Author name: Steve Burns

After a lifelong fascination with financial markets, Steve began investing in 1993 and trading his accounts in 1995. It was love at first trade. After more than 30 successful years in the markets, Steve now dedicates his time to helping traders improve their psychology and profitability. New Trader U offers an extensive blog resource with more than 4,000 original articles, online courses, and best-selling books covering various topics.

Trading: Nassim Nicholas Taleb Vs. Victor Niederhoffer

Recently I have been searching for and studying the option strategies of  the wealthy and retired author and trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb. In my search I stumbled across this great article that shares some of Taleb’s basic methods for trading options which are shocking and also how the legendary trader Victor Niederhoffer ended up completely

Trading: Nassim Nicholas Taleb Vs. Victor Niederhoffer Read More »

Fragile Traders vs. Anti-Fragile Traders. Who breaks First?

Reading Nicholas Taleb’s newest book Anti-Fragile really got me thinking about how traders are broken. Traders can become fragile and be broken in several ways: They can quit because they believe that trading successfully is impossible. They can lose half their account or all of their account and just give up. They can become emotionally

Fragile Traders vs. Anti-Fragile Traders. Who breaks First? Read More »