing them when they break. Learn basic repair skills like sewing, woodworking, and minor appliance repairs. You can also save money and reduce your environmental impact by using simple, natural ingredients to make cleaning supplies and personal care products.

Prioritize Experiences Over Possessions

In pursuing living below your means, shifting your focus from acquiring possessions to creating meaningful experiences is crucial. Instead of spending money on the latest gadgets or trendy clothing, invest in experiences that bring you joy and strengthen your relationships. Enjoy low-cost or free activities like hiking, picnics, or game nights with friends and family. These experiences create lasting memories and foster a sense of connection and contentment.

Cultivate relationships and spend quality time with loved ones. Host potluck dinners, organize a book club, or start a walking group. Volunteering or giving back to your community is another excellent way to find fulfillment and purpose without spending money.

Adopt a Minimalist Mindset

Adopting a minimalist mindset is essential for living below your means. Start by decluttering your living space regularly and donating or selling items you no longer need or use. Be intentional about new purchases and avoid impulse buying. Before purchasing, ask yourself if the item is essential and if it aligns with your values and goals.

Embrace the concept of “enough” and find contentment with what you already have. Recognize that happiness and fulfillment come from within, not from material possessions. When you need to make a purchase, opt for quality over quantity. Investing in well-made, durable items may cost more upfront, but they will save you money in the long run by lasting longer and requiring fewer replacements.

Embrace Second-Hand and Repurposed Items

Another way to live below your means is to embrace second-hand and repurposed items. Shop at thrift stores, consignment shops, and yard sales for clothing, furniture, and household items. You can find unique, high-quality items at a fraction of the cost of buying new ones. Utilize online marketplaces like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or Freecycle to find great deals and give new life to pre-loved items.

Get creative and repurpose items you already own. An old dresser can be transformed into a unique bathroom vanity, while a collection of mismatched dishes can create a charming, eclectic table setting. Participate in clothing swaps or book exchanges with friends and family to freshen up your wardrobe or reading list without spending a dime.

Practice Mindful Consumption

Mindful consumption is another critical habit for living below your means. Start by reducing energy consumption using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights when not in use, and adjusting your thermostat. Conserve water by fixing leaks, taking shorter showers, and collecting rainwater for watering plants.

Take a critical look at your subscriptions and memberships. Cancel those that you don’t regularly use or that don’t bring you significant value. Instead of buying books and movies, borrow them from the library or share them with friends. By being mindful of your consumption habits, you can significantly reduce expenses and live sustainably.

Cultivate a Grateful and Content Attitude

Perhaps the most important habit for living below your means is cultivating a grateful and content attitude. Practice daily gratitude by focusing on the blessings in your life, no matter how small. Keep a gratitude journal or share your appreciation with loved ones regularly.

Enjoy simple pleasures and appreciate the little things, like a beautiful sunset, a cozy cup of tea, or a heartfelt conversation with a friend. Avoid comparing yourself to others and their material possessions. Remember that true happiness comes from within and is not dependent on external circumstances.

Regularly reflect on your values and align your actions with them. When you live by your values, you’ll need less to feel fulfilled and content.

Case Study: Laura’s Journey to Simple Living

A 32-year-old graphic designer, Laura was constantly stressed and unfulfilled despite her successful career and seemingly comfortable lifestyle. She spent her days working long hours, evenings, and weekends shopping for the latest fashion trends and home decor. Laura felt a nagging sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction despite her growing possessions.

One day, while browsing online, Laura stumbled upon a blog about minimalism and simple living. Intrigued, she began reading about the benefits of living below one’s means and focusing on experiences rather than material possessions. Laura realized that her consumerist lifestyle was draining her finances and her happiness and peace of mind.

Inspired by the blog, Laura decided to make a change. She started by decluttering her apartment, donating or selling items she no longer needed or used. She also began cooking meals at home using whole, unprocessed ingredients and started a small herb garden on her balcony. Laura found that these simple acts of self-sufficiency saved her money and brought her a sense of accomplishment and pride.

As Laura continued to embrace frugal and old-fashioned living, she noticed a profound shift in her mindset. She no longer needed to keep up with the latest trends or impress others with her possessions. Instead, she found joy in simple pleasures like hiking with friends, volunteering at a local animal shelter, and learning new skills like sewing and woodworking. By living below her means and focusing on what truly mattered, Laura discovered a sense of contentment and fulfillment she had never known before.

Key Takeaways

  • Embrace DIY and self-sufficiency by learning to cook from scratch, grow your food, repair your belongings, and make your own cleaning supplies and personal care products.
  • Prioritize experiences over possessions by creating memorable experiences, engaging in low-cost or free activities, cultivating relationships, and giving back to your community.
  • Adopt a minimalist mindset by decluttering regularly, being intentional about new purchases, embracing “enough,” and opting for quality over quantity.
  • Embrace second-hand and repurposed items by shopping at thrift stores, utilizing online marketplaces, repurposing items, and participating in clothing swaps or book exchanges.
  • Practice mindful consumption by reducing energy consumption, conserving water, cutting back on subscriptions and memberships, and borrowing books and movies from the library.
  • Cultivate a grateful and content attitude by practicing daily gratitude, finding joy in simple pleasures, avoiding comparisons to others, and aligning your actions with your values.
  • Living below your means is a journey that requires commitment, patience, and a shift in mindset.
  • Incorporate these daily habits into your life to achieve financial freedom and find joy in a more straightforward life.
  • Be patient with yourself as you adopt these new habits, and remember that living below your means is a process.
  • Share your frugal living tips and experiences with others to learn from and support one another in working towards a more sustainable, fulfilling, and financially stable future.


Living below your means is a journey that requires commitment, patience, and a shift in mindset. By incorporating these six daily habits into your life—embracing DIY and self-sufficiency, prioritizing experiences over possessions, adopting a minimalist mindset, embracing second-hand and repurposed items, practicing mindful consumption, and cultivating a grateful and content attitude—you’re well on your way to achieving financial freedom and finding joy in a more straightforward way of life.